While we may not be able to fully know the full scope of God and His complete being, we are His "imagers" and He meets us where, and as, we are. That was the very reason for Him incarnating in the form of Jesus of Nazareth; we needed His intervention and He answered according to our needs.

We are created in His image, which is to say that we are His representatives on earth and our goal is to do as He would do as best we can. We are to fulfill His Will and follow His Way so as to reclaim the lost souls who have been coerced and deceived by the Adversary. Our news is good news and we are to spread that message throughout our lives as emulated by our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

We require His saving grace so as to avoid the wages of sin which is death, forever. Man has transgressed and the world is in a state of corruption as a result. We cannot avoid sinning and our only Way out is to accept the generous gift offered as our redemption.

Those who claim they do not sin are fooling themselves and will have to account for themselves in the end. There will be no covering and there will be no concession. That is a position everyone will regret when and if that time comes.

Realize now that YOUR way is the WRONG way and our Lord and Savior has provided cover for you if you will only accept it.