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Thread: COLB and BC as a DEED to One's Body = Land

  1. #11

    michael joseph - is your "commentary on land", posted in 2011, only 13 pages?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    For one to comprehend what is going on Within a DEED one must know Standing, Status, What is being Granted, and what can be received as Grantee. The capacity of a Grantee and the nature of the Trust Law and Estate wherein the Grant is conveyed, sold or transferred.

    SEIGNIOR or SEIGNEUR. Among the feudists, this name signified lord of the fee. F. N. B. 23. The most extended signification of this word includes not only a lord or peer of parliament, but is applied to the owner or proprietor of a thing; hence, the owner of a hawk, and the master of a fishing vessel, is called a seigneur. 37 Edw. Ill. c. 19; Barr. on the Stat. 258.

    SEIGNIORY, Eng. law. The rights of a lord as such, in lands. Swinb. 174.

    SEISIN, estates. The possession of an estate of freebold. 8 N. H. Rep. 57; 3 Hamm. 220; 8 Litt. 134; 4 Mass. 408. Seisin was used in contradistinction to that precarious kind of possession by which tenants in villenage held their lands, which was considered to be the possession of their lords in, whom the freehold continued.

    5. The actual seisin of an estate may be lost by the forcible entry of a stranger who thereby ousts or dispossesses the owner this act is called a disseisin. (q. v.)

    VILLEINAGE. the tenure by which a villein held land and tenements from a lord.

    Comment by MJ: Typically the Tenure was in Husbandry [farming], knights service, or ecclessia.

    VILLEIN, Engl. law. A species of slave during the feudal times.'

    2. The feudal villein of the lowest order was unprotected as to property, and subjected to the post ignoble services; but his circumstances were very different from the slave of the southern states, for no person was, in the eye of the law, a villein, except as to his master; in relation to all other persons he was a freeman. Litt. Ten. s. 189, 190; Hallam's View of the Middle Ages, vol. i. 122, 124; vol. ii. 199.

    greetings michael joseph, david merrill and the rest of the wo/men on this forum. this is my first post hereon.

    just to give a bit of background, i have read and enjoyed and have tried to internalize the teachings granted on this and many other forums/venues as well, my journey having started in july of 2012 upon choosing to review some 9-11 (september 11, 2001) videos on youtube that gave rise to many doubts and fears (!!) regarding what's really 'going on' in the world and how to best come out of her. please feel free to correct and comment on any and everything granted here by this man. the process, from my limited ability to 'see' and 'hear' is never-ending and i'm just beginning. many thanks if advance.

    in the process, the other day i came across michael jospeh's 2011 pdf entitled "Commentary on Land", as i'm in the process of comprehending all that needs to be comprehended/overstood in order to have land here on idaho vested in this man and then assigned/conveyed/transferred to another party as fiduciary (trustee) for maintenance, upkeep, insurance, etcetera for said land and all corporeal and incorporeal appurtenances, etcetera all.

    many thanks for sharing, michael joseph!

    one question: were there originally only 13 pages to said pdf file? it seems that the description was cut off; that there was more that may not have been included in the pdf as posted on this forum.

    any (further) assistance and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    peace, love and life to you all and yours...

    andrew patrick

  2. #12
    Welcome Andrew Patrick!

    I might check into the .pdf file if Michael Joseph does not respond this weekend. I suspect that it is just a matter of updating the link. This thread is pretty old.

    Otherwise I am having a great time bringing to fruition a quote of mine and sharing it with you might help improve the world:

    God is Love because the Holy Spirit will consistently deliver the correct interpretation of the infinite sea of information in allegorical metaphor created by the ego.

    An amazing artist friend of mine Linda Darlene GADBOIS painted a metaphysic I like to keep in plenty of light:

    Name:  dreamer and solomons seal.jpg
Views: 755
Size:  215.2 KB

    Linda has a doctorate in spiritual science and texted me something:

    God as our higher self communicates with us intuitively thru allegorical metaphor. If we don't know how to speak the language by being able to interpret and discern its meaning then there is no real means of communication and we fail to see the reality that lies hidden within surface ideas, waiting to be recognized and perceived as real. Shapes and analogies as a series of correspondences, represent formulas as laws all interacting within a situation that forms a dynamic that is ideal for everyone involved at different levels of awareness and as suited to each person's level of consciousness. Thru adaptation that reforms and interprets thru their personal model the same symbol can take on thousands of different meanings, and in some cases, none at all because the person doesn't even recognize them as a language that has deep hidden clues within it revealing operations that would serve as instructions, if, they could only be able to actually perceive them.

    In other words:

    All things work for good, all the time - and it just keeps getting better and better.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-17-15 at 09:32 AM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by andrew patrick View Post
    greetings michael joseph, david merrill and the rest of the wo/men on this forum. this is my first post hereon.

    just to give a bit of background, i have read and enjoyed and have tried to internalize the teachings granted on this and many other forums/venues as well, my journey having started in july of 2012 upon choosing to review some 9-11 (september 11, 2001) videos on youtube that gave rise to many doubts and fears (!!) regarding what's really 'going on' in the world and how to best come out of her. please feel free to correct and comment on any and everything granted here by this man. the process, from my limited ability to 'see' and 'hear' is never-ending and i'm just beginning. many thanks if advance.

    in the process, the other day i came across michael jospeh's 2011 pdf entitled "Commentary on Land", as i'm in the process of comprehending all that needs to be comprehended/overstood in order to have land here on idaho vested in this man and then assigned/conveyed/transferred to another party as fiduciary (trustee) for maintenance, upkeep, insurance, etcetera for said land and all corporeal and incorporeal appurtenances, etcetera all.

    many thanks for sharing, michael joseph!

    one question: were there originally only 13 pages to said pdf file? it seems that the description was cut off; that there was more that may not have been included in the pdf as posted on this forum.

    any (further) assistance and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    peace, love and life to you all and yours...

    andrew patrick
    Unfortunately I wrote that prior to the "great computer crash of 2013". I lost many of my writings in that crash. I heard a man say that in order for one to love another there must be intimacy. I myself do not subscribe to such a philosophy. I can love my brethren in my work. Which is evidenced in your writing. Apparently you benefited from the work and as such I am edified and find justification of my purpose.

    I will attempt to connect this thread to another more recent thread with the concept of the dead hand. When land aliens to a dead hand there can be no compelled service of a dead hand. Consider now the concept of Socage and Ward in regard to management of persons and various estates granted of the king to his lords.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  4. #14
    Agree, love and physical intimacy are for the most part unrelated and one can love a woman or a man or a child without physical intimacy. Its part of psychological conditioning of youth in the past 20 years to associate love with sexual gratification to the extent many cannot see straight. One even told me "F*** the idea of love without sex." Much of the Gay Agenda rests upon such an associative error. Mix that in with a ideology of hatred of life + a type of caustic and hostile Onanism and you got yourself a doozie.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-17-15 at 11:27 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #15

    response to michael joseph treatise on socage and ward(ship)

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Unfortunately I wrote that prior to the "great computer crash of 2013". I lost many of my writings in that crash. I heard a man say that in order for one to love another there must be intimacy. I myself do not subscribe to such a philosophy. I can love my brethren in my work. Which is evidenced in your writing. Apparently you benefited from the work and as such I am edified and find justification of my purpose.

    I will attempt to connect this thread to another more recent thread with the concept of the dead hand. When land aliens to a dead hand there can be no compelled service of a dead hand. Consider now the concept of Socage and Ward in regard to management of persons and various estates granted of the king to his lords.
    first and foremost, many thanks for the quick response and for posting more on the topic inquired about.

    second, many thanks for granting more discernment on said topic. beautiful.

    regarding a warranty deed, i was granted upon consideration a copy from a deputy recorder (ada county idaho) of a warranty deed for property that i formerly 'owned' - in fee simple; who's my daddy/lord - seeing that the only signatory on said instrument was the alleged grantor. i, as grantee, had not signed that instrument.

    so i did sign the recently-acquired certified copy, signed it, put together a acknowledgment and acceptance (perfection of the deed, as i comprehend it), along with secretary of state's acknowledgment of the notary which acknowledged my autograph/signature/mark.

    to try to make a long story short, one of the deputy recorder's said she'd have to check with the recorder, who was out to lunch at the time. in the meantime, she asked if i wanted her to take a copy of said instruments to show the recorder when the got back. at first i refused to grant copies, then after some back and forth, i said ok and she commenced to make copies.

    at that point, a grant and been made, but i as grantor (of the instruments) and the office of recorder as... grantee/trustee? no beneficiary was named, nor was there any indenture or declaration made, so i don't know. in the end, the instruments were never 'recorded' on the county.

    [several 'cool' things happened on this one visit which served to give me discernment and i find myself trying to relate all of it. i'll cease that now and keep it short(er)]

    in general, i now am going to correct what i trust are mistakes in both the warranty deed - i'll delete all references to 'fee' - and the acknowledgment to reflect 'absolute title'.

    regarding the certificate of live birth, i'm still trying to wrap my head around the nature, substance and character of a 'certificate' issued by... i'm not sure.. a de jure or de facto or intruder/usurper 'office/officer/entity', such as a certificate of title of a vehicle (illinois verbiage, i believe) and others, including but not limited to the certificate of live birth (colb).

    in taking in what the likes of christian walters (cw) has/had to offer on the topic of trust relations, it seems to my comprehension that certificates issued by entities, such as the colb, are certificates of legal title with the beneficial title vested in the county/state/entity. in the discussion i listened to where said discernment took place, the example was a title to a car, so that may explain the difference here. in any case, cw stressed that from his perspective, as soon as both (legal and equitable/beneficial) titles merged in the same trust posistion (grantor, beneficiary or trustee), that particular trust terminates... and then what? they leave you alone...

    in gaining discernment from the likes of roark (seminars with eric jon phelps on pennsylvania), the end goal, for instance with one is sued for an alleged credit card debt, getting beat up in an inferior, at-law court, all the while reserving as many equitable liberties and rights as possible, then appealing de novo, getting into private chambers, enumerating all the trusts associated with said court case and having the 'judge' appoint the clerk of the court as trustee to hold all the funds from the securitizations related to the credit card application signature, pool and servicing agreements, etcetera.

    redemption has got to be simpler than all that. i trust in my heart and in yahweh that it is. the discernment escapes my limited vision and hearing at this point however.

    maybe claiming that colb 'to' the (birth) county attorney and assigning it on special deposit? or any county attorney for that matter, for setoff, settlement and closure of all debt accounts and revestment and return of all issues, profits, proceeds, etcetera generated/created therefrom (and held in the ESTATE NAME).

    i'll stop now.

    many thanks for the past and all future input!

    love, peace and life to you all...

  6. #16

    many thanks for the welcome, david merrill

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Welcome Andrew Patrick!

    I might check into the .pdf file if Michael Joseph does not respond this weekend. I suspect that it is just a matter of updating the link. This thread is pretty old.

    Otherwise I am having a great time bringing to fruition a quote of mine and sharing it with you might help improve the world:

    An amazing artist friend of mine Linda Darlene GADBOIS painted a metaphysic I like to keep in plenty of light:

    Name:  dreamer and solomons seal.jpg
Views: 755
Size:  215.2 KB

    Linda has a doctorate in spiritual science and texted me something:

    In other words:
    yes, eyes to see and ears to hear are a prerequisite to acquiring knowledge. seems to me to be the case, anyway.

    it's an interesting feeling and phenomenon, this gaining discernment. at times it seems to me it's taking too long and very often i find that fear creeps in and keeps me from going to the post office to put in some taxe percue or similar mail matter, which i've done successfully in the past, or heading to the county recorder to have something recorded, etcetera.

    the discernment and knowing the language in order to be able to communicate and comprehend what one has at one's disposal, right in front of one's nose, so to speak, involves replacing those imprinted bits,bytes, etcetera of misinformation and other 'garbage' that clog the mind and the flow of energy(s) necessary to achieve said discernment.

    the men on this forum 'blow my mind' with some of the depth of discernment/wisdom referenced hereon. beautiful.

    just fyi, i started this journey of discovery with creditors in commerce and brandon alexander adams, then was enlightened as the david clarence's teachings in december 2103 and more recently those of timothy james calhoun and most recently i had the pleasure of hearing eric jon phelps and roark discuss pre-1933 private citizen of the united states/private american national status and trusts, basically taking many of christain walters' concepts and adding the position of grantee to the mix.

    again, many thanks for the responses. i look forward to communicating further with the men on this forum.

    peace, love and life to you all...

  7. #17

    Smile hello and many thanks, david merrill; original reply to you seems lost...

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Welcome Andrew Patrick!

    I might check into the .pdf file if Michael Joseph does not respond this weekend. I suspect that it is just a matter of updating the link. This thread is pretty old.

    Otherwise I am having a great time bringing to fruition a quote of mine and sharing it with you might help improve the world:

    An amazing artist friend of mine Linda Darlene GADBOIS painted a metaphysic I like to keep in plenty of light:

    Name:  dreamer and solomons seal.jpg
Views: 755
Size:  215.2 KB

    Linda has a doctorate in spiritual science and texted me something:

    In other words:
    hello and many thanks for your reply, david merrill! i appreciate it and you very much.

    i replied earlier to this post, but i either failed to send it or i'm looking in the wrong place.

    as previously expressed, many thanks...

  8. #18

  9. #19

    1776 A. D. law form - christian walters tie-in with david merrill's application

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Become affiliated by birthright as heir apparent, into the original estate of True Name, Land and lawful money (outside the scope of war time fiat/theater of war). [Adopt the bastard issue.] Become the peaceful inhabitant. In a sense you will rely on a quiet title that did not remain so quiet (1776). Note the middle of Page 2, especially the paragraph mentioning Matthew THORNTON.

    Note also my signature includes an expression that I am a statesman - the Great Seal of Authority - followed by my family's name VAN PELT. Then realize from the opening post that this is a title. (VAN PELT is closely sounded to Ben Palte which according to Strong's means Son of the Patron [Patroon], which is quite true.] The signors of the Declaration used full legal names in that same form. They were not men, albeit they were indeed men, but they signed wet ink on the parchment as persons - the responsible fiduciaries (trustees) of their own estates; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Many of them lost that gamble in one or more of those three forms during the Revolutionary War that followed.

    Here is another example that might make it a bit clearer.

    Processing that Notice of Lien ($20M) had to be done properly or I would have been in trouble on a class 5 felony of forgery because I was using the Great Seal on a UCC Form financial instrument. Essentially I was endorsing the instrument for the comptroller at the state Treasury and asking for the validation of that endorsement by the secretary of state. Look at the warning in ALL CAPS on the second or third Rejection.

    I am okay though. I had to use the SoS testimony to form my cause. If I had tried to explain it to them instead I would more likely be in jail than sitting on a valid $20M lien. Notice the bleed-through seal (endorsements are traditionally on the backside of the instrument) and then go back and read the note it obscures, I wrote at the bottom. What the SoS did was send me a fellows approved articles of incorporation that were related to me by only one thing - venue! My state (estate) is the Colorado Republic. I forwarded the articles to Mr. DREW as trustee of the Resulting Trust, since the SoS was obviously in breach of the original trust with Mr. DREW by sending his document to me instead of him. To follow this line of reasoning notice the Agent Address and then notice the Notice on Page 2. By approving the Articles the SoS was acknowledging our venue of a territorial republic formed out of the survey on the Approbation I show you above.

    Imagine the State as your father parens patriae. - At least until you are willing to stand up to your father and face your new kingdom. Notice the author's name.


    David Merrill.

    P.S. In other words, be competent and quit defaulting into admiralty.
    greetings wo/men!

    in studying trusts and trust relations deeper and tying the several pieces this far collected in one's mind, i came across a reference, similar to david merrill's in the above post, to 1776, which christian walters refers to as "1776 A. D. law form" in the following indenture/declaration, (which was) used generally to convey via trust special deposit any 'presentment' from whatever entity for extinguishment of all debt:

    Christian walters trust indenture talkshoe kingdom of god in equity show 83 at 1 hour 36 min

    by this declaration I, the real man [true name here] [or similar], hereinafter grantor/settlor of this confidential relation, express, revocable private trust, modifiable from time to time, is competent with age of majority and power to choose, and having all unalienable right, title and interest, without granting a waiver of any right, relief, remedy or defense, now comes in good faith under 1776 A. D. law form with purpose of all laws of nature and of natures God specifically instructs and specially orders the following upon receipt: grantor in equity, granted in confidence and reliance on in the past for the trustee to have the use of his equitable signature to be returned in kind some time in the future along with all proceeds therefrom at grantor or beneficiary's order. Grantor in equity granted to beneficiary to hold the right to take a fee and or performance/duty as merging and extinguishment , discharging obligations or debts for beneficiary's education, support and maintenance for life with remainder to his heirs. Beneficiary has the right to determine the quality and quantity of his education, support and maintenance for life. The trustee has all power to do all lawful acts requisite for affecting the premise.

    again, please feel free to comment, correct, amend, suggest and the like to any and all postings from this man, as i see and hear that that is one way to acquire knowledge and be able to equitably convert said knowledge into (applied) wisdom. appreciation therefor is hereby duly granted in advance...

    interesting to note that roark's methods of applying trusts, which from my perspective are derived in great part to the offerings of said christian walters, put great significance of being/claiming the right as one of 'the people' described in the "Constitution of the United States (of America)", but not as heavily on being/claiming the right to the 'posterity' described in the "Declaration of Independence".

  10. #20

    abe lincoln lawyer in chacery re estate, fee simple absolute, living stock...

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Unfortunately I wrote that prior to the "great computer crash of 2013". I lost many of my writings in that crash. I heard a man say that in order for one to love another there must be intimacy. I myself do not subscribe to such a philosophy. I can love my brethren in my work. Which is evidenced in your writing. Apparently you benefited from the work and as such I am edified and find justification of my purpose.

    I will attempt to connect this thread to another more recent thread with the concept of the dead hand. When land aliens to a dead hand there can be no compelled service of a dead hand. Consider now the concept of Socage and Ward in regard to management of persons and various estates granted of the king to his lords.
    here on boise, idaho, at the state archives location, they are exhibiting what purport to be letters patent (appointments to offices such as chief justice of the supreme court, etc. of the "Territory of Idaho") and other writings, including the attached, which, if i remember correctly, lincoln allegedly scribed as an attorney for some folks he knew regarding some property they claimed an interest in.

    interesting to note some of the words/terms that michael joseph offered in his explanation of the various degrees and nature of 'fee' as regards real property, such as 'fee simple absolute', 'living stock of heirs', etcetera. i don't recall in what year this was purported to have been made.

    peace, love and life to all...

    p.s. can't find a way to attach a photo. may just not see it or may have to wait to be 'unfiltered' on this forum

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