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Thread: VIbRationAL/VIRAL

  1. #1


    One might simply refer to my curing SARS for understanding my recent post elsewhere. I am BRAIDING - M'G'ADL'A. Like Mary MAGDALENE. This is the FEMALE speaking off the right side of the boat in terms of the first CUBE SUM NUMBER LOCK - 153. If you wonder what this is doing in IDENTITY, Introduce Yourself - read on. I simply encourage you to relax your gaze, like with those hollonation pictures, until the transform occurs naturally.

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    Referencing this post, I made an observation about how many Asians have moved in to the Seattle area in the last twelve years, since the claim made with the US Patent and Trademark Office above. NOTICE how there is a reference to DoD on there - Department of Defense. There I was making a critical point about genome - how REDEMPTION as an office gives us a New Name. Chinatown redeeming the discarded chattel becomes the more respectable sounding - The International District.

    Now with a nod to time, I delve into some cause and effect. If you recall in 2002-2003 the western ports were shut down a second time to Chinese imports, due to fears of a SARS contagion. [The first shutdown was Turnaround Tuesday, while evaluating the legality of $200M Chinese donations to reelect William Jefferson CLINTON. The Trading with the Enemy Act is utilized for various restructuring - 95b provides for easy Executive Order.]

    A clue to the Thread Title is that I am sipping a piping hot blend of Sho Wa Tiger Shogun Formula, Dandy-Blend and curcumin laden Turmeric Boost... If I had my lab set up, I could show you.

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    The reaction to SUPPRESSION was to eradicate disease. - Naturally.

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    Like Allodial pointed out, ergot outbreaks weaken the immune system and invite influenza (virus). This is the anxiety that accompanies hallucinosis. After decades of aluminum chlorhydrate (antiperspirant) the short circuits to the pyramidal neuron firing (conscious memory) causes the patient to feel they are losing their mind, spongiform encephalitis more accurately - holes in the brain like human mad cow.

    Offering China a $20M lien for $50M.

    Apparently after going through some difficulty in jail, he finally got it! With SARS no longer a threat, the floodgates opened and China began collections.

    P.S. In other words VAN PELT is a sound, vibrations in the air.

    P.P.S. Turnaround Tuesday was ME too.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-14-16 at 02:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Like the Song of Bliss emanating out of the end of the DNA. Mapping is like looking at the saxophone. The music requires so much more around the saxophone...

    Attachment 3449

    The same math - around the Fibonacci Sequence leads to the human form - the Image and Likeness of God.

    Attachment 3448
    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-14-16 at 05:37 PM.

  3. #3

    Said another way:

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    You may have seen this around here in 2-D: Chart the All.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-14-16 at 06:43 PM.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    hi David

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Yet again...
    TMI "Too Much Info"

    Ive mentioned this before David, you have very interesting ideas/info!

    its just way too far out for most of us I think. your OP here would make a good outline that you might could elaborate on?

    seems highly advanced and even important but I cant figure out what you are attempting to convey here.

    maybe it requires balanced hemispheres to comprehend this? if that is the case. what are the first steps you recommend to take in order to find balance?


  6. #6
    I think maybe my first poignant experience with ARIPP (Advanced Resonance Inductive Plasma Physics) was with a device called the Bioenergy Spectrum Analyzer. It was 32 tesla coils to create a complex signal. So you could characterize an illness and then transmit that illness into the patient 180° out of phase, and in a few minutes the patient would be symptom-free if not cured.

    Recently I met a young man in college studying engineering. He has to retake differential equations because while he gets through the functions fine, he cannot show any of the intermediate steps. I am like that too. With him though, he has thriving issues - born with a collapsed lung, no muscle bulk etc. So having certain transforms does not seem to have a recipe. The way I see things may not have much meaning to you.

    Lately I think that it may be transferring consciousness from the sympathetic nervous system to the autonomic nervous system. Maybe it is "balance" like you say. I suppose that expressing it in genome, it is cellular memory (DNA) rather than conscious memory - pyramidal neuron synapse in the cranial brain. I still use my head though, so you may be right - seek balance.

    I like the way Jesus told Peter to fish off the right (female) side of the boat and the clue being 153 big fish, but not breaking the net. That movie Lucy was a real eye-opener too.

    Now is God. A little more in depth.

    Today it seemed important to religion and especially Christianity considering the CHRIST as blood sacrifice. - The guilt stirred by Abraham being half-sibling with Sarah...

  7. #7
    lol.. figures..

    one of the things i do extremely well is something that others ask me how I do it and I cant tell them becasue I dont even think about it when Im doing it. so, I can sort of relate to that part of what you are writing.

    seems like some of that other stuff your writing about is related to what Dale Pond talks about :

    Sympathetic Vibratory Physics

    a sacred science, I also mentioned to you years ago about the Devils Chord conspiracy in an effort to solicit your opinion about it since it was so far over my head. dealing with squaring the circle, harmonic and irrational computations and such.

    also find Bruce Liptons work on cell memory compelling and it is a paradigm changer in the field of genetics, are you aware of his work?

    Ive heard that new movie is good but Im not a movie buff so I probably wont see it. has something to do with black goo right? Harold somebody really goes into that conspiracy deeply.

    man I really do not like using google anything but your one of the few who can make me do it anyway. I'll have look at those links later.

    I simply can not fathom what "The guilt stirred by Abraham being half-sibling with Sarah..." is about or why you keep posting about it. I think maybe because Im not sure what guilt really is or I just dont ever feel it if I do know what it is,.

    I killed a bird with a bb gun when I was very young and still feel bad about it, that seems like guilt but that is not something you have to read or be taught and it seems to me incest is because if the adam and eve story is correct then how could there be any other way but incest?

    theres enough of the opposite sex around nowadays and maybe even in Abrahams time that incest wouldnt be too common but if it was not written that it was "wrong" I suspect it would be more common. and some tales of the elite blood-line suggest that it is quite common and for good reason.

    Im not gonna try it to just to find out. gotta be honest though, just prior to puberty, I kinda sorta had a crush on a cousin. (yeah, I wrote it!) but then there were not many of the opposite sex around me at that time except family.

    still, I just dont get it, whatever message you try to convey with that Abrham story.

    I used to think if one man can do something, so can I and I can do alot that way but as I got older I realized that that was mostly a physical deal, its the meta-physics that I now comprehend that unless I can be reborn with memory of prior lifetimes or something extraordinary like that, there is no way I can learn what other men have learned.

    either some really are exceptional intellect, they have had more than one lifetime to acquire knowledge, or they somehow have access to knowledge that I do not. its got to be one of these.. I suspect it is NOT by exceptional intellect though.
    Last edited by george; 02-21-16 at 04:30 AM.

  8. #8
    An experiment by Jacob/Israel I believe elaborates on what was high school teachings about di-hybrid cross. The Levite law explains the crush on your cousin was harmless.

    GMO, used in a recent X-Files about a were-lizard convolution - the lizard-man is bitten by a rabid human. - Powerful comedy, MULDER awakens by a grave hungover with the X-Files theme for his cell phone ringtone...

    Genetic modification is a myth. Cellular memory is true. GMO means false genetic memory - altered DNA = hallucination. Myth, fable, legend, hallucination or parable - call it what you will, illusion.

    Recombining DNA is possible though; recombinant DNA. It causes infolding of protien called prions - spongiform encephalopathy - human mad cow disease. That is a little extreme from ingesting the nervous system of your ancestors but that is exactly why cows got into it. The ranching industry was recycling the cattle nervous system after butchering.

    About the bird-victim. That is guilt. Little sound bites that creep in and make you feel unworthy of the Love of God. Forgive the bird? No. Forgive yourself. Quit re-living the past. It leads to the invention of a wrathful God who demands blood of you as atonement.

    Recently I wrote:

    If you describe God with your brain you misidentify yourself.

    I tested a suitor: What is your name?

    I expected his Christian or given name or names, he has been a suitor on the brain trust for years now.

    My Name is in my voice.
    Wow! Grasshopper, you teach the Master!

    Shall I project what is on my mind?

    Shall I project what is in my heart?

    What is greater than Good? - ANSWER: Love.

    That is from Kung Fu.

    P.S. The name is a Title. Family or surname is an OFFICE.

    So help me God.

    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-21-16 at 01:12 PM.

  9. #9
    "what is your name?"

    "my name is my voice"
    this rings new and true to me. recently weve talked (well actually, written here) about the written vs spoken word.

    if one were to ask "what is your name?" and the response to that question was " "shall I tell it or spell it?"

    seems there is no harm in telling the sound (sonic) but to spell the name, now I see how that could that be considered blasphemy. make sense?

    and I'd previously mentioned to you sbout the sound of man is sonic.

    Im not real clear on the difference between the son of man and the son of god yet though.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    P.S. The name is a Title. Family or surname is an OFFICE.

    So help me God.

    I see the title and OFFICE parts of names now but not how or why youve written "So Help Me God" after that here?

    I need to look into "oath spoken" more now, learn what separates spoken words from spoken oaths and how. any suggestions?

    Ive read about the new X-files programming but I dont have a TV. havnt had one in over a decade now and dont want one. they sorta make me sick.. I dont doubt that one can learn things from the programming there but I dont trust that signal.

    I dont trust musical signals now either unless it is live organic music (not EL ectric)

    you can hardly go anywhere in or modern civilization without those signals blaring either. most people probably dont even notice but I find it to be a passive aggression of fakery, lies in your face! it sorta makes me angry since its so hard to ignore. kinda like that profane rap music one has to deal with so often now coming from cars now. oh well, it just is what it is and not something i enjoy.

    so the spoken word is sonic and the written word can be anything but sonic. seems deadly in a way. I need to work on this. some people say the kingdom is at hand, meaning by written word. word operates both kingdoms, spoken in the kingdom of earth and written in/of/with the kingdom of heaven (the mind) and I see how it is like this but still missing something about it. synchronicities are strong lately so I anticipate finding the missing piece/peace soon.

    Last edited by george; 02-21-16 at 02:53 PM.

  10. #10
    That is a project of UNDISCLOSED Ministries I call Rectification of Judiciary. Notice how the English sentence has been rendered into gibberish. We of course see what the string of words says if we can read. But why change it at all?

    WOLSKI's Oath and Federal Law.

    I suspect that reluctance to Google links is much akin to me passing secrets in plain text on 5.25" floppy disk. Even at Langley and Quantico it would probably take a day to find a drive to read it. Facebook is the place to get information. I saw a documentary on Google. They require warrants and release files at about 20K/year on (digital) warrants. That was back when Facebook was just getting started. People just hand information over on Facebook.

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    This federal judge simply skips anything about "why", where and when the change in form came about.

    Another thing;

    I have written this so many times I simply skipped it here. In my opinion it is not the incest doing all the brain damage - it is the guilt. Now I get why Abraham would conjure up such an insecure God that He might demand Abraham slice Isaac's throat at all. And to do so at puberty. Abraham was debating ending the abomination before it generated more recombinant DNA.

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