Quote Originally Posted by salsero View Post
Jethro it is not a debt. It is a proposed property tax assessment. Specifically, it states right on the proposed tax assessment, THIS IS NOT A BILL.

I can only ask Fred - what you suggest, IF it is an actual debt being sent.

These politicians are very smart, there are separate duties being done. One agency does the assessment, and another agency then takes that "value based upon FRNs", computes a tax and sends a bill based upon that value. It is clearly in violation of 31 USC 3124.
Then require the man to verify the "proposed tax assessment".

Agencies don't do anything -- they have no hands or arms. An "agency" exists only on paper or in the mind. Only a man can "do" something, like create an "assessment" or "compute a tax bill". Find out what man has created the "assessment" or "tax bill", and hold him accountable to the penny for his claim. If he can't verify the debt, then he made a claim that was not true -- that's an act of fraud (and possibly extortion, if threats are involved for non-payment). That's a trespass for which the man may be held personally liable.

I would never bring the make-believe (titles like "assessor", etc.) to life by arguing with it. Call out the man and see if he's ready to put his money where his mouth is.