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Thread: Boris

  1. #41
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    and yet who does?
    oh wait...they did
    That's right. It's called Unam Sanctum. And the benefits of that claim are doled out to different kingdoms. If you think about the earth as a Cartesian coordinate system, then you will see that surveys can be made upon the same earth but at different Z coordinates. That way the planes do not intersect in trespass. When it becomes necessary to interact with another dominion an agreement must be made.

    Dominion is birthed out of Claim.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  2. #42
    Keokuk & Hamilton Bridge Co. v. Wetzel, 228 Ill. 253, 81 N.E. 864 (1907) (which held that a Plea denying that the plaintiff is a corporation is a Plea in Bar, but a Plea denying that the defendant is a corporation is a Plea in Abatement.); Koffler/Reppy, Common Law Pleading, 423 n. 67 (West, 1969).

    The standing of State Citizens to invoke any Title 42 [Municipal] remedies, in part because these remedies originate in the 1866 Civil Rights Act — a federal municipal statute.

    State Citizens are not subject to federal municipal law.

    At all times, “this state” acting in the name of the State of ______ having legislative jurisdiction gives cause for (Your name normal ) to reserve His/Hers right to move to a common law cause of action for the appropriation of His birth name to be bastardized for commercial purposes and may be pleaded by alleging

    (1) “this state’s” misuse of (Your name normal) identity;?

    (2) the manipulation of (Your name normal) proper name to “this state’s” exclusive advantage, both commercially and otherwise;?

    (3) lack of consent to craft a likeness of my birth name for commercial and other purposes and to the extreme prejudice of (Your name normal) to witYOUR NAME ALL CAPS);? and

    (4) the resulting and ongoing injury, both commercial and otherwise.

    Also, consideration is likewise reserved to move for a RICO investigation regarding the issue of bastardizing the birth name on STATE OF _________ commercial instruments as a for profit enterprise and thereby, a taxable event.

    Thanks again TJ

    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  3. #43
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    That's right. It's called Unam Sanctum. And the benefits of that claim are doled out to different kingdoms. If you think about the earth as a Cartesian coordinate system, then you will see that surveys can be made upon the same earth but at different Z coordinates. That way the planes do not intersect in trespass. When it becomes necessary to interact with another dominion an agreement must be made.

    Dominion is birthed out of Claim.

    Unam Sanctum

    The bull also declared that the Church must be united, the Pope was the sole and absolute head of the Church:
    “ Therefore, of the one and only Church there is one body and one head, not two heads like a monster.[6] ”


    An animal which has a conformation contrary to the order of nature.A monster, although born of a woman in lawful wedlock, cannot inherit. Those who have however the essential parts of the human form and have merely some defect of coformation, are capable of inheriting, if otherwise qualified.No living human birth, however much it may differ from human shape, can be lawfully destroyed.

    Could Unam Sanctum be the two headed monster (human being) that was created by-law?
    The PERSON. Dual personality. Body of Christ acting as a political body.

  4. #44
    One thing is that the "earth" and the Earth aren't the same. The earth (synonymous with 'the land' --land can be synonymous with 'estate') is a generic term for a land or expanse of land or territory. The "earth" is not by default a reference to a planet--clearly a planet is also inclusive of seas, river and sky rather than soil or dry land alone. The Earth is a name for a planet a/k/a or f/k/a "Terra". This is important as there are those who deceptively expand the term "earth" to mean far more than it does--i.e. it is taken out of context for deceptive purposes by some especially as pertains to the Holy Bible. If your uncle gave you "the entire earth" in his will with the term "earth" referring to his entire expanse of land, wouldn't it be quite a deception to get others to believe that he meant the entire planet? Imagine if you and your brothers or sisters could convince others to fall for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    Unam Sanctum
    [url]The bull also declared that the Church must be united, the Pope was the sole and absolute head of the Church:
    “ Therefore, of the one and only Church there is one body and one head, not two heads like a monster.[6] ”
    Regarding the term "the Church", what is being referred to might be the "Church of Rome" rather than an all-encompassing term referring to Christ's lawful assembly wherever they are. The word 'bull' is much the same as the word "bill" (used by legislative assemblies) or billet (French term but also used for military orders) (see also "will"). To knowledge, the Holy See/Vatican and/or Roman Catholic system has two Popes--one is referred to as the "Black Pope", the other is referred to as the "White Pope". Furthermore, 1929, it is said that two entities rose out of the Lateran Treaty (which some suggest to be defective for want of consideration), the Holy See and the Vatican.

    To knowledge Rome neither created the faith or doctrines of the Hebrews nor the that of Melchizedek. Rome didn't arrive on the scene until around 500 to 600 BC.

    The Bible says that Christ is the head of his church. On Pentecost day, instead of power being given to one single man, power was given to those believers present on Pentecost day (i.e. they were endued with power from on high). Anointing and were known of and practiced before Rome ever existed.

    Furthermore the term "Christian" is known to be used to refer to two distinct groups: (1) the followers of Jesus Christ were called "Christians" at Antioch (see book of Acts)--the term Christ to knowledge is relate to the term 'anointing' (metallic crowns might be an attempt to simulate the brilliant and glorious radiance of a strong God-given anointing)---to knowledge they referred to themselves as "chosen of God" or "the people of the way" or "saints" (i.e. holy ones/hagios in Greek); (2) Simonians (i.e. the followers of Simon Magus (from Samaria)) called themselves Christians. Those who hate #1 like to meritlessly and deceptively blend them in with #2 while knowing the truth of the distinction.

    There are authors such as Warder Cresson who make an attempt to link Jesus with the Simonians-called-Christians and who attempt to make the link between England and Rome when in fact non-Roman monarchies and governments existed before Rome got to the British Isles archipelago and the Picts weren't Romans and were converted. Also the Romans eventually lost hold of Britain and never totally gained a foothold on Ireland. Thusly the believers on the organic doctrines could not possibly owe their doctrines to Rome. The Britons and Anglo and Saxon people were on those islands before Rome found those Isles and yet still Rome didn't take it all at first, then lost much of for a while.

    1 - St. Patrick was neither a Roman Catholic nor a Roman Catholic missionary;
    2 - the Roman Empire persecuted the followers of Christ so who can claim Rome or the Roman Empire and true believers had anything to do with one another
    3 - there is much evidence that Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus were at Cornwall or other areas long before Augistine and others arrived
    4 - The Picts were converted by non-Roman-Catholics who had ties to the original believers back at Jerusalem who came to the area called that is now called England long before before 70AD;
    5 - Constantine and the Roman Empire didn't even begin to "embrace" the Christ Jesus until hundreds of years after the resurrection of Jesus Christ--but the some suggest that to have been a ruse to ensare the saints;
    6 - There is much evidence of name Iesua/Jesus/Joshua having significant etymological links and meanings even in the OT --even that the name means 'salvation' or 'savior' or the like in Hebrew (further hints: Joshua the high priest in the Book of Zechariah; Joshua that took the promised land from the Canaanites in the Book of Joshua)
    7 - Ptolemy II was (around 285BC) involved with translating the scriptures long long before Constantine or Augustine arrived--thusly we have very good and reliable manuscripts for the OT books and we have good linguistic proofs for Hebrew/Chaldean to Greek translations;
    8 - the Samarians or Samaritans notoriously called themselves "Jews" though they were not (the term "Jew" could be a reference a Judean or one who was of the tribe of Judah--the Edomites or Assyrians that went to Judea when Israel or Judah were in captivity [Shalmaneser V and Sargon II around 720BC] also called themselves Judeans or Jews);
    9 - the terms "Jew" and "Christian" have been highly subject to borrowings, manipulations and counterfeiting in the past two thousand+ years;
    10 - 1260 years passed from Justinian's decree 538 to the Pope being taken captive by Napoleon's/France's General Berthier in 1798--from 1798 to 1929 the Papacy and the Vatican were regarded to no longer exist or to have lost its political status (until 1929).

    With all the counterfeiting, deception by syntax and obscurement you really have to dig in to get at the truth.


    P.S. The link-up between Rome and the Babylon and the Chaldean mystery schools as some call it didn't occur until Attalus III (in Pergamum) died heirless and bequeathed his kingdom to the Romans. Julius Caesar may have been the first Roman Emperor who carried the combined Roman and Babylonian monarchies/systems.

    Bible-based saints, people of the way or chosen/elect of God who are called "Christians" are not of the same cloth as the Simonians who call themselves Christians.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-08-15 at 07:29 AM.
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    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
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  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    Interesting video.
    But I see errors.
    There is no way in hell that by claiming your natural status makes you a nation in your own.
    That is only done by self determination.
    The state still holds the original "Statement of Live Birth" and until you make your own compact and deposit the SOLB in it you will always have an obligation. If not as a public citizen to the federal government but as as a man to the territorial state.

    Part of the approach that they discussed in passing is the work of jonah bey and the authentication of the birth certificate/certificate of live birth. I am loathe to put a link to another site which discusses these things, especially given the factual nature of this website and the speculative nature of the other website, so here is a link to a google search relating to it :

    the only reason i mention it is because of one of the sections that it relies on is : 28 U.S. Code § 1733 - Government records and papers; copies
    (b) Properly authenticated copies or transcripts of any books, records, papers or documents of any department or agency of the United States shall be admitted in evidence equally with the originals thereof.

    so the concept is, when we authenticate the certificate of live birth, we are now holder in due course of the instrument, placing us back to the point before our parents signed us up, or essentially we are recognised by their system as being a man, with diversity from our person.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by looking for truth View Post
    so the concept is, when we authenticate the certificate of live birth, we are now holder in due course of the instrument, placing us back to the point before our parents signed us up, or essentially we are recognised by their system as being a man, with diversity from our person.
    Authentication is certifying a government document as valid by verifying the signatories oath of office.
    What can be done with it is something else.
    Over riding the original is highly unlikely.
    A possible split might be at the best.

  7. #47
    I've listened to some of Boris' audios.

    First thing I noticed is, he compares the remedy to certain passages in the bible, then habitually breaks the 3rd commandment during the call.

    Then when someone calls in with a question, and they don't comprehend something to his liking, he starts yelling at them while breaking the 3rd commandment and using other nasty language toward them.

    The vibe seems to be "let me show off how much I know." instead of "let me share with you what I know."

    Thank you, Doug, for creating your usufruct blog. Nicely done, with God at the center.
    It's easier to fool people than to convince people they've been fooled. ~ Mark Twain

  8. #48
    Batman and Boris the shipping news back when one WISHed a buck was STILL silver and a joint was a bad place to be song source THE ASTRAL HAG now memorialized in song. "let me show off how much I know." thats how knowledge seems to explain most men boris was no bigger than a Fla.welfare cheque now hes no wiser than a lottery cheque the winners and the gamers never interested batman was interesting but My favorite site was the QUATLOOS crew and the air conditioning they payed him the lawful silver foundation and forget the wish HIS bucks is lawful MERRILL isnt the HAG but he takes those records of the shelf onced formed this suitera has many chart topin hits minus the nashvilles superpickers or BORISH shoes to fill. 1990 /12mb mega bytes of ram was a pacers dream ELVICK the Montana cafe teddy roosevelt hemingway whoever QUATLOOS is quantifying a measured fear using quantifiers [like all, some or none] or handicapping the complement ok a Great kisser for a hairlip. Humility 101 never rise above the occasion the big air balloon how bigs the basket folks on the ground cant see who's in the basket its whats on the balloon. FBI warning fair use rider. A none basket endorsement . Moxie u and Doug both post clean 101 is my opinion .

  9. #49
    Thanks Moxie and xparte! You may be interested in my latest research then, at:

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  10. #50
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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