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Thread: I am some dude latest recording Boris and usufruct

  1. #61
    The voice she was hearing could have been a projection of those who were experimenting on her and the true purpose of the experiment to see how people could be made susceptible to cranial voice projections using drugs. When someone sets out on an experiment with the intent prove something wrong or with such strong bias, it is questionable: amoral (souless?) men with an amoral (souless?) purpose can likely produce nothing worthy of a sound mind adhering to. Furthermore, a godform or egregore is something men create not necessarily something the Most High creates. As in an entity created by men isn't necessarily of the same rank as an entity created by the Most High. From what I gather, futurists are the ones who insist John wrote Revelations AFTER 70 A.D. An attack on Revelations would AFAIK be an attack on Daniel, Ezekiel, etc.

    Most of the people I knew who were going into pyschiatry (as students) believed they themselves were crazy and felt it to be a great career at figuring out themselves or hiding their insanity. Most of the psychiatrist or psychology professionals I have met have evidenced severe neurosis, God Complex or megalomania. Its well known in the medical industry that high level medical professionals often have a God Complex.

    Give some men drugs or basic science (i.e voodoo, mesmerism, etc.) for manipulating people to do and some of them may think themselves to be God. The irony, for the atheist or the satanists ultimate self-evident proof of godhood is in the manipulation and control over other men--what does that tell us?

    The Philip Experiment
    Last edited by allodial; 01-24-16 at 12:08 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #62
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    So USUFRUCT begs the enjoyable use of another's property absent waste if perfect. So there are two aspects which must be considered the property and the right of use to enjoy. Consider notes in circulation. Do not those who makes its use enjoy the benefits of its use? Do these who make it's use own the notes? The answer is clearly no.

    Are the notes money? According to all the research I have set my mind upon, the answer is no. But they can be! These function as "bills in circulation" or "promissory notes" or "bills of exchange" but not as money.....UNLESS the user makes claim. One must make a demand for lawful money to get lawful money.

    If one qualifies for Social Security benefits but makes no claim, then those benefits are not coming. Who holds the legal title to those benefits? Clearly it is not the private man or woman. So then lets be very clear, the trustee holds legal title which is a way of saying the beneficiary has an equitable interest in the trustee! In other words, if a claim issues [demand for performance] upon the trustee in accord with the trust agreement, then the trustee is duty bound to perform.

    PROPERTY is not THING. The object or form is not property! For instance a truck is not Property! Property is the subject of Rights and Interests in a Thing. Therefore the object of property can be a thing but the thing is not property! This is very important to comprehend. Before one has an intelligent discussion concerning Usufruct one must first define the things upon which is the concern of Property.

    Then one must determine is the usufruct perfect or imperfect.

    In order to do the foregoing one must determine two questions:

    1. Specifically what is it that is desired?
    2. How will one know when one has it?

    Otherwise the argument is too vague. I wonder if no possessions can even be imagined?

    How to Lose Property:

    PROPERTY 10. - 1. It is lost by the act of man by, 1st. Alienation; but in order to do this, the owner must have a legal capacity to make a contract. 2d. By the voluntary abandonment of the thing; but unless the abandonment be purely voluntary, the title to the property is not lost; as, if things be thrown into the sea to save the ship, the right is not lost. Poth. h. t., n. 270; 3 Toull. ii. 346. But even a voluntary abandonment does not deprive the former owner from taking possessiou of the thing abandoned, at any time before another takes possession of it.

    Comment: If one makes a use of notes to gain a purchase then the possession is in usufruct for the one who made the purchase made a use of another's property to gain an enjoyment of a thing or form.

    It is obvious even to a casual observer that all property remains within the State and it is impossible for property to be alienated without the State once it enters into the Registry. If a numbered legal name was used to make a purchase then there may exist no capacity even to contract. There is only grantor/grantee.

    "You can check in anytime you want but you can never leave....." or

    Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


    Now consider what we have is sets within sets or subsets of sets. So the Right to Enjoy is the right to possess and make a use of property. There is a set which holds all the foregoing terms and it is in RIGHT. And Rights are the subject of Law and therefore at its crux is Morality and Justice.

    Therefore a Legal Right in one corresponds to a Legal Duty in another. Therefore rights beg an entitlement to something. And therefore Rights being the subject of Law beg Trust.


    One day, hopefully, men will not need a Moral Code written in order to secure morality.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 01-24-16 at 02:09 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  3. #63
    Voluntary abandonment of rights. - DEBT.

    You cannot fight your way off the battlefield - buying off debt with more debt.

    Allodial: the theory you propose supposes that ACIM was pre-written and projected upon Helen. This would be a lot of trouble rather than cause and effect being the largest egregore around is prayed into existence, by men and women. Not so much theory though...

    I will never read ACIM alone - only in a group of people who seem to be looking for truth. This is the best interpretation for me and of course I perceive what I project into it. What I get though is the same Jesus of the Holy Bible without the guilt trip laid upon the ministry by Abraham/Sarah's incest and of course Paul's Benjamite resulting sacrificial system of guilt appeasement.

    This is akin to the "Slogans of Jesus" as I coin The Gospel of Thomas. A joy/peace based system without fear is much more effective prayer, in my opinion.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 01-24-16 at 08:53 AM.

  4. #64
    It all goes back to the lie in the Garden, culminating with the abomination of the Tower - the heresy of "cosmic humanism" means I AM God; there is no higher authority than ME. This is also at the heart of all who diminish or deny the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was/is God incarnate who came and was born into this world to do what NO MAN was capable of prior or would be capable of afterward - live a life absent sin.

    Therefore, because of Him, God's only begotten (unique, special) Son, those who choose to believe in Him are redeemed and will have eternal life as co-rulers with Him in an end-of-the-age and earth wide Eden as per God's original intent.

    Saul D. Alinksy, he stated: “All effective actions require the passport of morality.” (Saul D. Alinksy, Rules for Radicals, Vintage Books, 1972, p. 44) Therefore the destructors of Christen-dom need the veneer of spirituality to be able better to change the world. That is why they use all these cults and beliefs.

    You may be interested to know that Mr. Alinksy was a mentor of the now Senator Hillary Clinton, or Hillary Rodham Clinton or Hillary Rodham… “Alinsky’s philosophy and strategies were set forth in the 1947 bestseller, Reveille for Radicals, which became a classic on the left . . . Hillary was involved in inviting Alinsky to speak at Wellesley. She also interviewed Alinsky for her senior thesis . . . Today, Hillary’s thesis is under lock and key on the campus of Wellesley, whose administrators unilaterally cut off public access to the senior theses of ‘all presidents and first ladies’ in early 1993, soon after Clinton was inaugurated.” (David Brock, The Seduction of Hillary Rodham, Free Press Paper-backs, 1996, pp 15 – 17)

    Is it possible that there exists a conspiracy, a global plan to reunite church and state, but a church and state of a new order? This just might be a reality in consideration of the following statement: “Gorbachev and the global socialists (who in the past have been confirmed atheists and materialists) have decided pragmatically that wholesale atheism can never be sold to most Americans, most of whom have some belief in God. The new approach therefore attempts to wrap or merge materialism (a foundational doctrine of Communism) with the Eastern religions. The Eastern religions (which can be labeled ‘cosmic humanism’) at their heart hold man to be God, which allows them to be molded to accommodate almost any other belief or religion.” (quoted from Donald S. McAlvany, The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, February 1996, p 3)

    A special “Knowledge”, feelings and experiences, man sufficient unto himself, the absence of God, man’s inner potential for transformation, evolution, enlightenment – these are the themes of the new age movement. Ultimately, it involves the development of a mindset, and this mindset is often solidified through a wide spectrum of available new age practices whether that be through the belief systems encompassed by the esoteric orders, theosophy, the kabbala, yoga, Wicca, Gaia, channeling, the Celestine prophecy, astrology, out-of-body experiences, dream interpretation, transcendental meditation, feng shui, Buddhism, aromatherapy, runes, I Ching, karma etc. etc., it will lead to the mindset that man and his world is God.

    Yet, mankind continues to buy into that same old lie. Perhaps, a time will come when those who do not adopt the new age mindset will be in grave danger. Why? Because you will be seen to be hindering the global evolution of mankind to a higher spiritual plane and, therefore, you will be considered to be depriving the rest of humanity from this essential experience. We all have to be as one for this transformation. Remember that for the pantheist that any good New Ager is, “any means is lawful, every act is allowable”, be it to obtain an individual experience or a global transformation. Mr. Rawat is evidence that the new age onslaught is on our doorsteps, you will be asked to buy into his “Knowledge” or some other similar message, whatever that may be, or risk being made-out, or ‘re-educated’, because you will be perceived as an obstacle to that transformation necessary for the attainment of world peace. You will be held responsible for the continuation of wars and famines. How dreadful you will appear to the world. Perhaps, for your own good and the good of mankind, as you will be made to go and evolve in the next life or something as it will be better for all if you were sacrificed in the name of humanity, man the god.


    Imagine there’s no Heaven
    It’s easy if you try
    No Hell below us
    Above us only sky
    Imagine all the people
    Living for today

    "Good job" John...
    Last edited by BLBereans; 01-24-16 at 03:24 PM.

  5. #65

  6. #66
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Authenticating a birth certificate is for proving its of official issue and that is for sending it to foreign countries. Using a hair-brained process to simply signal to the government that you're 'one of those' isn't recommended.

    When one moves from one country to another to live full time the government requests the SOLB from your original birth jurisdiction. The country requiring it does not ask for it to be authenticated.
    The country does not ask for a BC.
    This is what I found out between Canada and the USA.
    Authenticating the BC to be the holder in due course is hair-brained alright.
    Its down right ridiculous.
    Last edited by walter; 01-24-16 at 06:10 PM.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    An edifying complimentary work is DMT - And the Soul of Prophecy by Dr. Rick STRASSMAN. Here is a careful examination of nearly every prophecy of the Bible in context of two years of injecting DMT into volunteers, in clinical study.

    One misses the mark I believe with the tolerance issue, having to double up doses. I am suggesting access to a, maybe the most powerful Memory Cluster (egregore) ever - Jesus CHRIST. - A very powerful GodForm. One should understand that Helen was a respected psychiatrist in leadership of Columbia University's Psychiatric Department. The last thing she wanted or needed was a reputation-breaker like that she was haunted by Jesus. So all the dosage did was to allow a natural function of biblical prophecy on a daily basis.
    Two years of injection of DMT....oh my...that is insane.
    One think about DMT is the body does not build up tolerance to it because the pineal gland produces it naturally.
    One could do back to back hits all day long and no tolerance level builds up. No side effects.
    The first would be just as strong as the last.

    There was a professor in UBC that would go out at lunch hour and smoke DMT in his car every day.
    He did this for a long time before he got caught.

    Things will start to happen to someone who ate LSD or mushrooms everyday for very long time periods.
    Even if they are not getting ripped any more. The known effect and feeling.
    Very subtle changes start to happen and if it was done unknowingly these changes could drive one crazy.
    Little things would start to make then self present and if you gave them energy you will start to create another world for your self that people around don't see. If one didn't know of this happening then anything could be possible.
    Last edited by walter; 01-25-16 at 06:47 AM.

  8. #68
    You know, the banksters already had experience hoisting up a credit system. For example

    William Peterson had been successful in installing an usurious system in England.

    What we are basically doing is reverse engineer his system, which I am sure he learnt from some ancient practice, most likely from the legacy of the priests of Mesopotamia that were in charge of the temples' wealth. Just like Joseph had done in Egypt, that made the people sell themselves into slavery.

    My point is, existence is a zero sum game. The LORD'S law is perfect, something we may think is unjust, it will have to be balanced somehow.

    For example, those benefiting from the great wealth accumulation from being in the peculiar position of being a beneficiary of the usurious scheme that is the Federal Reserve System, will eventually have to pay or account for it's unequitable gains.

    Redeeming lawful money is just a simple way of helping them not keep accumulating unequitable gains that they will have to pay later.

    One way they try to assuage their consciousness is by having defendants state their plea's made under a plea bargain agreement "knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily. "

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    My point is, existence is a zero sum game.
    This may be what I was looking for!

    I thought of e=mc2 as a tremendous expenditure of energy. I might be spending a lot of energy creating it all instead?

    I see a traditional correction from BL Bereans; and appreciate that, but it comes across as appeasement - protectionism for a business plan that has long since failed.

  10. #70
    In the very beginning, before Adam and Eve, Lucifer was able to enter into every living thing that GOD had ever created. GOD allowed this because GOD was full of love, and wanted his sons to be able to experience what it would be like to be a bird or a lion or even a tree. Before Adam there was human kind, these men and women new GOD , but they also knew that they would die, and go back into the dust of the earth . And Satan was even allowed to enter into them. These human kind were more like the ape men and women that the geologists keep digging up and hiding from you in museums basement's , just to cover up the real truth about our origins. These human kind were hairy and had reddish hair. Neanderthal;
    These were the men and women that Cain was afraid would kill him. It was one of these Cain chose to be his wife. So now humankind was mixed with mankind, Immortality was no more. GOD cursed the seed line of Cain, and put the mark of death on their foreheads.

    GOD made Adam and eve in his own image, They were man kind, and they were fair and beautiful.
    And GOD made it clear to Satan , that he was never to enter into them, unless it was their FREE WILL for him to do so . Adam and Eve were given immortality and the opportunity to be in GOD and to love him of their own FREE WILL. And Adam understood that fair well.

    Satan has stolen your past, and everything that GOD wanted for you that was good.
    Adam And Eve The story metaphorically describes the transition of human beings into mankind perfectly. It also shows us the next step in our evolution. The step from mankind into spirit kind. The story of Adam and Eve has hidden things in it, but the overall message is how our minds were created. It describes how we joined with the devil/our controlling mind, and how we can turn this devil/mind back into an angel. Human being a monster or just rowdy not the image God was going for probably our modern day Scotch and Irish might be seeded down. Scotchman is just a lost Irishman. metaphorically speaking we were created in the image of God male and female they created us so there are female images of God and there are female images of an angel we are in many different forms some of us have wings some of us do not Satan rebelled against Adam because Adam was created in the image of God you have to understand the tax and Eve is the mother of all living meaning she birth the female image of an angel and the spirit realm just like women birth the image of a child female child that is you need to study about the angelic realm as in Proverbs 8 we were formed many billions of years ago that was a great rebellion because Satan had to bear bowing to Adam and bowing Eve because they were created in the image of God representing. Godfather. father God the mother ELOHIM and representing humankind that's why he was on the mission to deceive and corrupt mankind because we were at the representation of the angelic world? in a heaven Mankind has been corrupted with humankind I am parsing how Cain was so pride driven.His offspring were the monsters. Entertainment based coment its a flooded nation working its way back to the garden.

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