I think maybe my first poignant experience with ARIPP (Advanced Resonance Inductive Plasma Physics) was with a device called the Bioenergy Spectrum Analyzer. It was 32 tesla coils to create a complex signal. So you could characterize an illness and then transmit that illness into the patient 180° out of phase, and in a few minutes the patient would be symptom-free if not cured.

Recently I met a young man in college studying engineering. He has to retake differential equations because while he gets through the functions fine, he cannot show any of the intermediate steps. I am like that too. With him though, he has thriving issues - born with a collapsed lung, no muscle bulk etc. So having certain transforms does not seem to have a recipe. The way I see things may not have much meaning to you.

Lately I think that it may be transferring consciousness from the sympathetic nervous system to the autonomic nervous system. Maybe it is "balance" like you say. I suppose that expressing it in genome, it is cellular memory (DNA) rather than conscious memory - pyramidal neuron synapse in the cranial brain. I still use my head though, so you may be right - seek balance.

I like the way Jesus told Peter to fish off the right (female) side of the boat and the clue being 153 big fish, but not breaking the net. That movie Lucy was a real eye-opener too.

Now is God. A little more in depth.

Today it seemed important to religion and especially Christianity considering the CHRIST as blood sacrifice. - The guilt stirred by Abraham being half-sibling with Sarah...