The failing to appear warrant funnies once while not representing or presenting EVIDENCE into the administrative hearing or muted portion of MY own trial or that appearance appearing to be so evident well your here aren't, you.will you be no i will be me the similar appearance is a lawful issue please excuse Me this appears to be a legal issue my business here is done . We will continue without you dam wright you will.warrants are benefit writs lottery adjournments till you not me gets kidnapped 3 clear day,s is all a adjournment is well who can ask for a adjournment a clerk a jp or you and every 3 days you keep asking for adjournment how not guilty plea was entered on your NAME the judge has re venued re presented or presented you as dead a paper warrant hardly when is the last time any one seen a endorsed warrant now oathless bench witch warrant that's not a adjournment a bench warrant is breech adjournment of contract.If you is found guilty without you being present the warrant is issued for the body ME to re present my conviction presented for employee benefits comes with the job 4th july pic or late night nic.I got a 6 month adjournment on a probation order i refuse to re present me or present me as i might be appearing or surrendering to title.I was picked up true name me on traffic issues and after being arrested and printed a trick to establish a criminal identification of you presenting your prints as further evidence of what how my fingers can make a difference in self conviction.dust the car for prints and nothing its you saying i drive with gloves on the same ones we took of to get the criminals prints.They need a DL if its not in the wallet the prints is how you've understood.Sign for your prints my favorite got any red ink. so you need to sign a promise to appear as you been identified or your identifying with that NAME. I said once i sign this its my release yes well the CITY has a warrant for your arrest after i sign that how are you planning on forcing me to stay arrested and how is it i would be in a federal building wanting arrest when im free to go i sign it they lock the door.My chaperone has no paper work its in the car bring it in he cant its a night in the bucket and a promise to appear the order and adjournments .r4c dont leave home without it. PRESENTS REPRESENTS offers legal identification.