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Thread: Abraham & Sarah Never Happened?

  1. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    You have an interesting way of saying murder is not sin.
    I know. A sociopath commits murder without sinning. That is why they go into therapy.

  2. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    That he survived the cross through subsequent death, resurrection and ascension into heaven is the Bible story. The victory over death is key as was afforded by faith in the remedy provided in the wilderness ala the brazen serpent--victory over death. The notion of ascension is also alluded to per Elijah and Enoch (who were taken up rather than having ascended of their own) thusly is not an invention of the NT.

    The impression I get is that heretical Gnostics have set out to force their ideas of the material world being profane, thusly they could not accept that God or any divine being would have much to do with it. So they rendered the crucifixion event in a way that suited their philosophies: thusly him not dying and escaping the cross.
    If there are truer words written regarding this, I haven't read them. Thanks allodial!

  3. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I know. A sociopath commits murder without sinning. That is why they go into therapy.
    Or could it be that they go into therapy because the people who deny true sin believe as you do?

  4. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    If there are truer words written regarding this, I haven't read them. Thanks allodial!
    Come to think of it, would the multiple acts of restoration of the physical temple each be a type of resurrection? And if a temple is a house of stone, why would stone (matter) be a suitable abode for a god if all matter were profane? Is rebuilding a destroyed temple made of stone a type of necromancy?

    Name:  HowManyTimesWasTheTempleRebuilt.png
Views: 361
Size:  40.4 KB
    According to that answer:
    Solomon's Temple, built, destroyed, rebuilt, desecrated, torn down under Herod.
    Herodian temple allegedly rebuild, destroyed.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-03-15 at 02:52 AM.
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    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #135
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Michael Joseph: Are you suggesting that to assert the validity and reality of the supernatural to reflect vestment in 'earthly meanings'? Or are you suggesting the kingdom to be wholly supernatural/spiritual but capable of producing good side effects in the physical?

    For one, the overemphasis on sex in many so-called "Christian congregations" gives me insight they are totally missing or ignoring the spiritual meanings of fidelity to the truth. The so-called pastors are being used as tools to mislead--a higher level occultist referred to one as as one of his wolves--imagine a spiritual abortion clinic masquerading as a place for meeting of saints. Was it the Roman Catholic system that asserted a physical rendering of the kingdom by promoting the taking of Jerusalem between 1066 and 1099 which was about 1,000 years after the destruction of the temple? Wasn't that the beginning of a large series of conflicts between Catholics and Muslims? The Crusades?
    The heavenly meanings have always been "couched" or "hidden" in the earthy physical, it is just that men, including myself, strain to see what is right in front of them. There is a deep structure and meaning between the terms Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ. Most just read right pass this difference reading but not seeing.

    I think that many pastors are truly seeking to be helpful to the kingdom of God, thinking themselves good and righteous but in fact the blind only lead the blind into a ditch. Those who can only see the earthly are stuck in a duality construct. For their Heavens and their Earth are separated. It is only by the grace of God that the two become one. But the seeker is promised to find but only if he/she seeks with all that he/she has.

    I am suggesting that I, in no way shape or form, can describe or know entirely the scope and presence of God. To do so, in my feeble mind, is blasphemy. For the moment I say God is "anything" [even love], I have limited God. Thusly I say God is BEING and my mind cannot know exactly what God is. My goal is mergence with God. To become One. Thusly Christ becomes me.

    Now, I know the last sentence is bothersome to many but consider again what St. Paul wrote. St. Paul, a man, represents a deeper meaning for how can St. Paul travail in birth pains again? And what man ever birthed anything? Thusly there is a deeper structure, a deeper meaning, hidden below the facade of the physical. For St. Paul wrote "until Christ be formed in you."

    Truth is indeed the key. For Jesus said "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Therefore the "true baptism" is to be immersed in truth. That is to say to fully immerse one's head [mind] in water [truth]. But men see only the physical deed of physical immersion into h2o. This physical deed is dead and there is no life in it. For there is no light only some ritual act performed by some spiritually dead church.

    Who was the greatest law breaker according to the Jews? Was it not Jesus? Why? In part, I believe, He was messing with their "business plan" but also He upset and exposed their dead works [traditions] and [misunderstandings] to be not pleasing to God. Thusly the fabric of their entire society was false. When one comes to these terrible realizations, then an earth quake happens as their entire world is rocked by the realization that all they knew and practiced was false. But if one looks carefully there remains TWO earthquakes!

    For the mind indeed will cling to its understandings even if false and therefore the mind/heart connection will forge the false reality in man. The scriptures declare that we may know and understand the Godhead by looking at the things created. Thusly we explore all the aspects of man. And therefore, sex which is the means by which man creates is a physical representation of a deeper understanding. Some keep Sabbath in a church house. Others keep it in a field. If those in assembly are blind, then who is better off?

    In my opinion most religions carry only the symbols of the LARGE fishes caught by Peter [the church]. But the true meaning of said Large fishes remain only, at this time, with God's Elect. For a fish is wisdom and the Large Fish [153] have the deeper understandings of the Kingdom of God "couched" or "hidden" in the physical holographic existence.

    Consider Sampson [a state of mind]. I have received many a haircut but lost no strength in the transaction; however, if I see Sampson as a state of strength in the Spirit, then to receive a "haircut" is to be cut off from Unity with God into duality. My Heavens and my Earth are separated. Thus I am weak. When I am strong, I might kill 1000 Philistines [false thoughts] with a jawbone. But in my weakness I am made to toil under the yoke of carnality. For the Philistines put out my Spiritual Eyes and I can no longer see to see.

    Notice it was the "woman" who was instrumental in allowing the Philistines to "cut his hair". She is desire - she is the "woman in red" the scarlet lady who deceives mankind [man and woman] so that the true purpose of man [the mind] is subverted and thusly the "hair is cut". Since man is the microcosm of the Universe, then the Woman must represent something within everyone in mankind. Just as the man must represent something in everyone in mankind. For what use is the woman? And for what use is the man? Do not these two come together in union to bring forth a child? How do they perform this deed? And what is the Heavenly meaning of this deed?

    Who births the child, the man or the woman? So then, is it not vital to comprehend the female aspect in mankind so that a new reality might be birthed? For many beg like a hooker all night long and receive nothing. Why does the modern church turn its back upon knowledge, instruction, understanding and wisdom? Is God double minded such that we are commanded to get Wisdom? What then is the purpose of the Holy Spirit? Is it not to instruct and teach? Instruct what? And teach what?

    Rom_10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

    Is it not good to have both zeal and knowledge? I think so! According to the great book of Salvation [Hosea] :

    Hos 6:6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

    According to Christ Jesus God conceals a matter in the physical world. But in Jesus Christ the concealed is manifest. Regarding the Crusades, I could not say - only that it seems strange to me that men would kill other men in support of God. This too to me is another manifestation of the ignorances of man - externalizing the Spirit - and thus making the Word of God come to naught. It is no wonder that Jesus called religion a sickness and those steeped in it - dead?

    But notice at once how the consciousness of man plays out on the global stage. Man in carnal consciousness - kills other men - in the name of their war God - pick any flavor. In deed the blind lead the blind. I wonder if one in one-million comprehend the death to the kings and the people represent "thoughts". The subjection of a people represent Abraham [higher self] ordering his Mind [house]. For the child of promise did not come from Abram but only Abraham. Those who only see matter will say that is the name of the same man but do not recognize the "state of Mind" symbolized in this being. This man is in fact - every man.

    Seeing the Light in Abraham, will one still cling to earthly interpretations and existence? Maybe, but which is greater, the earthly or the heavenly? Do we not seek the title "Friend of God"? Do we not seek "a new name"? Why does man think he must die - physically- in order for a mental/emotional process [transformation] to occur? Martha, Mary's sister thought this to be true.

    One day the preacher seeking to serve God informed an island man that if He did not submit and place his faith in Christ he would not be saved. The preacher man continued to propound that hell awaited those who refuse. The island man asked if hell awaited him in his ignorance prior to this new knowledge. The preacher man said no. The island man replied "then, why did you tell me?"

    That is the question begging to be answered!
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 11-03-15 at 04:13 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  6. #136
    While we may not be able to fully know the full scope of God and His complete being, we are His "imagers" and He meets us where, and as, we are. That was the very reason for Him incarnating in the form of Jesus of Nazareth; we needed His intervention and He answered according to our needs.

    We are created in His image, which is to say that we are His representatives on earth and our goal is to do as He would do as best we can. We are to fulfill His Will and follow His Way so as to reclaim the lost souls who have been coerced and deceived by the Adversary. Our news is good news and we are to spread that message throughout our lives as emulated by our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

    We require His saving grace so as to avoid the wages of sin which is death, forever. Man has transgressed and the world is in a state of corruption as a result. We cannot avoid sinning and our only Way out is to accept the generous gift offered as our redemption.

    Those who claim they do not sin are fooling themselves and will have to account for themselves in the end. There will be no covering and there will be no concession. That is a position everyone will regret when and if that time comes.

    Realize now that YOUR way is the WRONG way and our Lord and Savior has provided cover for you if you will only accept it.

  7. #137
    What an enjoyable post Michael Joseph!

    In my opinion most religions carry only the symbols of the LARGE fishes caught by Peter [the church]. But the true meaning of said Large fishes remain only, at this time, with God's Elect. For a fish is wisdom and the Large Fish [153] have the deeper understandings of the Kingdom of God "couched" or "hidden" in the physical holographic existence.
    When I spoke that the Passover Lamb's blood is for identification (on the doorposts) rather than as a sacrifice, using the instruction that if a family was so small they could not finish the lamb in one setting they pool together with a neighbor family, the churchman countered with:

    Heb 7:18 For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof.
    Heb 7:19 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.
    Heb 7:20 And inasmuch as not without an oath he was made priest:
    Heb 7:21 (For those priests were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:
    He realized that he made my point for me. We come into the higher priesthood of Melchizedek through election.

    A week later he had deduced that it does not matter because Jesus is ultimately the Answer, if not the ultimate Sacrifice. No reason to argue about it...

    I find that people think I insult Paul because he spent three years researching with the King up in Damascus, going abroad into Asia Minor to field test how this survival could be misconstrued into a Resurrection (according to Zechariah). Some feel it robs CHRIST of divinity when I see it as opening up the divinity of CHRIST and making it available to all who seek truth, and even those who don't are simply delaying it inside an illusion called time.

    Some of your post rings out with the truth that Antipas was caught in adultery with Philip's wife, and supposing Archelaus had died Jesus, the bastard was properly crowned by the Prophet John BAPTIST and would have had a go, had he only overlooked the usury of contracting the kosher coinage (overturning the moneychangers' tables). The first thing Jesus did was convict the sitting Tetrarch and the entire priesthood of high crimes against God. This is a good start but it seems likely Jesus laid low hoping God would come through with some enforcement. Ergo the Book of Mark is actually the Parable of Mark designed to preserve the Crown for Jesus or at least for his Bloodline.

    This rendition and interpretation being realistic is much more fascinating to me than supernatural events requiring faith. But then again, I programmed optimum resonance for the naturally occurring isotopes and out came the Names of God and Jesus! So I really don't need a supernatural God. God spoke to me, and told me His Name is in everything.

    State Court Prayer.

    All in all I actually doubt that I have insulted anybody. If you are faithful I am sure that you are more so now, if anything.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-04-15 at 12:22 AM.

  8. #138
    Re: The supernatural
    While false teachings and systems based on a 'vain show of religiosity' might convince some men of the supernatural being out of reach, that is not what the Bible teaches. The resurrection is important because it asserts the subordinate mode of the physical realm. There is a big difference between superimposing false, lofty, vain concepts of out-of-reach 'powers' or 'gods' on the Bible and the true supernatural power and holy of a God that is not a far off god. The Bible does not teach of a far off god that must be 'sought' through a tiny pincushion sized hole managed by an 'Elite Religiosity Corps'. The idea of supernatural as in "some far off unreachable notions" is one thing. But that isn't what the resurrection imposes.

    Re: Bloodline
    The spiritual bloodline is mentioned at Matthew 12:15:

    For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. --Matthew 12:50
    "For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother." --Mark 3:35
    The emphasis on or allusion to any physical bloodline is questionable.

    1. direct peer in the holy work
    2. sister also does the holy work but is covered by the brother, father
    3. nurturing, sustaining --the congregation members can act together as a mother to its members (doctrinal milk, meat and water)

    Name:  GodTheFather.png
Views: 365
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    Source: The Kingdom of God, by Alexander Balmain Bruce
    By extrapolating, extracting and protecting the nurturing nature of the Father out to some far off, the Christ's assembly would be excoriated of its maternal aspects, the attendees being like schoolchildren set out to compete with each other rather than being those who ought to be eager to nurture and uphold one other with God's help. That is, not only do the underminers seek to distance the Father, they also aim to obscure the maternal aspects--they elected for an impersonal, far off god and so they got it, but also want everyone else to have the same.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-04-15 at 01:26 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Re: The supernatural
    While false teachings and systems based on a 'vain show of religiosity' might convince some men of the supernatural being out of reach, that is not what the Bible teaches. The resurrection is important because it asserts the subordinate mode of the physical realm. There is a big difference between superimposing false, lofty, vain concepts of out-of-reach 'powers' or 'gods' on the Bible and the true supernatural power and holy of a God that is not a far off god. The Bible does not teach of a far off god that must be 'sought' through a tiny pincushion sized hole managed by an 'Elite Religiosity Corps'. The idea of supernatural as in "some far off unreachable notions" is one thing. But that isn't what the resurrection imposes.

    I like that. Thank you Allodial.

  10. #140
    Trying to hold my fears..
    All my memories hunting me,
    my future, my past... colliding together in one.
    Wondering what could happen, what should I do to make it go away?
    I wonder in sorrow, I feel so weak,
    desperate to be just me as others see me..
    My faith holds me as reality won't let me rest
    faith is this all could end sometime
    but in my darkness moments, not yet darkest
    alone I am not anymore to just let go of me..
    My emotions are Crying out-loud but just make me feel weaker
    Truly,i wish they,de just let go of me..
    The best of you will come,
    time will dictate your path in our world
    your future in already written,
    simply believe that all that happens and
    have a reason to be as it is now in your heart.
    Each path have to go on a separate way,
    we know the truth but can't hide it anymore,
    Faith in others, we need to go our way..
    Broken heart, empty heart..its not you its
    Just me..Christ /as best i can define my gospel without knowledge of Me i will never find you .
    Last edited by xparte; 11-04-15 at 05:49 PM.

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