men should keep their word (their Bond) but they dont. it used to not be as bad and you could count on a mans word more often than not. Im not sure how it happened but these days I find very few men that I can sorta count on and none that I can absolutely count on. thats just a small part of the sad state of affairs called the world we live in now.

"the state will inherit" ? how can the dead inherit anything? I suppose "the state" could be instead of a corporation, a state of mind(s). mob rules type of stuff when multiple minds think alike. this is why public opinion is so influential in this sad state of affairs.

I certainly struggle with it but not even close to what David goes through lately. but this is where we are, a messed up place, so even when everything is in writing, signed & sealed, we cant count on it.

this deal has turned into David vs Goliath! David Merrill vs Goliath GO LIE ATH (The BAR Guild)

I dont know the details so maybe the state will inherit, I was just pointing out that maybe things may not have escalated to such a degree had there been a better communication and TBH i never could figure out the coat of arms deal, lots of symbolism but its a coat of arms for crying out loud! may as well be bearing arms.. thems fighting words/symbols! how could anyone even think that was a good idea?

there are brilliant people in this world but its always the simple stuff they cant seem to get. cant say for sure thats the case here but Ive been trying to communicate here long enough to have a hunch. and there is always three sides to every story.

Im not so brilliant but I do see things others seem to mis and even with no trust in fellow men, I still like to help them. that may be due to the residual effects of that religion stuff though or maybe by helping others my ego gets something out of it.. i dunno, it just feels right to me.

and surely some can relate but when you are helpful by nature then you naturally have higher expectations of others, so its a double edge I guess. youll certainly "see" when others are not so helpful.

I think David can win this battle and look forward to seeing the proof of that. He's something else I tell ya! and maybe someone else can figure out how he did it and explain it to the rest of us (in somewhat close to average speak) so we can all help each other in our corner of this messed up world.

forgive me if Ive touched on any sensibilities with this post brothers. Im just not good at being a joker or a Riddler. cant even play poker..