Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
The best express trust is based on a preexisting condition of forgiveness, the emotional trust.
forgiveness and emotional trust might also be based in a prior preexisting "condition", Will.

Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
we see the United States existed because men DECLARED IT TO EXIST.
on another thread I had mentioned how Ken W has stressed the importance of a will, and says the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and all other documents and contracts are actually wills.

Im starting to see how this is so but now considering how gods will can become mans will.

its an interesting subject to me now (the will, wills) and seems to be The Subject.

Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
I think it is pretty clear how I have sworn my Life, Estate and Sacred Fortune away as the bond against the harm my curse (oath) might cause to others. But unlike Michael Joseph above herein this post, my bonding is expressly published. I put my trust in the oaths of "judicial officers" and now have found my estate (usage thereof) compromised by them only pretending to be bonded.
so Matthew 5:34 is not about oaths to you or not a valid rule or law? I was thinking that you were one who followed the "swearing rule". just asking..

Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
This is what I was getting at. The Fed Act was to furnish "elastic currency" and therefore offered the remedy at Section 16 and Title 12 USC 411. "Nothing wrong with that." Here is the offer to go into criminal syndicalism and the option not to. Anyone in position of sworn "officer" including the US citizen should be bonded like I am - by their word/bond. Instead you find them resorting to each other's faulty oath/bond for safety while they bash you for not registering (to vote)?
Ive never regis starred to vote but have acted for the name on the BC (a state agency) so I think this might be good reason to formally resign that agency.