Quote Originally Posted by kelly View Post
Most Christians are traumatized mind-control victims and one of the worst mind control program of all is the Christian end times programming....Michael let others think what they want..they do the bidding of Satan [ego]....accusing the brethren and anyone they do not agree with.....You are an eternal person that's not fragmented in the spirit of Elohim YHWH.... Most Christians believed that they are saved, and are waiting for their mind controlled Rapture dogma to whisk them off to some heaven place that can happen at any time or any day now!...What happens when it doesn't happen?...They will turn on each other....The truth is....The Death of the flesh [i.e., Death of Ego is the true rapture].... End Times programming dictates that all Christian people BELIEVE in a literal End Time interpretation of the Bible and if they don’t, THEN THEY ARE GOING TO HELL....When you can love one who would crucify you...That is true love!...So, take comfort in knowing that GOD IS WITHIN YOU!...

All Movies, as a whole, are used for Mind Control in some form or another....and some more than others...So one, of course, must have discernment...It's only when the “I” recognizes the soul within, and recognizes the God within, who made that soul, will the “I” ever realize the enlightenment that God is the master of his destiny...That's when the brainwashing programming will begin to break and where the humbling process of removing the ego begins.

Should we marvel in the physical senses of the New world Order Dogma?...Indeed, the reigning world system does have rulership over this planet..... Matthew 19:24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God....John 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you shall think that he offereth service unto God....Yes we have hatred in this world, we have infirmity, we have lack, we have poverty…It's only through the Father’s unconditional love that's found within that we can overcome this world and move on.
Thank you. I remember when I was extremely dogmatic concerning history and literal expressions - which are good - but these are but a shadow. Thank you for reminding us that Jesus disciplined his disciples. Consider that statement concerning disciplining is the purification of the natural man into a Spiritual State. But then later those disciples were sent to the world which is a statement of the purification of our Land [our natural Earthly estate]. Thusly BOTH feet are washed. And the two become one and the Celestial Man sits down as a 7th day Man.

What is being put on trial right before our eyes today is LOVE. Will love of self rule or will Love of God and others win the day. For Jesus said the Love of God and Love of other hang all the Law and the Prophets. Thusly we love each other by keeping the Divine Law which is law common to the Divine Kingdom. Thusly in keeping the law - we love each other! and Our Land is healed.

with the knowledge of the lamb slain BEFORE the foundation of the world - consider the following as elaboration of that fact:

Joh 1:9 He was the very Light, Which lighteth every man [without distinction] that cometh into the created world.
Joh 1:10 He was in the world, and the world came into being by Him, and the world knew Him not.

The lamb lied down in the creation = Christ JESUS. Thusly Jesus stood surety for the entire kingdom - that included the created world. Did Jesus argue before Pilate?

Michael Joseph