Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
Consider a priest as a trustee over people's minds, hearts, souls or lives.
I'd rather not.. lol j/k but that is just insane, no? (those people)

Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
The rogue priest seeing profit conceals or ditches the original trust agreement or first estate,
breech of trust? how did he get the first estate? Im still working on comprehending trusts in general.

Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
those he watches over might not know better if he sets himself up as "GOD". It has been widely suggested that such is what Cain (aka Sargon) did and Nimrod, they created 'religious systems' as a means of political, economic and social control over those they SOUGHT TO LIVE OFF OF (as in to consume their productivity).
I read somewhere that the first notions of property and ownership developed out of religions.

Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
Consider the dust of the field being 'unregenerate and carnal men'. Consider the priest that is up-and-up being focused on making sure those under his or her trust live their lives to the fullest in upright ways. The rogue is about himself and his own profit. Cain ask: "Am I my brother's keeper?" Keepers tend to protect who or what they are entrusted with. Did Cain protect Abel?
that is a lot to consider.

Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
Anyways, its possible to avoid confusing carnal political control 'religion' from the good stuff.
TBH at this time its hard for me to imagine that any religion is good stuff, and its not for lack of trying either but Im not done yet.

MJ, some have said that Hieratic script was the first cursive writing which would seem to indicate that it was used to hide things or keep secrets. interesting post and I at least agree with "there is a positive and negative sides to all things"
