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Thread: LOSE THE LEGAL NAME. Kate of Gaia

  1. #11
    I suppose rather than "Lose" the legal name, I might correct that to "Use" the legal name.

  2. #12
    [your here aren't you POLTERCHRIST] silver tungsten devil and ME yes i agree my thuggery is parsed with utility NAME bombs CHRIST RIDERS and AVON calling my vanity is the trap .If we the people walked out the house without debt this morning how would we RECOGNiZE one from the other.My ignorance is hereditary hellenistic and masonic ig noring a label or its libel.We are collectively figuratively why 72 never go up the mountain.patriarchal truth mixed in fiction.Take a NAME in vain using a still full cursed given Name.Judas and Silver SMITHS Jesus death is a ransom, the price paid to secure a slave's freedom, and that the use of the blood money to buy a burial ground for foreigners potters field they be unmarked debts lawful.I have no discoherent mission statements a justified claim is a lawful one. Christ is on the record and the cross. open the wooden already handled door and 0 the account. Name Given in Christ Trust Me True Me Redeem and Record Me.Authority highest handled first. Temples open and sealed thnx .

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    [your here aren't you POLTERCHRIST] silver tungsten devil and ME yes i agree my thuggery is parsed with utility NAME bombs CHRIST RIDERS and AVON calling my vanity is the trap .If we the people walked out the house without debt this morning how would we RECOGNiZE one from the other.My ignorance is hereditary hellenistic and masonic ig noring a label or its libel.We are collectively figuratively why 72 never go up the mountain.patriarchal truth mixed in fiction.Take a NAME in vain using a still full cursed given Name.Judas and Silver SMITHS Jesus death is a ransom, the price paid to secure a slave's freedom, and that the use of the blood money to buy a burial ground for foreigners potters field they be unmarked debts lawful.I have no discoherent mission statements a justified claim is a lawful one. Christ is on the record and the cross. open the wooden already handled door and 0 the account. Name Given in Christ Trust Me True Me Redeem and Record Me.Authority highest handled first. Temples open and sealed thnx .

    Deciphering your allegorical metaphor cryptology is delightful! Some of the images your stir:

    Name:  Vining on title.jpg
Views: 598
Size:  93.9 KB

    Name:  Vining to DM.jpg
Views: 463
Size:  33.3 KB

  4. #14

  5. #15
    Ok ill bite A predestined life isnt one day falling down the stairs and busting your leg and then saying thank GOD thats over with.Satan created Satan Government created Government God creates Man Man creates you Christ was predestined sent the message is clear battle is not with flesh and blood its the principalities municipalities beings demons demonstrating administrating prostrating a latin lap dance with sharp corners rough edges. Why luther's posty note and Christ cross are both a message to open the temple door Christ was taken of the cross and door left wide open who closed the door stuck him back RE presenting religion with a cosmic funk. predestined to stir shit up maybe but not make it up its just not that clever.
    Last edited by xparte; 02-13-16 at 12:33 PM. Reason: religion its just not that clever

  6. #16
    Yes. I like it.

    But then again, it may be my interpretation is so much different than what you mean to be saying. I don't know.

    "Christ was predestined" catches my eye. According to the Magi, that was Daniel BELTESHAZZAR who prophesied the coming of the Messiah.

  7. #17
    interpretation is so much different the latin lap dance is religion that clever .GUILT the tool used bye our adversary Not only was Barabbas's first name Jesus, but his last name, Barabbas, means son (bar) of the father (abba). Jesus had always referred to himself as the Son of the Father (and his adversaries had always refused to acknowledge that he was). So now we had two men named Jesus, each a "son of the father", but opposite fathers, it would seem. Jesus was an innocent man about to be murdered, and Barabbas was a murderer about to be set free. During an incident prior to this day, Jesus, when he knew that they sought to kill him, made this statement to them:

    John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him."Christ was predestined" raising the [bar]taking a murderers place a innocent man, the Devil had just predestined his own demise with the devil,first realization of the power behind the cross is how Christ defeats the devil. Predestined us according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise and glory of His grace.”

    Romans 8:30 further emphasizes this election saying, “Whom He did predestinate, THEM He also called; and whom He called, THEM He also justified; and whom He justified, THEM He also glorified” (past tense). And “their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world” (Rev.13:8) thus falling down a flight of stairs busting ones leg is accidental being hit with a tonne of bricks or it just hit ME like .Jesus could never redeem the Devil’s children, for they are not of God. They were simply predestinated unto eternal damnation, and were basically created themselves for that purpose. Scriptures support this truth. its not religion who created the truth its Christ that supports Scriptures. Religion rather supports damnation,as its the devils last resort false teachings its who,s taking the last shot. To “REDEEM” simply means to “TAKE BACK” what was originally God’s own. Jesus, as a Redeemer, was to take back only those who once belonged originally to God Man that's just [JUST IF IED ] damnation an unplanned, unexpected, and undesigned not purposefully caused or hidden ones own creation not of God. a portrait hides only the painters interpretation not his intentions. Christ paints ones own masterpiece perception (from the Latin perceptio, a belief or opinion percipio present infinitive percipere, perfect active perc?p?, supine perceptum) is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to re present percipietis · percipietur · percipimini · percipimur · percipimus · percipio · percipior · percipis · percipit · percipite · percipitis · percipito · percipitor · percipitote ...the LATIN TUNGSTEN its not where your mining its what you've mined.stake a claim a just one .
    Last edited by xparte; 02-13-16 at 07:56 PM. Reason: TOo hebrew or not enough

  8. #18

  9. #19

    hi everyone

    the good stuff xparte!

    not so much when the head aches though and sometimes i read it as written by a rap vocalist in order to make any sense of it.

    more hebrew, or phonecian?

    kate is way different that David, but unlike others who suggest people claim the name, they both dont so they have that in common. not sure what David is writing about "use" the name now though.

    ive been thinking about Philadelphia lately, claiming an old name and redeeming it as new.


  10. #20
    It is all about redemption!

    Chinatown (Seattle) redeems their DISCARDED CHATTEL by letting it set up a vast village of tents at the Intersection:


    Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.

    All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary?
    Attachment 3436

    So it is no longer appropriate to call Chinatown Chinatown. It is now The International District. It has a NEW NAME.

    Communication is creation so UNDISCLOSED Ministries found a shared stash. Rather than carry heavy resources it is better to leave them for others hoping for the same at whatever destination you arrive at. I intended to charge up the battery (automobile jumper pack), used for cell phones but it was bad. So I replaced it in ministerial authority - UNDISCLOSED Ministries operating as eleemosynary corporate sole - 508(c)(1)(A) - in the true church.

    Title 26 Section 508(c) Exceptions

    (1) Mandatory exceptionsSubsections (a) and (b) shall not apply to—

    (A) churches, their integrated auxiliaries, and conventions or associations of churches, or
    (B) any organization which is not a private foundation (as defined in section 509(a)) and the gross receipts of which in each taxable year are normally not more than $5,000.

    See how slick that works? I repaired the communications. By recharging the cell phones of the FACELESS BRIDGE PEOPLE they now may be getting back into the NAMED and create functional lifestyles, rather than live off the ragtag social services of the ancient walled civilization's Exodus from toxic Beijing. Go to Seattle some time and you will see what I have seen, more Chinese Faces than White.

    Break the national CODE. Free yourself. Forgive if it makes you angry.

    I was watching Madam Secretary a few episodes back. She was accusing China of hacking Air Force One to stir up a war between America and Russia. The Chinese ambassador pointed out how counterproductive that would be considering how China had been buying up a lion's share of the American national debt. (Think about that sentence for clues.) If China becomes angry they will simply foreclose and repossess. - Very revealing for a TV show!

    But I want you to catch the grace, without me having to show you the tents and people. Chinatown by whatever name is allowing the discarded chattel to squat.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-14-16 at 02:39 AM.

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