Elizabeth Warren: Corporations Are Not People (Sorry Romney)Living People forming a corpse on paper its unfortunate all state paper is Corporate E state your business. A living Trust its living beneficiary is still the decedent The"one who is dying," decedent it is commonly used in the law to denote one who has died, in probate its that particularly State person someone who has recently deemed passed away. A decedent's estate is the real and Personal Property that an individual owns upon his or her death.Well the one who is dying this term literally means not standing IMHO As a polite reference to a dead person,not PEOPLE it has become common practice to use the participle form of "decease", as in the deceased; the noun form is decedent. Participles come in two varieties: past and present. Trusts is a living Christ relationship trustee and beneficiary 72hrs in God we Trust Honour all CONTRACTS and Honour the dead [debts] settlement check arrived and it was addressed to the Legal fiction State staying in corporate honour or dying to get out of debt .