We should finally admit that the god — imagined by effete humanity to dwell in the clouds — lives in our hearts, in our spirit. He fully divested himself of his being and poured it out completely over mankind. He did not want to retain anything of his own will because he wanted mankind to be a race that rules itself in full freedom.That is, logic that is grounded by Christ , not upon any effete or Churched tradition but upon a new investigation of thought as it actually is in its psychological foundations, in its significance for knowledge, and its actual operation in scientific and spiritual methods.
Christ emanated into the world. Man's will is his will, man's goals, his goals. By implanting into mankind an (entire being-ness) he gave up an existence of his own for Us. Kingdoms He ceased to be this kingdoms God for the sake of the freedom of mankind, for the divine-ness of the world. We have taken into ourselves the highest potency of existence, therefore no external power, only our own creations can give us satisfactions. All lamenting about an existence that does not satisfy us, about this hard world, must vanish in the presence of the thought, that no power in the world could satisfy us if we ourselves did not bestow upon it the power through which it can gladden and elevate us. If a god from outside our world were to bring us the joys of heaven and we had to take them as he prepared them, without our participation, we would have to refuse, because they would be the joys devoid of freedom. He who has seen Me has seen the Father well one day we might also be emanated
We have no right to expect satisfaction from powers outside of us. Faith has promised us reconciliation with the evils of this world, Redeemer brought about by a God from outside this world. when mankind will not have to hope anymore for a redemption from outside, because mankind will recognize that it must bring about its own bliss, just as it afflicted deep wounds upon itself.The Christ Revolution meant the sweeping away of effete beliefs and institutions, but implied also the necessity of a reconstructive process.When we join Christ. as God is a kingdom. We are a WORLD. LUCIFER that effete individual gets placed in the same clouds if theirs transition in heaven its only happened once.