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Thread: David, could you expound more on oaths of offices, vacant offices, etc.

  1. #1

    David, could you expound more on oaths of offices, vacant offices, etc.


    Can you explain further into how failing to file an oath of office leaves the position vacant. Is it not just a formality if the ceremony took place and the incumbent did in fact swore/affirm it?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post

    Can you explain further into how failing to file an oath of office leaves the position vacant. Is it not just a formality if the ceremony took place and the incumbent did in fact swore/affirm it?
    David Merrill can weigh in with his thoughts, but I will render mine for contemplation. I do not necessarily think it is a "vacant" office - rather it is an office of consent. What I mean is since there is no oath, then there is no office of trust. There is only an "office of profit". And thusly the use of said office is merely by consent of the user. I know this to be totally true but you can't tell one who is carnal these things because carnality only wants what it wants even if that means justice be damned.

    It all comes back to Honor. If you have none, then you recognize it in others. Want proof? What do you call the judge of which you go to for judgment? Is it not YOUR Honor?

    Remember if the wife is caught in harlotry the husband is free to remarry. But if the husband is caught in adultery or is dead the wife is free to remarry. A double edged sword, yes? Wife = Citizenry ; Husband = Heads of State.

    Thusly in regard to the marriage bed [State] there is a vacant office if when taking the vows the wife takes hers but the "would be" husband does not take his. Look at the young men and women today it seems that the youths just want to use and abuse these women and it also seems like the women like it. I don't speak to all men or women - but that should be clear. And yet, look at pop culture - does it seem like the new "divas" are chaste?

    Is there any use to marry a prostitute?

    "Do you remember mama, when I knocked upon your door?
    I said you had the nerve to tell me you didn't want me no more, yeah
    I open my front door, hear my back door slam,
    You must have one of them new fangled back door man."

    Why marry her when she will accept materialism in the stead of loyalty? The "her" is every man and woman absent honor! This is the externalization of the internal consciousness of man. Thusly the "men" left the office of trust and sought the office of profit. For that, it seems, is all she recognizes.

    Isa 1:5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

    Isa 1:6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.

    Isa 1:7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

    Is there hope? Only you can know!

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 02-14-16 at 11:32 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  3. #3
    The quick answer is in the State constitution:

    Name:  vacant office constitution Article XII.jpg
Views: 341
Size:  130.4 KB

    Colorado, as you might expect because of the Gilpin Notes (1861) occupies a special place in central banking worldwide. It was only yesterday that I confirmed by witness that the Crown is bound to the same redemption laws (Title 12 USC 411) because the denomination for this note is $50 DOLLARS.

    Name:  Canada Note  DOLLARS.png
Views: 351
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    It seems a little strange that the Note itself fails to describe what currency "50" is actually in, until you realize that the Crown barristers are hoping to avoid Redemption as much as anybody else.

    So let us inspect the Form of Oath.

    Name:  Form of Oath.jpg
Views: 338
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    Now we are ready to start integrating Michael Joseph's posting. This, like anything comes down to trust law. The Book of Genesis for example is nothing but trust law...

    It is the bond, followed by proper behavior that produces something called "immunity". If you want to put this simply then when somebody is wrongfully injured by a house of justice they are entitled by law to an award in compensation for the harm done. This is produced through what I have coined the IN GOD WE TRUST Trust. We find it at Title 31 USC 5114.

    (b) United States currency has the inscription “In God We Trust” in a place the Secretary decides is appropriate.
    Continued due to so many images:
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  4. #4
    Recently I challenged a federal judge about changing the federal Form of Oath:

    Name:  federal judge testifies about oaths.jpg
Views: 343
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    I don't think he will enjoy reading my Response to the Department of Justice's Motion to Dismiss.

    I have removed some of the names so that these pretend judges might not try accusing me of defamation of character. What you might notice though, is that it does not matter if the federal judge allows the clerk of court to publish the Response on PACER because I have posted it in multiple evidence repositories. Note that this is published in federal court in the District of Colorado.

    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-15-16 at 01:38 PM.

  5. #5
    Ah, yes, I see, "take and subscribe".

    Now, I was about to ask you what remedy was there for being harm, but you are already answering that question. Thank you.

  6. #6
    The remedy has been written exactly as long as the problem of elastic currency has been around - since 1913. Finding a house of justice to execute the remedy by law...

    As Trustee for the Resulting Trust I am no longer an Individual and no longer limited by the Eleventh Amendment. I become Special Minister in my heritage as Patroon/STATESMAN.

    Attachment 3464

    UNDISCLOSED Ministries is corporate sole Church:

    Name:  Undisclosed Ministries #XX.jpg
Views: 344
Size:  160.0 KB

    See how that works? Feet easily penetrate delusions of federal fiction - especially when the "judges" are fake too!
    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-15-16 at 06:29 PM.

  7. #7
    David, you have my curiosity. Given you live in Colorado ( or the land area normally described as Colorado :-)) and you have built this site on the redemption of FRN to lawful money. I am very interested in the Canadian bank note that has a redemption written on it in marker. Would you care to expand on this post


    Canadian solution

  8. #8
    Of course, Canadian Redemption;

    The law boundary for Dollars is the Fed Act. Redemption is a Will and Word of God problem/solution. It is Forgiveness. Therefore the entire Bretton Woods Agreement and especially its Amendments drawn up between the Bloodline (France) and the Transplant Vinyard (America) - the Secret Jamaica-Rambouillet Accord Minutes - is in alignment with the same Law Boundary.

    Thank you Michael Joseph for bringing up that term, Law Boundary - very handy and well timed.

    So the Plan is to take the Proof of Service on the Provincial Supreme Court, serve it on the Provincial Court persecuting with the returned $50 Crown note, but also copy the US Court of Federal Claims with a $46 US note (in the form of FRN's) offering and citing §16 of the Fed Act and Title 12 USC §411 to set up a federal evidence repository that shows up on PACER worldwide. - This way a Canadian and any suitor in any non-BRICS nation participating in the Bretton Woods Agreements can make the same demand for lawful money within that same Law Boundary.

    Pretty clever if I may say so...

    P.S. Look at the first paragraph of Page 4 of P.L. 94-564 linked above. See that? How gold may come back into the system. It takes timing and knowledge together. I have been looking at that all the time and not seeing. Like Master Po in Kung Fu says; Who is blind? The man with no eyes? Or the man who refuses to understand the truth?

    All these nations have decided on the Districts as the law boundary. Redemption is everywhere. This is why the BRICS nations had to form an individual basket of currencies - because we are on to Forgiveness as the best way off the battlefield.

    P.P.S. Meanwhile Congress presses the Fed to keep an eye on our Forgiveness through Stress Testing.

    It is no secret at all. You are God. I AM God. The Key to Prosperity is that I AM Prosperity. Consider what is causing you guilt, and Forgive yourself.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-15-16 at 09:57 PM.

  9. #9
    Thank you David

    I will look forward to getting the mechanic's for these actions discussed in more detail over at LMT

    Canadian Solution

  10. #10
    a fifty wheres the RCMP on the back that's last time i seen a real $50 it might have been still only worth 30 US frn even with the RCMP ride on it a lawful funny how a benefit warrant gets handled at the back door redeemed goes over the border first come first serve order.Canadian hosers US Court of Federal Claims with a $46 US note (in the form of FRN's) offering and citing §16 of the Fed Act and Title 12 USC §411 to set up a federal evidence repository that shows up on PACER worldwide. TO prove its a was lawful redeemed this CANADA 50 DOLLAR note now costs additional $75 or $125.00 loonies federal evidence repository $46.00 to make the point can a canadian redeem lawful US notes after they know he demand a loss 18 loonies exchange is it worth it or is a the hoser supreme court clerk passing notes back and forth taking selfees. eh

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