You are asking for a way to avoid property tax when IMHO the easiest way is to flip the PRIVATE switch on and switch off both COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL. You speak of "we mindedness" but looking to dodge payment for property taxes. What is interesting is that even where my property might be exempt from property taxes, I have always been happy to privately contract for County services even to the extent of adding more to the kit to improve things for all. Likely, I have put more $ into the County and State tills than any of my neighbors even though I don't have to. Many people have the idea of what it means to be sovereign backwards. Maybe I don't necessarily think in specifically in terms of 'we mindedness', I consider the greater good. It rains falls and the sun shines for both the just and the unjust, on we and them.[/QUOTE]

Correction: I guess my writing is not so good. It is not me looking to avoid ANYTHING. The question has to do with 31 USC 3124. I have nothing to do what THEY are obligated to uphold according to their law under their oath of office. I hope I am now clear about this.

It is my opinion, based upon evidence to support my opinion, that the US is under martial law rule and 12 USC 95a applies where ALL property has been seized by a belligerent occupant for its administrative and military operations. I have come to peace with this. Not an issue. So I am not quite sure how anyone pays for anything, since there is no money. If there is no money, you can not pay for services. I believe the US treasury states -

"Federal Reserve notes are not redeemable in gold, silver or any other commodity, and receive no backing by anything This has been the case since 1933. The notes have no value for themselves, but for what they will buy. In another sense, because they are legal tender, Federal Reserve notes are "backed" by all the goods and services in the economy."

If for some reason you do not understand Allodial that all property has been confiscated, then maybe that is why you are paying for services.

As far as your asinine comment about the "we mindedness", if you are not familiar with spiritual principles, I fully understand your ignorance. However, to put down someone - and by no means a lefty liberal - just because he senses we are One with the One and Only and does not wish to "think in a small box" and sees life as a little more than just "it is all about me and mine" - maybe you may wish to consider addressing the subject matter - 31 USC 3124 rather than everything else of no importance.

And for further clarification, I agree the rain falls and sun shines on the just and unjust equally. However, when the sun shines or the rain falls on the just, somehow, all is well. When the sun shines on the just, it is only temporary, however, when the rain falls - watch out. And there is a difference.