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Thread: Express trust

  1. #41
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    ???? Hardly.
    Cain is a tiller of the ground - he builds his religions - state based and ordained = Jereboam
    Abel stewards the sheep of God = Love

    Cain tries to birth Love out of Faith.
    Abel births faith out of love.

    Those who would build do so with either one of the other stones - Love or Faith. A wise master builder will lay the foundation in Love. Nevertheless the world seems to only see Faith at this time. Unfortunately.

    Zec 13:5 But he shall say, I am no prophet, I am an husbandman; for man taught me to keep cattle from my youth.

    Zec 13:6 And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.

    It seems duty and obligations mind set is prevailing over serving in Love. In the former peace is but an illusion a fickle bird which flies away and must be caged at the end of a gun. In love there need not exist a policing power. Until that day Cain mindset will always seek to kill Abel mindset.

    Gen 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
    Gen 9:2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
    Gen 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
    Gen 9:4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

    Gen 9:20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 12-25-15 at 05:24 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  2. #42
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohiofoiarequest View Post
    And we can all thank whatever sky wizard we pray to that contracts are voidable or reformable for various elements of Fraud, Mistake, etc. Ignorance of a peculiar or specific right is one of many things that can be shown on a properly drafted bill to give the chancellor a reason to come to the ignorant party's aid.
    Or, one may sit down as a Husbandman in the Earth stewarding a claim. But that would require a knowledge of international law and thusly the knowledge of the outer, inner and most holy courts.

    Answer me this: Whereof is Property birthed? And whereof is Estate formed?
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  3. #43
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohiofoiarequest View Post
    Invariable response? How did you come to those results...or should I just trust your word for it?
    yes that is true and no man should trust another so to your point, I would always maintain do not trust one single word that I have ever written - study to show thyself approved.

    All things are subject to the Husbandman for it is His Vineyard and thusly subject to His courts. Thusly Claim, Dominion, Property, Estates should be examined carefully in regard to how these are established.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Cain is a tiller of the ground - he builds his religions - state based and ordained = Jereboam
    Abel stewards the sheep of God = Love
    Cain and Nimrod are historically regarded to have built religions based on coercive violence and to have built cities through kidnapping (reducing men to chattel -> temple desecration?)--blind coercive faith is perhaps hoped for to keep that kind of system together. Because he saw the value in others trusting him doesn't mean he necessarily trusted anyone else.

    God's sons and children know the significance of the verifiable, pragmatic and provable faith by which the worlds were created. For, faith is: [1] the substance of things hoped for, [2] the evidence of things not seen.

    By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. --Hebrews 11:4
    Last edited by allodial; 12-25-15 at 09:14 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    hi ohiofoiarequest,

    good stuff it seems that you bring with you here. more info and perspective to at the least consider but hopefully much more will come from it.

    the guys are the best of the best IMO so its nice to read words from another out there who can discuss things with them. for me, that seems the only way to get what they discuss. Ive really learned alot from them this way.

    good luck with that one! Ive asked him that dozens of times at least. sometimes its fruitful but I dont bother much anymore.

    hope ya stick around. thanks

    hi pumpkin,

    yes "Govern-mental" exactly, thats the one that really got me started looking at words much differently than before. Ive been heading in a more phonic direction most recently. what sounds are the words composed of? (and why) just seems the right direction. cant trust the spells or much else either so why not see where the sound leads.

    Sorry I don't spend more time reading. I like to be up front and to follow up my comments, to teach people what I have found is successful.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by ohiofoiarequest View Post
    Care to elucidate a bit more on your thoughts here? I wasn't able to draw any meaning from what you linked other than the P-Appellant's statement concerning his reason for instigating the action..typical grasping-for-straws action instigated by disgruntled mortgagor who wasn't able to perform their undertaking or remedy the default? Or something I'm missing?
    Some patriots feel that all federal court is or should be Article III judiciary. Some others feel that there is no Article III court available. In my complaint about Colorado criminal syndicalism I allow for some leverage that I may take this matter into Article III original jurisdiction with the US Supreme Court.

    Name:  Rule 17.1.jpg
Views: 447
Size:  107.4 KB

    On Page 10 of 110 in the linked Complaint I speak of 153 and the Right Side of the Boat. This is akin to what MJ might be speaking about when he designates OFFICES to Cain and Abel. I model this to be more akin to a dialogue in Shutter Island during the storm about Men of Violence and Violent Men. This is because the same Mark (stigma) is upon both the Sons of Evil and the Sons of Man. Which OATH is both the mark upon Cain's forhead and the mark upon Sons of Seth, Exodus 13:16. Notice how the Complaint indicts a criminal syndicalism based in distorting oaths of office so that government is protected from the people, rather than the other way around.

    So possibly one reason that I simply pass over requests for more explanation is my way of providing way too much information? After all, should this be filed into the US Supreme Court under Rule 17.1 it could easily lead to hundreds of convicts, even confessed criminals demanding their cases be reviewed and retried because the judicial officers were defrauding their own courtrooms...

    What I offer in the complaint is a quiet way around all that. After all, I appreciate the Men of Violence keeping a rein on Violent Men.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-27-15 at 06:07 AM.

  7. #47
    "hi pumpkin,

    yes "Govern-mental" exactly, thats the one that really got me started looking at words much differently than before. Ive been heading in a more phonic direction most recently. what sounds are the words composed of? (and why) just seems the right direction. cant trust the spells or much else either so why not see where the sound leads."

    The thing that really got me looking into law was the 501C3. The churches didn't ever need the exemption, and it didn't exist until the '50s. It is a blatant attempt for the servant to conquer his master's master. It is despicable. It takes God out of the hearts and minds of men concerning politics (this is where no preaching at the pulpit comes from). A government that will do this, will do anything and everything (already shown to be true). They are inspired by true evil (though most don't know or realize it).

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Some patriots feel that all federal court is or should be Article III judiciary. Some others feel that there is no Article III court available. In my complaint about Colorado criminal syndicalism I allow for some leverage that I may take this matter into Article III original jurisdiction with the US Supreme Court.
    Article III federal courts versus United States District Courts

  9. #49
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Cain and Nimrod are historically regarded to have built religions based on coercive violence and to have built cities through kidnapping (reducing men to chattel -> temple desecration?)--blind coercive faith is perhaps hoped for to keep that kind of system together. Because he saw the value in others trusting him doesn't mean he necessarily trusted anyone else.

    God's sons and children know the significance of the verifiable, pragmatic and provable faith by which the worlds were created. For, faith is: [1] the substance of things hoped for, [2] the evidence of things not seen.
    Yes but try to think about the inner temple - Me or You. Cain is an aspect of me which seeks the "I" it is my personality which seeks to dominate and rule under my understandings of which I was and am able to discern thru my experience [tilling the ground] - Abel is an aspect of Me and You which is a shepherd of God's Truths.

    When these are seen as aspects in Me then the work is undertaken to reverse the roles. In love I do not require trust - I require Honor. Trust is subject to Love. Faith is wonderful - but let us push past Faith into Perfection which is the union of Love - Wisdom - Truth.

    Pilate, the lower aspect, asked of Jesus, the higher aspect, "what is truth?" This is a symbol to show that the lower cannot understand what is higher and the higher must redeem the lower. Faith is wonderful and is in fact a Title Deed to the Vineyard - but Love is better. I find many religions today propagated by the use of fear.

    What is interesting to me is that the "burden of proof is cast upon the believer." Why is this so? Who has the claim one who claims God or one who denies God? Are these not both claims? Can one man save another? If not, then why is the burden of proof cast upon the believer? And this burden of proof is it not propounded in words? What of a man's deeds?

    I do not think that man has been reduced to chattel, rather I think Trust Accounts were created of which man makes a use and in doing so his deeds subject said one to the administration of said accounts. The husbandman [men] know it is not lawful to tax a son of the living God.

    Genesis 9:4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

    Nevertheless, the Husbandmen also know that All Things are subject to the claim establishing dominion.

    Gen 9:2 And the reverence of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.

    Gen 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.


    For instance the preacher says "look at the signs of the times" and yet what does Jesus say?

    Mat_12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah:

    Clearly he speaks not to men and women having physical sex without the wedding bed - and yet the Carnal reflects a higher truth!

    Make a promise - keep a promise. And the lower shall be made subject to the higher.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 12-27-15 at 11:27 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post

    Answer me this: Whereof is Property birthed? And whereof is Estate formed?
    yes, very good question to ask ourselves. Ive heard some say that property is what is proper to a man and this makes a lot more sense to me that anything else, would you agree?

    and estate, is interest in a state, correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    yes that is true and no man should trust another so to your point, I would always maintain do not trust one single word that I have ever written - study to show thyself approved.
    sometimes Im not sure I can even trust my self.. and consider that may be an even bigger problem than trusting others or maybe even why i dont trust others. if that makes sense, can anyone else relate to it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    All things are subject to the Husbandman for it is His Vineyard and thusly subject to His courts.
    i find myself puzzeled by this but I know you have covered it elsewhere and I should "get it" by now so I think I need to spend more time reading older posts again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Thusly Claim, Dominion, Property, Estates should be examined carefully in regard to how these are established.
    yeah! one wrong move and... but on the other side of that coin, one can become paralyzed by too much caution. more study indeed required no doubt.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    So possibly one reason that I simply pass over requests for more explanation is my way of providing way too much information? After all, should this be filed into the US Supreme Court under Rule 17.1 it could easily lead to hundreds of convicts, even confessed criminals demanding their cases be reviewed and retried because the judicial officers were defrauding their own courtrooms...

    What I offer in the complaint is a quiet way around all that. After all, I appreciate the Men of Violence keeping a rein on Violent Men.
    possibly, but that would seem to indicate that you think some here might initiate such events. and it does seem reasonable (the quiet way around all that) but the system is chewing up lots of good men, women and families and it is certainly not getting any better in fact it seems to be steamrolling to say the least so I worry about the future for the very young and yet unborn here. does this not cross your mind?

    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    The thing that really got me looking into law was the 501C3. The churches didn't ever need the exemption, and it didn't exist until the '50s. It is a blatant attempt for the servant to conquer his master's master.
    it would seem so.
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    It is despicable. It takes God out of the hearts and minds of men concerning politics
    (this is where no preaching at the pulpit comes from). A government that will do this, will do anything and everything (already shown to be true). They are inspired by true evil (though most don't know or realize it).

    well.. I can relate to this but i also consider it may be also part of a god or gods plan somehow. its hard to see it like this though but if so that would require lots of exercise in forgiveness i suppose. this is something I think about alot. why this is. I just truely hope that it is actually a divinely inspired plan instead of an evil one.

    Last edited by george; 12-27-15 at 11:33 PM.

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