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Thread: Dilemma

  1. #1


    So, I've learned about non-indorsement of the Federal system, how to do it etc. I've got a big check and I would really like to stop creating more debt. However, if the credit union won't take it, that will create a problem for paying the rent on time. I might be able to get some slack on the rent but how does it go from there? Do they return it to me (I'm going to deposit electronically from home) or do I have to get the corporation that sent it to me to cut me a new check?

    Anyone know or have any suggestions?

  2. #2

  3. #3


    It sounds as though some bank/credit union tellers refuse to take non-indorsements. Does anyone know what they must do differently? Can they be referred to banking manuals?

    I'm planning on going to my credit union and showing them the non-indorsement and asking them if they understand it and are willing to process it. I don't want to be controversial or adversarial, so my thought was to point out that it is against the law to refuse or ask them if they understand that it is required by law.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xmac View Post
    It sounds as though some bank/credit union tellers refuse to take non-indorsements. Does anyone know what they must do differently? Can they be referred to banking manuals?

    I'm planning on going to my credit union and showing them the non-indorsement and asking them if they understand it and are willing to process it. I don't want to be controversial or adversarial, so my thought was to point out that it is against the law to refuse or ask them if they understand that it is required by law.

    I wouldn't. Just do what David said and run it through. (keep a photo copy for the record)
    Only if they try to stop you should you converse with them.
    The tellers get paid a low wage and most only care about how sharp they think they look in their monkey suits.

  5. #5
    One example is that I have been using the stamp alone for my signature with Refunds and cash card use for some time. Some people seem surprised and delighted like they have just learned something new. But I should tell you, that I have been processing, correcting and revising my own conditioning issues for some years now. It is a big thing for me. So my identity comes easy to me and I carry myself with confidence.

    You should too.

  6. #6
    P.S. Now I wonder if I was to produce a child through a common law marriage, birthing in a conventional hospital and simply use my stamp for my signature...?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xmac View Post
    It sounds as though some bank/credit union tellers refuse to take non-indorsements. Does anyone know what they must do differently? Can they be referred to banking manuals?

    I'm planning on going to my credit union and showing them the non-indorsement and asking them if they understand it and are willing to process it. I don't want to be controversial or adversarial, so my thought was to point out that it is against the law to refuse or ask them if they understand that it is required by law.

    I remember the first time I went into a SECU to make a demand for lawful money, not only did I make my demand, I also had a string of disclaimers on the back of the check signed and sealed with my thumbprint. Needless to say the teller was a little bit confused. My heart was racing because I was way out of my comfort zone and I thought any minute now the doors are going to swing wide open and the police will be ready to haul me off downtown. These scenarios, which produced great fear and anxiety, were all in my head. I was amazed when the clerk came back to me with "I learn something new every day".

    As I progressed with experience, and indeed Xmac experience is the key, I began to settle into the fact that I do not need to teach a teller anything. I only expect that the teller will fulfill the contract that the bank has with me such that when I make a demand for the money held on account, then they would give it back.

    In reality Xmac the very moment that a DE-posit is granted in General what is really happening is that you are loaning the bank those de-posits. Thusly you become an unsecured creditor of the bank. And this is not a TRUST relationship but rather a quasi-contract. And the bank insures this contractual relationship with FDIC. So your deposits are only as good as the ability of FDIC to pay should the bank default. Makes you feel a bit warm inside, yes?

    In fact the term "de" means to abandon and in a sense then a general deposit means to abandon rights titles and interests in the property in exchange for a contractual relationship. If you desire another Special relationship then you must make a visit to the banks trust department whereof the bank would be most happy to hold the funds in trust for you for a much greater fee. Nevertheless since the account is IN GENERAL, then the funds made to your livery upon demand can also be general. Meaning that you might have deposited five $100 notes with specific serial numbers but when you make you demand perhaps you get 20 - $20 notes or some other derivative of the set.

    Therefore returning now to the idea of "clothing" my signature, I don't need to teach a teller anything. I only need the teller to do his/her job and if these even dare to open their mouths and wag their tongues at me it just shows how stupid they are to take a job of which they do not know how to perform. So in the spirit of keep it simple, I just ask "are you an attorney?" And of course the answer is "no". Followed up with "are you giving me legal advice?" And that is when most simple minds just fall back asleep for at once there is a battle going on within their conscience and their perception of how others view them. Most times peer pressure to conform and not rock the boat wins out and the clerk just hands over the cash. Other times when conscience wins the day, I will state "perhaps you need to speak with your manager?" EVERYTIME after said clerk speaks with his/her manager they come back with an apology and a humble smile asking "in what denomination do you desire the cash?"

    Switching gears ........

    I am a student of the human psyche. Most times confidence wins the day even if I am wrong. If you go into any situation thinking you may lose, then most times you will lose. This is why knowledge of a path is good but experience is better. For experience builds Wisdom and Wisdom births Will. And when Will and Understanding are married, then there is no longer an internal struggle.

    If 10,000 told you it was okay to make a demand for lawful money you might accept their testimony, but there remains one problem, you will not believe their testimony until you experience it for yourself. Speaking of the psyche I should like you to listen to the following video starting at the 4 hour - 38 minute mark and listen to the end. It is hard to package 15 years of experience into a simple statement. CLICK HERE for Video.

    In fact, anybody that has been in the path of enlightenment [awakening] for any amount of time can tell you that it is extremely hard to speak to those who have no idea. In fact, i should also like to point the reader to the following video as well. It is a very good illustration of what is happening today. A commentary on They Live.

    I would like you to also take a look at the following three videos and think about the amount of mind trauma that you have received over the years just by watching TV, movies and general radio media. Many like to think themselves to be immune from this trauma but those that know what the black/white checkered floor is about know NONE are immune. Many will scoff at MK Ultra saying these are just mental archetypes and in fact they just argue for the existence of mind control. Look at a $1 note. Do you see an ALTER at the top of Washington's head? He is the Alpha and notice he is flanked by an Omega. There is an Alter erected at Beersheba - the place where one Seven's himself by Oath.

    Years ago allodial shared here a book called the "Rite of Sodomy". I thought to read it because it spoke to building alters in the Mind using what they perceive as the Key of David = Sodomy. When you realize that Abraham is in type an analogy for your Higher Mind, then you will see when he built an Alter at Beersheba, it separated him from Abimilech. Abimilech is the Lower Mind. You might say it like this when you notice "V" inversions in the Scriptures and hopefully you have, you may note that on one side of the V it speaks to the Inner Man and the other the Outer Man. Or in other places the Natural Man and the Spiritual Man and still in other places the Spiritual Man and the Celestial Man. At the point of separation is the Alter. And this Alter is in the Conscience.

    MK Ultra Movies - very revealing:
    Part 1 :
    Part 2 :
    Part 3 :

    It is easy to sit back and claim that we are safe from mind control practices until at once one realizes that the media has been programming the psyche for years now and who knows what lies hidden in the shadow recesses of our minds. We may think ourselves to be righteous escaping our oppressors, but that too appears to be just another closed loop with no way out. I am reminded of Danny the boy riding the tricycle in THE SHINING - around and around he went but each time he went into a higher realm above that which his mom and dad work.

    So now the checkered floor motif is cracked. Which is a way of symbolically stating dissociative personality - it is truly sick. Now consider all of the horrible violence that has been shown to us in Movies, on TV programming, etc. The MIND makes it real. If we felt the emotion of the play, then we receive the trauma. The sub-conscious will not know the difference between the play and a real event. The movie need only follow a motif of a general principle which may or may not be understood by the waking rational self.

    So study the psyche and you may develop confidence in your external self by knowing your internal self. One needs only to examine ones self in regard to the inner fear and anxiety experienced by just following the law.

    Thanks to allodial for providing the book "The Rite of Sodomy" - a must read for those who are interested in how Alters of personality are erected in the Mind. And now for a musical interlude...

    i'm the smiling face on your TV

    Pastor Arnold Murray used to say the phrase FEAR NOT is in the Scripture 365 times one for each day of the year.

    When I filed a Libel of Review I cashed a check at a SECU for Lawful Money in order to get the filing fee in Cash. I asked the banker if there was a notary present to seal the transaction. Upon recording of the serial numbers and notary witness of the event, I asked the banker if she knew what I was doing. Her response was simple. "We are a credit union, we have billions in credit while others are going out of business we are building so $350 in lawful money is not going to have any impact on our business model." The banker knows, the teller may not, but the teller's boss does! But it is NOT my job to teach a banker how to do his/her job. If they default on the contract then I have a suit in court for breach of contract.

    However, most times if I ask a girl to dance and she says no, then I just go ask another girl to dance. Eventually one will say yes and I can enjoy the dance.

    With best regards and to your success,
    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 04-03-16 at 11:06 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  8. #8
    Hi M.J.,
    I thank you for your very detailed response. I listened to an audio of you and D.M. recently in which you reference a particular way to draw upon an account in lawful money, but you didn't (as I remember it) elaborate here?

    I'm new here and I've been reading other threads that are similar and I hope my requests for input are not too redundant. So, I apologize if I'm asking for info that is already here.

    p.s. I'm also a student of mind/psyche, so I appreciate your commentary in that regard.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xmac View Post
    Hi M.J.,
    I thank you for your very detailed response. I listened to an audio of you and D.M. recently in which you reference a particular way to draw upon an account in lawful money, but you didn't (as I remember it) elaborate here?

    I'm new here and I've been reading other threads that are similar and I hope my requests for input are not too redundant. So, I apologize if I'm asking for info that is already here.

    p.s. I'm also a student of mind/psyche, so I appreciate your commentary in that regard.
    Certain things I am reluctant to speak [write] about in an open forum. Thank you for your kind words. If you desire mentoring I provide those services at Something about a family, they enjoy eating, electricity and a shelter from the elements. I trust you comprehend my drift.

    I have established very successful methods of gaining some privacy using trusts and lawful money - but I only lodge my trust with those who are tested and are not found wanting in my court.

    Best Regards,
    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  10. #10
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    In all my years restrictively endorsing checks I've never had one that wasn't accepted. Every financial institution attempted accepted them.

    I too love me some big check dilemmas.

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