Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
Actually, it is limited to "this or that"; there is the express trust and belief in the deity of Jesus The Christ, His birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection

i see that but speaking/writing for myself only (as much as it seems to be me anyway) cant confirm or deny at this time. I also see a claim being made here too though.

Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
as told by His historically accurate and contemporary disciples,
it seems so but that also is another claim.

Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
and then there is everything else. The "everything else" denies the former
yes, and this troubles me and many others I think because of how it is used as a divide and conquer tactic.

Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
and it matters not what costumes they wear or what customs they practice or what claims they make;
but they are not actually the one(s) making the claims are they? seems to me they are (sometimes at least) trying to rebut a belief or presumption but yes, they also make claims to the contrary and so in those cases they should also bear the same burden, as all other claimants, of proof.

* thought occurs that this might have something todo with separation of church and state doctrine? hmmm..

Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
they are all from the camp of the denial of Jesus The Christ as God Incarnate. That is a fact,
I dont think it is the same "camp" and in most cases it would seem that they are not denying any facts but only beliefs.

Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
Also, any "religion" that claims certain people have higher standing and/or authority over the rest of the people is rehashing the religion of the Pharisees; the synagogue of Satan.
dont they all do that?

Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
As far as the flat earth goes; the bible was not meant to be a science book. However, the language in the scriptures is plain and the flat earth position was held until very recently, historically speaking. No one can say for 100% certain that the world is a sphere since the only "proof" are pictures and information provided to the people by those who vigorously hide and guard the facilities and research surrounding "space-travel" (Area 51?).

My take on this is study who put forth the ideas of a heliocentric model and a global (spherical) earth and what/who their affiliations were. What beliefs did they, and their cohorts, hold which resulted in these ideas being put forth so widely among "intellectuals" and then fed to the "masses". Study the aspect of who benefits from these ideas and what specific faith or belief is put in question as a result of the adoption of these ideas.

Find out the true reason why those who opposed the geocentric earth model cared so much about spreading that theory far and wide and realize the same tactic and influence was used and spread by Darwinism.
this whole flat earth thing is too much, Im seeing faults on both sides. certainly something to consider and keep an open mind.

Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
After all, should this be filed into the US Supreme Court under Rule 17.1 it could easily lead to hundreds of convicts, even confessed criminals demanding their cases be reviewed and retried because the judicial officers were defrauding their own courtrooms...

What I offer in the complaint is a quiet way around all that. After all, I appreciate the Men of Violence keeping a rein on Violent Men.

after more thought about this, if this is truly crimes in the name of justice and one has all the facts in evidence to stop this crime but chooses not to, does that not also implicate them as accessory to those same crimes? how does this "quiet way" avoid that?

I ask these things not with any ill will or intent, towards you David, only in an effort to learn. I want to be able to help myself certainly, but also my fellow man and it seems to me that a corruption of justice would be the highest crime of all crimes so if I can learn how to be a part of the solution for the greater good, I want to do that. you seem to have something here that could possibly change everything (a few things actually) but it doesnt seem to be propagating as it should. hopefully Im just missing that propagation and it is occurring.

theres probably a lot that is best not posted on the web i guess too but Ive got to at least make an honest effort to figure these things out. I am thankful for your efforts though, you have openly shared a whole lot of info that has helped many in many ways Im sure and I will continue to go over what you have made and kept available here but its much harder to piece it together without more you see.

some of these "men of violence" have become violent men, lots of them lately according to independent reports and are killing many innocent men and women. I look for way to correct this problem (metro cops gone wild) and what you present seems a way to by pass it at that level and cut it of at the root brother! no? it may not have ruined your life but it has for way too many others. it cant go on like this, it cant. NO!

well, as usual, thanks