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Thread: Cherokee Are Israelites?

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    That seems logical, reasonable, rational and perhaps is strongly supported by historical facts; however, it is more "intellectually" gratifying and a "juicier" story to put forth the heresy of Jesus somehow surviving the cross and going to hide somewhere, with his "tail between his legs", for the rest of his days. It is the "same-old" and ongoing polemic against God the Father and His Son, the Angel of the LORD and our savior Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth, that has been morphing and mutating since the lie in the Garden.
    I was told at the highest levels of some of the well-mentioned secret societies they are fully aware of the truth and are afraid of that one known as Jesus/Joshua.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    I find that the motivation for power, wealth, control and being the supreme ideological STATE over people is more plausible then people acting these things out due to their adherence or recognition of some duty to fulfill prophecy, however "off" there timing may have been.

    Muhammeds' Medina campaign was aggressive and brutal since he garnered no traction in Mecca as a peaceful self-proclaimed "phophet" of a "new revelation". He went to the Jews and Christians to preach and was turned away and dismissed. He found his well-trained army of fighters in Medina and his convenient new "revelation" transformed the message from one of a peaceful ministry to an unyielding army of jihadists ready, willing and "called by God" to kill or be killed in order to establish the Caliphate.
    It doesn't take too much digging to see that a key facet of Zoroastrianism may always have been about pushing toward or building an 'ideal state'.

    Eventually, the Church of Rome had to respond and defend the territory being encroached upon else be taken over by the "newcomer" and his caliphate army. Hence the start of the Crusades which, of course, also eventually morphed into a wanton killing spree of ANYONE who opposed the Church of Rome, including the true saints who followed, and claimed, Jesus the Christ as their Redeemer.

    Money, Power, Control; nothing more.
    Those who think and rule carnally think it all has to do with physical land. Physical land and being joint-heirs of the flesh (i.e. the manifest realm) are secondary blessings of God and the kingdom of heaven, IMHO. The primary blessings are health, sound mind, healthy and sound relationships with God and each other.

    Notwithstanding the aforementioned "power struggle", I believe the Church of Rome plays a major role in what you put forth here; the similarities between Islam and the Roman Catholic Church are quite astounding when one delves deep into study of both.
    The truth has its way of lighting the Path and aiding discernment.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    I was told at the highest levels of some of the well-mentioned secret societies they are fully aware of the truth and are afraid of that one known as Jesus/Joshua.
    No doubt. Can there be any other emotion but fear when they are fully aware that Jesus conquered every aspect of the fallen world, and the ruler of it, including death itself? The fear is masked by using bully tactics since all bullies are basically cowards and scared.

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Those who think and rule carnally think it all has to do with physical land. Physical land and being joint-heirs of the flesh (i.e. the manifest realm) are secondary blessings of God and the kingdom of heaven, IMHO. The primary blessings are health, sound mind, healthy and sound relationships with God and each other.
    That is where we see the difference in belief-sets and faiths; the carnally minded murder for gain and profit in this world, while the true kingdom of heaven minded kill only those who directly threaten the lives of innocents. The carnally minded force and coerce beliefs upon others while the kingdom of heaven minded recognize that choosing to believe is the only way God desires it.

    The actions of people tell the truth. What are the actions of people who profess a certain faith or belief? How do such actions effect others, positively or negatively? Does one believe in a higher power from whom we receive blessings, morality and the idea of holiness or does one look internally (the self), or to a non-personal entity/force, in an attempt to gain the same?

    Exalting one's self to the level of God and/or denying any interpersonal relationship with a benevolent Creator, facilitates evil and evil-doers regardless of one's "good" intentions. Without a higher authority, one's view of morality is an opinion among many. One man's opinion is no higher than anothers without God as the Supreme Source of what is righteous and good.

  3. #23
    Lawful government protects innocents. Conservation of the (King's/Queen's/People's) peace is the duty of every official to some extent. It is outside the scope of authority of the United States of America and its political subdivisions to authorize or license casual abortions especially late-term abortions. Those who license that kind of thing do it on their own personal liability IMHO. Similarly, any wars perpetrated unlawfully by a so-called government official are personal wars. I suspect that it may be that the U.S. flag flies backwards because they cannot lawfully do those things under U.S. law. On the surface, blame goes on the U.S.A. while everyone knows the canton must fly to the left--thusly it is not the U.S.A. flag--AFAIK, that practice started under Lyndon B. Johnson's administration. Similar idea re: abortions above.

    Name:  dadads.jpg
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    That is not a U.S.A. flag. The canton is in the wrong position from a heraldry perspective. The shoulder is not treated as a flag pole but as a flag mounted to a wall. Seven stripes are in a superior position to the 50 stars.

    Similarly, Hitler called upon his staff to help him find ways to bypass the German constitution. Gets back to syncretism. UN jurisdiction, international venues: different venue with different "laws". Note the below photos, the boyscouts and the Air Force soccer team somehow manage to have the flag right. Playing soccer and doing Boy Scout things are lawful.

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    Its definitely not in the 'distress' position.

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    Note: Texas officials didn't find 'flying' the license plate the wrong way to be acceptable. So why would flying the flag backwards acceptable?
    Last edited by allodial; 11-29-15 at 12:38 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #24
    The Old Testament has lost out to Christ the New Testament LOST to GOVERNMENT.Its now a necessity to declare ones CHURCH in Christ then see the exemptions for his Truth .

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