
I was hoping someone would be able to clarify what amount should be put on line 21 if someone has been redeeming lawful money on all paychecks and is having a large sum taken out of each. Would the total amount on line 21 be the actual gross salary amount lets pretend it is 100,000. or would you place on line 21 the amount that you actually redeemed, which unfortunately, is the amount after what they withheld , lets pretend that total to be 80,000. As the goal is to in essence receive the 20,000 that they held, how do you go about proving that is what you demanded lawful money for when, the paycheck, is much less due to the with holding agent withholding such funds from your cashable paycheck? Further, is the demand for lawful money supposed to be different when written to the state, who held less money? My belief is that the entire pay stub amount, not the paycheck, is the true amount earned, so how are other people doing this who have been redeeming lawful money all year? I have yet to see any examples that would provide me with some clarification in regards to this matter.

