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Thread: Abraham & Sarah Never Happened?

  1. #61
    hi everybody,

    it seems impossible to me to find truth outside of myself and so "seeking within" seems less suspicious to me but its not as easy as it "sounds"

    also not for nor against the idea of Jesus nor blood sacrifice, I blindly accepted the baptist baptism in my youth and went along that way for many years.

    when I started looking into how the KJV came about I started to look outside of it for more about Jesus, now I still consider all possibilities about it but dont subscribe to any of them.

    I can maybe relate to where BLBereans is about him surviving the cross. I think it is possible but still not actually convinced Jesus really even existed so I would like to see how those who think he "survived" have made it clear for themselves that he actually ever existed to survive. I have asked about it before.

    the story has been told in so many ways.. lately Ive been considering learning ancient languages (or trying to anyway) and even finding where to start has become a task. certainly hebrew would be good but also greek and arimaic but Im finding that those may all have a coomon root from sanskrit, anyone here have any knowledge about this?

    also fining phonetician very interesting. seems something happened when man started reading right to left (backwards) something major it seems (spells)

    so thats the direction I am considering taking "outside" but its a tall order for me. I have done some meditations for stillness inside of me nothing prescribed or directed though, only quieting the mind and so far Ive learned its not so easy and I have alot more going on inside than I thought I would have had. so far so good but I think I need to actually make it a habit now instead of just occasional.

    I can say that wildlife seems to not be as scared of me when I am quiet inside which I find very reassuring.

    about them charging.. years ago I was riding my motorbike at night, it was my first time back on the bike after a pretty bad injury from racing. anyway, I was on a powerline trail I was familiar with except one side had been clearcut for new suburban development, it was probably ~100 acres that was heavy woods before but all gone. the other side was still woods. I had stopped because my recent injuries were starting to hurt, it was probably midnight, I had a pack of crackers and a bottle of water so I was munching and from the woods I heard something coming my way and I could tell it was getting faster and closer! so close I was startled and on my keyring I have a tiny one LED flashlight and so I shined it in the direction I heard it and as soon as that tiny LED came on I saw it was a 4pt buck, head down and now 20ft from me! but that tiny light was all it took and he froze. Im certain if I hadnt had that light he would have tried to poke me at the least.

    I sensed his anger! he was mad that his habitat was destroyed! had that light on him for a few seconds and then he took off! it was quite an experience. later learned that there are more deer mailings than bear in this region and a couple each year are fatal. I was also thankful I had my leathers on. very thick for racing but I wear them any time I ride ecept in the yard.

    Ive also seen an eastern mountain lion which is still and has been considered extinct for more than 50 years while riding my motorbike! I was traveling at a rate of speed that Im sure was way beyond average LOL on a forrest service road in a national forrest area and my Honda with the stock exhaust which are notoriously quiet and (I keep my street legal bikes that way) so I pretty much snuck up on this huge cat so fast to catch him off guard! wow what a sight! huge cat! long tail too! I would not want to be hiking in that area!

    sorry, Ive got some wildlife stories.. Hawks will swoop ya too! always wear a helmet! lol

    thanks for sharing your thoughts here everyone, you folks are the most highly respected by me no matter what your beliefs or knowledge. I still dont quite trust anybody though but I think I could learn to easier with people such as yourselves here than elsewhere on the net.

    Last edited by george; 10-28-15 at 03:59 AM.

  2. #62
    Re: ancient languages
    You might take a look at Moses Was Not A Magician and see how the author picks out the ancient Egyptian loan word from the Hebrew/Chaldee text. Phoenician ..very similar to the Hebrew/Chaldee. You might look into ancient Sumerian or Akkadian writings too.

    Re: Looking Within
    Consider that when Moses came off the mountain he found them worshiping something without. But some suggest not just something, but the Bull of Hathor, a return to the Egypt in a sense?
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    sorry, Ive got some wildlife stories.. Hawks will swoop ya too! always wear a helmet!
    Helmets with eyes painted on the back, glow in the dark preferred.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-28-15 at 06:08 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    ...That opinion would also be of the ilk who would suggest that there no difference between a leopard who kills by basic animalistic instinct and man who kills for the purpose of sacrifice because he believes His Creator would find him unacceptable otherwise, however misguided that thought process may be.
    To knowledge, the Romans saw war as a ritual of sacrifice (sacrificing the enemy). AFAIK, capital punishment among the Romans or others was seen as the same. It seems worth concerning that the Judean leadership turned Jesus over to the Romans. Since the scepter had departed from Judah, their authority had diminished--they didn't even have power to execute capital punishment at that point. This written about in the Bible too. That means that they willingly turned him over to the Roman sacrifice ritual. This is explained moreso here: When the Scepter Departed from Judah.

    Clearly they wanted him dead-dead-dead, so the idea of him 'escaping' is hmmmm. So could we just as easily say that everyone that was ever allegedly martyred or allegedly killed by rogues really didn't die (JFK, MLK, John Lennon). The real question, I suspect, is: Why is it so important to someone or someones* for Jesus to have NOT died?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    P.S. Perhaps nobody explained this survival to Jesus. Sedated by hyssop, fainting in pain with a vinegar sponge bath on his cuts, then you awaken a day or two later in a tomb by yourself. Since you were expecting all along that you would be assassinated and revived somehow three days later - the Worthless Shepherd prophecy can you blame Jesus for thinking he was alive because of Resurrection?
    There was a time a young man (21 years old) was injured so terribly--my investigation dug up some guys had been put up to it but they had lied and said that a "Black guy" punched him--so badly was he injured the paramedics were afraid to move him from the pavement--they managed to fix a neck brace and left him there. It was clear that he was near death. Even I was wholly convinced he wouldn't make it past a few hours. I made it verbally known my assessment. As I stood there looking at him lay there, the sense I got was that he was fading rapidly--maybe he wouldn't even make it an hour. Someone discerning or overhearing this, cried out "It is not his time dear Lord." They prayed a prayer of intervention, nearly in tears for someone they did not even know. The boy's body all of a sudden jerked. It was the first motion I had seen since I arrived on the scene. It was like all of his muscles tensed his body into an arch. I saw it. For a moment I could have sworn I saw out of the corner of my eye something like light drop from the sky above his body and his body reacted to it. The boy survived. Whenever my forensic assessment has come up against doctors: the chief medical staff have always agreed with me (as in my assessment they proved).

    Intercessory prayer is in the OT and the NT. The saints are here for that reason among others. Those with purely sinister intents know this thusly they would like the saints to leave the planet. Consider saints as those with direct link to call "airstrikes" from Heaven and the real reason the enemies of God want them massacred becomes clearer.

    Someone else I came across did blind remote viewing session. After the session was said and done, they drew a scene of three trees and a crowd, etc. Unknown to him/her, their target was the crucifixion.

    Last edited by allodial; 10-28-15 at 07:16 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #65
    While you might be right to associate "Christianity" in the sense of Simonianism or Gnostic Spindoctoring that is posed as "Christian" (i.e. of the Anointed of God) for hundreds of years as "guilt-oriented". Cain and his progeny used religion as a political tool--to make people controllable and feel guilty. Ergo your observations.

    As for the true saints these days from what I have learned the very same OT doctrines are in the NT. The saint's religion isn't about guilt but about GUILT AVOIDANCE and the Blood of the Lamb has an identifying factor ala atonement. The Blood of the Lamb impedes witchcraft and sorcery which in my observation a foundational factor for disdain for the saints: that something or something "dares exist" that cannot be overcome or controlled (SUCH 'INSOLENCE'!) by the mere psychic emanations of those who regard errantly themselves to be God--well it pisses them off or they see a 'challenge' failing to realize the terrible danger they place themselves in by waging war against the Divine. That is because the Divine Mind is supernatural and it is supercarnal.
    Since this was my point, I simply agree. I am having fun with the discussion. This perspective of a monk, so that the beast rubs his nose or charges around instead of through... Enjoyable.

    I watched a doe who had befallen one of the nasty charro cactus and had these baseball-size cactus in her fur. Another doe was trying to remove them from her with a very painful process as you can imagine and I have always wished that I had grabbed a tong from the kitchen drawer and assisted... I presumed they both would have run away.

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    To knowledge, the Romans saw war as a ritual of sacrifice (sacrificing the enemy). AFAIK, capital punishment among the Romans or others was seen as the same. It seems worth concerning that the Judean leadership turned Jesus over to the Romans. Since the scepter had departed from Judah, their authority had diminished--they didn't even have power to execute capital punishment at that point. This written about in the Bible too. That means that they willingly turned him over to the Roman sacrifice ritual. This is explained moreso here: When the Scepter Departed from Judah.

    Clearly they wanted him dead-dead-dead, so the idea of him 'escaping' is hmmmm. So could we just as easily say that everyone that was ever allegedly martyred or allegedly killed by rogues really didn't die (JFK, MLK, John Lennon). The real question, I suspect, is: Why is it so important to someone or someones* for Jesus to have NOT died?

    There was a time a young man (21 years old) was injured so terribly--my investigation dug up some guys had been put up to it but they had lied and said that a "Black guy" punched him--so badly was he injured the paramedics were afraid to move him from the pavement--they managed to fix a neck brace and left him there. It was clear that he was near death. Even I was wholly convinced he wouldn't make it past a few hours. I made it verbally known my assessment. As I stood there looking at him lay there, the sense I got was that he was fading rapidly--maybe he wouldn't even make it an hour. Someone discerning or overhearing this, cried out "It is not his time dear Lord." They prayed a prayer of intervention, nearly in tears for someone they did not even know. The boy's body all of a sudden jerked. It was the first motion I had seen since I arrived on the scene. It was like all of his muscles tensed his body into an arch. I saw it. For a moment I could have sworn I saw out of the corner of my eye something like light drop from the sky above his body and his body reacted to it. The boy survived. Whenever my forensic assessment has come up against doctors: the chief medical staff have always agreed with me (as in my assessment they proved).

    Intercessory prayer is in the OT and the NT. The saints are here for that reason among others. Those with purely sinister intents know this thusly they would like the saints to leave the planet. Consider saints as those with direct link to call "airstrikes" from Heaven and the real reason the enemies of God want them massacred becomes clearer.

    Someone else I came across did blind remote viewing session. After the session was said and done, they drew a scene of three trees and a crowd, etc. Unknown to him/her, their target was the crucifixion.

    Additional history in the Bible is found at Ezra and Nehemiah. There was an eleven-year civil war when the Jews returned to Israel. The war was between the newly created Jew (Babylon) and the People of the Land - the Israelite. This seems downplayed in current thought. In my understanding among the Christians (we) feel that the only occupant outside the Jews of Israel was Rome. Babylon/Jew had been a foreign occupation for hundreds of years by then. This is why I believe that the Magi visitation was a common commercial oversight. These "kings" were wealthy merchants visiting their colony on the Temple Mount. Tyre, (Tel Aviv) was and maybe still is their coastal colony. This is the essence of METRO (now lately the City of London) - conquer the mind and territorial matters are moot.

    The Jews were the conqueror state. The Israelite population lost the war for the Temple Mount. That occupation was too far from Rome so Caesars left it alone, satisfied with a statue or two... and eagle here and there.

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    In my pondering this arises as very important when understanding exactly what the Kingdom of David was. In the Jewish mind, Israel had been under conquest since about 522 BC. - When the Jews of Babylon conquered the Temple Mount as found in Nehemiah Chapter 10. This is when they read the Laws of Moses aloud and adopted signed curse - oaths of office by Constitution.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-28-15 at 08:31 AM.

  6. #66
    God is Love, because the Holy Spirit will consistently deliver the correct interpretation from the infinite sea of information in allegorical metaphor created by the ego.

    By understanding that the source of A Course in Miracles was Bill THETFORD's pocket-full of leftover LSD from the Cold War, I might be the only student (nearly four years now) who actually embraces the ego.

    P.S. The sigil is instilled with personality and becomes an egregore. I always called them "memory clusters" for lack of a better term. Lately I heard Abraham of Abraham HICKS (Eleanor HICKS - channel) said it quite clearly, paraphrasing:

    The sure sign you are in spiritual infancy is that you are listening to me.
    On Sunday I occasionally visit a sanctuary to watch as through the same hypnosis - mass displacement hysteria - a typical imagination disorder people allow the worship crew, the praise band and the pastor and worship leader in prayer still and subdue the active minds of the congregants and elevate the egregore Jesus CHRIST to a God-Form. Then pass the Collection Plate and instill that guilt so that they will be back next Sunday for the Weekly Glimpse.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-28-15 at 08:40 AM.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Since this was my point, I simply agree. I am having fun with the discussion. This perspective of a monk, so that the beast rubs his nose or charges around instead of through... Enjoyable.
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    I'm not a secular-city person (I am tending toward believing that the idea of a city in ancient times wasn't the same as that of today). Cities can be good and fun and might serve a purpose or two. But these days they more and more seem to be psycho-economic traps. I favor the country which is one reason I'm not to fond of HOAs and their municipal-dead-entity law extending themselves so far beyond the city limits. Somewhat related side-note: when St. Louis City and St. Louis County split, for some reason the Roman Catholics chose to remain in the mainly-municipal City leaving the Protestants in the county. St. Louis City is also a county but The City of St. Louis (the municipalities official name) extends to the external borders of that county.

    I watched a doe who had befallen one of the nasty charro cactus and had these baseball-size cactus in her fur. Another doe was trying to remove them from her with a very painful process as you can imagine and I have always wished that I had grabbed a tong from the kitchen drawer and assisted... I presumed they both would have run away.
    Earlier, I almost also typed a story I had heard about a wild cat that followed a man. The man eventually realized the cat had somehow bitten through its own lip and could not mange to get the tooth free. The man pulled the lip free and the cat happily went back to doing cat things--no doubt after a bit of healing.

    Additional history in the Bible is found at Ezra and Nehemiah. There was an eleven-year civil war when the Jews returned to Israel. The war was between the newly created Jew (Babylon) and the People of the Land - the Israelite. This seems downplayed in current thought. In my understanding among the Christians (we) feel that the only occupant outside the Jews of Israel was Rome. Babylon/Jew had been a foreign occupation for hundreds of years by then. This is why I believe that the Magi visitation was a common commercial oversight. These "kings" were wealthy merchants visiting their colony on the Temple Mount. Tyre, (Tel Aviv) was and maybe still is their coastal colony. This is the essence of METRO (now lately the City of London) - conquer the mind and territorial matters are moot.

    The Jews were the conqueror state. The Israelite population lost the war for the Temple Mount. That occupation was too far from Rome so Caesars left it alone, satisfied with a statue or two... and eagle here and there.
    One might do well to suspect that such is downplayed because those that wish to promote the syncretism and see it as "progress" do not wish to reveal the syncretism's effects on Israel and Judah (it is exactly syncretism which led to divine judgement repeatedly). Consider the heretical Gnostic who "starts a church" thinking he is doing everyone a favor with spotty dust doctrine, making everyone feel guilty for everything until they 'come to the light' and are 'initiated' into the 'mysteries' (i.e. a 'door' for a secret society or mystery school). He thinks himself to be doing them a favor when really he is leading them into captivity and causing them to misidentify themselves (i.e. he is obstructing others from entering where he can't).

    [Sun worship might actually be preferred by those who prefer an impersonal kind of god. Whereas, consider the idea of Joseph's dream where the sun and the moon bowed down to him as affirming the notion of P'tah having created the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.]

    Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Matthew 15:14
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    Thusly, Jesus did save Israel, he led them out of the city (eretz Jerusalem) before it was destroyed leaving those who chose identify with the syncretisic system to their own devices. Thus the relevance of the terms "Great Harlot" or 'harlot' to syncretism and her behavior which led her into to trouble vis-a-vis conflict of laws.

    The men from Babylon made Succoth Benoth, the men from Cuthah made Nergal, and the men from Hamath made Ashima; the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burned their children in the fire as sacrifices to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim. They worshiped the LORD, but they also appointed all sorts of their own people to officiate for them as priests in the shrines at the high places. They worshiped the LORD, but they also served their own gods in accordance with the customs of the nations from which they had been brought. --2 Kings 17:30-33
    To this day there are those who praise Solomon (and his alliance with Hiram Abiff) and laud him yet seem to fail to mention his fall into apostasy due taking strange wives (again, syncretism).

    Its worth noting that syncretism may always have been an Empire management tool for Rome.

    In my pondering this arises as very important when understanding exactly what the Kingdom of David was. In the Jewish mind, Israel had been under conquest since about 522 BC. - When the Jews of Babylon conquered the Temple Mount as found in Nehemiah Chapter 10. This is when they read the Laws of Moses aloud and adopted signed curse - oaths of office by Constitution.
    Interestingly, I had this in mind earlier. A Freemason once told me: "A man cannot commit adultery". Of course, inwardly, the Spirit disagreed. Though polygyny may be lawful, a man can perpetrate adultery by going after strange gods (but I suspect that in order to be an infidel you have to first be a fidel). The model of history is that David perpetrated adultery by placing his desire for a man's wife over the law and his relationship with God. Solomon took so many wives to himself (did he violate the king's obligation to refrain from using his office to gather wives to himself?) he took 'strange wives' which led to his apostasy: spiritually and mentally incorporating their ideologies into his world bringing harm to his relationship with the God of his fathers.

    Uncanny: adultery rhymes with idolatry (go figure!).

    Babylon/Jew had been a foreign occupation for hundreds of years by then. This is why I believe that the Magi visitation was a common commercial oversight. These "kings" were wealthy merchants visiting their colony on the Temple Mount. Tyre, (Tel Aviv) was and maybe still is their coastal colony. This is the essence of METRO (now lately the City of London) - conquer the mind and territorial matters are moot.
    The Magi visitation is quite interesting. I have a similar take in that, to get it one has to go back to Darius or the Babylonian exile period generally. But of course, modern Babylon doesn't want to reveal itself to Christians since such might scare them off.

    But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
    Once upon a time, when prompted, I shared with a school teacher my interpretation in that that Daniel & co. rejecting the Babylonian royal bread and wine food paralleled rejection of a Babylonian education or indoctrination (much like modern public education)--she did not like that (i.e. Daniel did not wish to study the Babylonian mysteries with a view to incorporating them into his reality as truths). Thusly, Daniel and co. steered away from the syncretism though others may have gone headfirst into it.

    You might find this interesting: The Third Temple of YHVH. He makes an interesting reference to Rev. 21:22:

    "I did not see a temple in the city, because the (sons of) YHVH Almighty and the Lamb are its temple." --from site
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    On Sunday I occasionally visit a sanctuary to watch as through the same hypnosis - mass displacement hysteria - a typical imagination disorder people allow the worship crew, the praise band and the pastor and worship leader in prayer still and subdue the active minds of the congregants and elevate the egregore Jesus CHRIST to a God-Form. Then pass the Collection Plate and instill that guilt so that they will be back next Sunday for the Weekly Glimpse.
    You see, the way the Worthless Shepherd prophecy works its way into that kind of thing is the counterfeit doesn't necessarily bring deliverance. Empty pockets? Guilt? Maybe. Deliverance? Not necessarily. Though some might find an aha in the counterfeit or "false christ", the de jure remains valid.

    Conflict of laws also rears its head with things like International Building Code and administrative law. I suppose it really does come down to identity.

    In Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Johnny Depp plays a CIA agent in Mexico. Conflict of laws and identity issues all rolled into one film. Notably, there are 31 states of Mexico (some, if not all, predate the existence of Mexico) and a Federal District.

    Last edited by allodial; 10-30-15 at 05:28 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #68
    The constitutional conflicts go on around METRO organization. I recall how easily the archive supervisor gave me the free run of copying anything I wanted - like a priest.

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  9. #69
    The methodology here in the Territorial Capitol (Colorado) would seem to be that one fudges up the oath of office just enough to negate the bond, while making me look like an irrational pill for calling them on it. I have been showing about that lately. While looking for images in my METRO folder I came across:

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    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-28-15 at 02:14 PM.

  10. #70
    Perhaps there are at least two (competing) systems running in parallel. 1313 East 60th Street is Chapin Hall at University of Chicago. From a geographic standpoint, its located on an island ("Blue Island" if I recall correctly).

    Attachment 3150
    In the map, 1313 East 60th Street is just south of where it reads "HYDE PARK". With river to the north and to the south, that and the Chicago Loop along with the CBOT are located on an island. The little white band (road) south of where it reads "NEAR NORTH SIDE" hides the length of river that runs east and west into Lake Michigan.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    The methodology here in the Territorial Capitol (Colorado) would seem to be that one fudges up the oath of office just enough to negate the bond, while making me look like an irrational pill for calling them on it. I have been showing about that lately. While looking for images in my METRO folder I came across:

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    Didn't OBAMA and ROBERTS fudge the U.S. presidential oath?

    In my pondering this arises as very important when understanding exactly what the Kingdom of David was. In the Jewish mind, Israel had been under conquest since about 522 BC. - When the Jews of Babylon conquered the Temple Mount as found in Nehemiah Chapter 10. This is when they read the Laws of Moses aloud and adopted signed curse - oaths of office by Constitution.
    I meant to add that: the Kingdom of David might be best comprehended in light of the Tabernacle of David.

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    Last edited by allodial; 10-28-15 at 02:39 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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