Michael Joseph finally put me over the edge when he brought out the Testi in Testimony. I have been hearing his words from a base perspective but that is the way I had to hear it, for a while.

The way it came across when I finally understood this morning sitting in a new church - this one United Methodist. I am "traveling" and so came across this new setting. The pastor was teaching the first six days in Genesis - no accidents - no coincidences.

Funny how I was thinking through a new paradigm in cause and effect, so when I say this it is not actually how it happened; but it felt like I finally figured out why there are boys and girls, so to speak. The whole sexual thing. I realized that the reason for such an inefficient system is that it is a projection of the Creative Process. - The same creative process Michael Joseph has been describing about sperm and eggs in the womb etc. Well I have been conditioned to sport a reaction akin to mild repugnance at such talk around spiritual matters so maybe you have too and therefore have been missing out on this pearl.

So ask yourself;

Why are there males and females?

I wrote the Answer, on the prayer card the pastor gave me:

In His image an idea impregnates Mind and is incubated in the Feminine Womb of emotion to produce a Creation of that character; Love or Fear.
On the little footprint for some sort of prayer process within that congregation I wrote:

Male & Female are because this is the reflection of the Creative Process.

Thank you Michael Joseph. I may not understand it the way you do but I feel I understand it better by trying to understand you a few weeks back.