Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
A key issue is if the store filled in the information it was your responsibility to is correct it. Likely they got it off the SOLB. The requirement to register is likely for residents. If you are not a resident and live somewhere that does not require registration then it might be sufficient to send them a Notice of Sale or a Bill of Sale showing sale, transfer or assignment to a non-resident.
The store only filled in their sections and left the ones for me to fill up blank. The store never saw or asked for ID.
"The requirement to register is likely for residents."
Thanks for pointing that out. I forgot about that.
All their ID requirements are for residents.

I noticed in their wording that they say a "Canadian Driver License" is valid ID.
Yet there is no such thing. All DL are provincial issued. Canada does not issue DL.

Criminal Code of Canada

Defects and Objections
794 (1) No exception, exemption, proviso, excuse or qualification prescribed by law is required to be set out or negatived, as the case may be, in an information.

(2) The burden of proving that an exception, exemption, proviso, excuse or qualification prescribed by law operates in favour of the defendant is on the defendant, and the prosecutor is not required, except by way of rebuttal, to prove that the exception, exemption, proviso, excuse or qualification does not operate in favour of the defendant, whether or not it is set out in the information.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 730.

This is the point I am trying to make here about qualifying.
If I don't qualify then I can use that as a lawful excuse.
Then the burden of proof falls back on the crown to rebut that I do qualify.
How can they do that if their ID is not being used by me?