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Thread: Why Women Destroy Nations, Civilizations

  1. #21
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    The reason why a thug who can hardly speak English can get the girl and an academic liberal who knows 10 languages doesn't: its the mere appearance of dominance. IMHO, the academic would do best to learn to drop the liberal nonsense and would get better results by learning to literally laugh girls who attempt to play him for a fool. Consider, once I coached a friend about ladies. First he resisted the truth. Eventually, he applied it. He could not believe the positive results.

    Don't think you're the man - know you're the man. And with this knowing females will present themselves. Confidence as it were is the most sexy cologne. But said confidence is merely a lure. Knowledge of the Temple keeps em coming back for more. I speak now to both the physical and the mental realms.

    Some men think themselves inadequate - as per the constant barrage of propaganda from those who would seek to keep man-kind in a state of discontent and thusly desire. But in reality with knowledge a "small" man can turn a lady upside down and inside out and she will be left in total amazement. In reality all men have what it takes to please a woman both sexually and mentally and to say that men and women are incompatible is to really say that the man or the woman is totally ignorant of the Temple.

    Just as society [as a woman] is manipulated thru want, fear and desire also too is a lady manipulated in her emotional state by one who understands her nature. To one skilled at NLP it is like shooting fish in a barrel. But is it true or even real? Actually no. It is just another game of empty promises and lustful fulfillment. In the end, there is no joy in manipulation. In fact, both parties are left empty and cold - seeking another encounter to satisfy the "coldness" inside.

    Knowing the emotional game of irrational manipulation, I am compelled NOT to play the game - because I hate it. I hate that men and women have fallen into such a state of slumber as to allow themselves to be manipulated - even without their very knowing. In fact most times the one who is being manipulated is so unaware of the manipulation that he or she actually loves and is attracted to the one performing the manipulation.

    The PTB know that she craves security and she will give up just about anything in order to have the "illusion of security." When I saw those twin towers come down I was reminded of Moses and Elijah appearing on the Mount of Transfiguration. The Law and the Prophets can be summed up in one law - Love. Nevertheless, if the sun has grown dark and the heart therefore cold, then in fact those twin pillars are no more - and she is battered and bruised.

    I don't necessarily view this from an individual interaction, although I must admit that is how relationships are developed - most times. But I look at these matters as "social psychology". I remember when Jennifer Aniston got her famous "haircut" when she was in that insane show called "Friends". How many of the young ladies go out to "copycat" J.Aniston's hairdoo? Is this not the 100th monkey effect? What happened to individuality? Perhaps to be an individual with his or her own flavor or style is to be akin to having leprosy by todays standards?

    But then again, the one who is confident enough to be with his or her own style most times obtains the largest reward. My dad used to tell me "have the confidence to be yourself, because you can't please everyone - so don't even try to please everyone." Thank you dad for that one!

    The other day a woman came on to me and I told her I was married. She asked why I don't wear a wedding ring - it is confusing. I explained to her that it was not her who chooses if I reciprocate to her advances - it is me. And I know I am married! And I am loyal to my vows and no piece of metal is going to be an idol before the temple of my MIND.

    Do I care one bit about what she thought of my response? Not in the least! Married folk cheat on each other all the time. And no ring of metal is going to keep anyone from keeping their word. For one has honor or one does not have honor.

    Girls just want to have fun is damn right - Silly little fools being drawn by their "privates" check their mind at the door and are "tossed to and fro by the strong wind and raging waves" of this life. Have the courage to grab hold to the "Oar of Freewill" - for at once our greatest asset and our greatest liability is CHOICE.

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  2. #22
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Attachment 4062
    You are supposed to believe that she is taking selfies of her wearing yoga pants to show "the bad things men are 'forcing her to do'". However, you are not supposed to realize, to your advantage, that not only does she want your attention or but that she is competing with other females for your attention or that females will sometimes compete with each to the extent placing men as a mere insignificant objects (achievements unlocked) that utterly pale in significance to which female wins.

    P.S. Note the distinction between feral, civilized and regenerate. The trend has been pushing toward feral. There are plenty of good or decent women, but caution is recommended.
    look at the pretty monarch butterflies. Maybe she should follow the yellow brick road. Is she a drone? Or do you think her presentment is a carefully crafted package programmed into her mind by mass media. She has power in her sexuality over men who think with their little head. But to those who see through the charade, while appreciating her form, feel most sorry for her.

    What man would desire a woman of such "poor stock?" To each his own but as for me - no thanks!

    This picture reminds me of NASA's photo's of their moon landings or their space probes. We have pictures of the crafts juxtaposed against the background of space, but where was the "media probe" that took the picture? So we are left with a subliminal "suggestion" that can not be proved; and, as such, we, the conscious viewer, make judgments upon false information.

    Why that lady might have a terrible case of herpes! Or even worse, she might be angry and vindictive - maybe she has AIDS? Yummy!
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 06-05-16 at 05:34 PM.
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  3. #23
    Therefore, the gender nullification movement appears to be part of a greater deception.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    look at the pretty monarch butterflies. ....
    Coincidentally, quite a few early studies (30s through 50s?) on control of men through the control of women involved the study of moths.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    What man would desire a woman of such "poor stock?" To each his own but as for me - no thanks!
    I'd tend to say that being equally yoked has more to do with what's in her head and what's in your head: that the regenerate man that hooks himself to an unregenerate, feral female might be in for an un-enjoyable experience.

    Speaking of regeneration, regeneration comes through Divine Operation on your inner realm. The Vampire Cabal hates regeneration, it places your 'inner sails' above their carnal manipulations.

    Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. --from Psalms 51:10 (KJV)

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    I don't necessarily view this from an individual interaction, although I must admit that is how relationships are developed - most times. But I look at these matters as "social psychology". I remember when Jennifer Aniston got her famous "haircut" when she was in that insane show called "Friends". How many of the young ladies go out to "copycat" J.Aniston's hairdoo? Is this not the 100th monkey effect? What happened to individuality? Perhaps to be an individual with his or her own flavor or style is to be akin to having leprosy by todays standards?

    But then again, the one who is confident enough to be with his or her own style most times obtains the largest reward. My dad used to tell me "have the confidence to be yourself, because you can't please everyone - so don't even try to please everyone." Thank you dad for that one!
    Be the Man. ... Likely you brought into her experiential realm lights, thoughts and words that she had never encountered before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    The other day a woman came on to me and I told her I was married. She asked why I don't wear a wedding ring - it is confusing. I explained to her that it was not her who chooses if I reciprocate to her advances - it is me. And I know I am married! And I am loyal to my vows and no piece of metal is going to be an idol before the temple of my MIND.

    Do I care one bit about what she thought of my response? Not in the least! Married folk cheat on each other all the time. And no ring of metal is going to keep anyone from keeping their word. For one has honor or one does not have honor.
    You might be surprised the number of men that have told me that the only reason they even have Facebook is because so many females have it.


    "To put it bluntly, man possesses sexual organs; a woman's sexual organs possess her." (re-translated) – Otto Weininger.
    The point is not to condescend. But women who are deceived like men who are deceived might do best knowing the truth. Women's behavior has to do with being hard-wired for breeding. This is why enemies attack sexuality to destroy societies. Debasement of currency is part of a strategy to make that society under attack look powerless and weak to the women of that society.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-05-16 at 06:19 PM.
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    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    I'd tend to say that being equally yoke has more to do with what's in her head and what's in your head: that the regenerate man that hooks himself to the unregenerate female might be in for an un-enjoyable experience.
    Damn right! And vice-versa. When I was a boy we dated many a female and it was understood that a date was just time spent together to get to know each other. It was a means to learn about the other sex without any strings attached. So it was not odd for a boy to date many different girls in a months. But as I look out my window these days and as I listen to the rhetoric of the "young folk" in this generation, it seems dating is a license to have sex. And clearly exclusive dating is certainly a license.

    I suppose those good folks in Congress were right. Those videos and music songs have no bearing on the psyche of young people! You know I speak in jest! And now the boys are leaving the "natural" and turning towards the "unnatural" use of the woman. Enter disease. But no deed was ever expressed that wasn't first preceded by emotion. For in fact these young boys HATE the girls and the girls HATE themselves. For why would they allow themselves to be abused at the hands of lustful youth?

    Maybe that is just the way it is - what can be done about it? Talk about a thick darkness. I thank God for the ability to date many a female before I choose the one I wished to marry. I was able to discern between what I truly desired and what I lusted after. I like how Chris Rock puts it "strange women can't read, strange women can't cook...." Thusly I found the "stock and character" of the woman I desired to be yoked to in marriage. Because my vow is before God - and I will not break it!

    A regenerate man that hooks himself to an unregenerate woman is a fool. No other way to look at it! That man does not abide in Divine Law and is most likely unregenerate or has fallen out of the 2nd story window and is in need of one such as St. Paul to Breath Life back into him. And vice-versa. Here let me show in Scripture from the man's perspective:

    Eze 44:22 Neither shall they take for their wives a widow, nor her that is put away: but they shall take maidens of the seed of the house of Israel, or a widow that had a priest before.

    Notice the verse does not speak to flesh but to the Mind. For She who is of the "seed of the Woman" [Ref Genesis 3:15 or Rev 12] is of a good stock and character. The priest who may marry is in accord with Hosea 4:6.

    You have to admit though from a female's perspective they have been mentally and physically repressed for so long that now when the binds and ties are removed, the pendulum has swung but now there is chaos and no balance. I have been married for 21 years. My wife will tell you that we are on equal plane EXCEPT for decisions which are critical for the continuation of the family. In those cases she defers to my leadership. In all other cases we are equal in God under Christ. I am not god to her and vice versa. But we TWO worship together before God in Christ. She, believe it or not, has better administration skill than I; and, as such, I would be a fool to handle the files [books] of our House.

    Again, to Chris Rock - "if the children can't read, that is mama's fault, but if the children can't read because there is no electricity for light in the house, then that's daddy's fault." That is the way I see it - we each have responsibility to the family - thus we may not perform the same deeds but we are equally yoked in what we desire. God first - Love centered - Faith based.

    I like your style. Be the man. Exactly. I do not hold up women above me - in fact - I know of my own libido and I have learned that women can and do have just as such sex drive as any man ever thought he had. My wife tells me of what she hears at work - she works in an OBGYN office - and, well you can't imagine what she sees from young girls on a daily basis. I have learned to treat women I don't know as men - that generally works just fine for me. In fact I have perceived those who place women on pedestals get used and abused by such women who allow such activity. This in my mind is breaking the 2nd commandment! And the man that placed the woman on a pedestal deserves what he gets. Repercussions and Consequences of breaking the law as it were.

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Speaking of regeneration, regeneration comes through Divine Operation on your inner realm. The Vampire Cabal hates regeneration, it places your 'inner sails' above their carnal manipulations.
    I asked Father Elyon by and thru His savior Yehoshuah to apply the "Blood of the Lamb" upon my conscious and sub-conscious mind so that the many rooms in my House may be cleaned out and furnished according to His great will and purposes and according to His timing and methods. I pray the the "hornet" of Deuteronomy 7:20 be sent forth before me so that the "hidden kings" of carnal dominion in me - might be rooted out and destroyed. According to 2 Corinthians 3:5, I stand as an Oak Tree not in my own strength but my sufficiency is of and in God.

    Those who are unregenerate are stung by the scorpion of Rev 9 - and thusly have no backbone to stand. These go headlong after their lusts into the ditch. And since the scorpion has no stomach it injects its poison [subliminal suggestions] into the minds of those who would eat such swine's flesh [mental hog slop] - and later the scorpion can come back and feed. Is this not true - as the banker allows no money down and easy monthly payments to the lustful - what is their end? Foreclosure, war - controlled, pacified, docile society!

    So eat up boys and girls there is a special today at the HOG trough. Free porno for all. I know I probably go to far. I apologize. It just sickens me so.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 06-05-16 at 06:24 PM.
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  5. #25
    In Christ: the husband (protector of the wife and child assets) is head (chief) of wife (not the Governor or the Prime Minister), Christ is (direct) head of husband (not the State). Apart from the marriage you and she are equals before the throne of grace. As for her being a good administrator, that is even the case with many business owners: the people that serve them are often more skilled in some things than they which is why they hire them in the first place. In nothing do I aim to denigrate women. The Deceptive Pied Pipers are the ones who teach women to allow themselves to be degraded or to degrade themselves.

    As for women being 'oppressed'. By far from direct observation spanning well, well over a decade, women are more likely to oppress and to abuse power than men. Women are more likely to do something cruel and wash her hands of guilt over with "He was stupid so he deserved it." Women are more likely to abuse children and then blame a man for it so she can keep up her false saintly image (there are sites and women's groups were women teach each other these things in divorce cases; public housing I'm told is where tradecraft secrets are often shared.)
    Last edited by allodial; 06-05-16 at 06:32 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Husband is head of wife, Christ is head of husband. Apart from the marriage you and she are equals before the throne of grace. As for her being a good administrator, that is even the case with many business owners: the people that serve them are more skilled in some things than they which is why they hire them in the first place. In nothing do I aim to denigrate women. The Deceptive Pied Pipers are the ones who teach women to allow themselves to be degraded or to degrade themselves.

    Amen brother and again I say Amen. The deceptive pied pipers is damn right. I know you don't denigrate women. But I also know that many will read and not understand - I wonder if they can understand? - nevertheless let us present ourselves as CHASTE Virgins before and unto the Everliving God.

    By the way, I just issued a Jubilee claim to the PTB under Divine Law - in the Air of Canon Law - under the Fire; whereby said Canon Law [Reed] does not exist absent Divine Law; therefore, I claimed as head of my House for Ourselves [my wife and I] and our Posterity [children]. We have no power - as Moses had no power before Pharaoh - but we stand under the shadow of El Shaddai taking refuge in YeHoVaH understanding and proclaiming Yah Saves in Yehoshuah.

    I, the woman, request of my Husband [Ishi], my Savior and my Redeemer: For, I must go to the PTB as a witness [7 pair of eyes on the stone] for I am compelled to go - and judgment will fall on the head of the Chief Trustee. Will he perform or not? That is between he and God. For I have issued a claim upon which relief may be granted. Now, will he grant upon his office unto Divine Law? I have no power to force and i will not disparage his office. Rather, I go before and Declare - Set my people free! For we request to go into the Wilderness free to worship Our God.

    I pray for his sake he performs his office such that he may not receive of the plagues. For Jesus said unto Pilate - you would not have power over me unless my Father granted.

    Hos 2:16 And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.

    Hos 2:17 For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.

    Isa_54:5 For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

    Jer_3:20 Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD.

    Joe_1:8 Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth.

    When they deliver me up before their synagogues - I shall not premeditate upon my words - for I have come to trust - the Holy Seed shall be disbursed BY AND THRU one who submits [as wife] to the Kingdom of God. Thusly we fear not. And we watch as these matters unfold as they must for the BODY OF SIN must come to maturity.
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  7. #27
    It is no wonder or coincidence that the women's suffrage movement (pre-cursor to feminist movement) culminated in the midst of the Federal Reserve's initial 20 year charter. This was a two pronged attack upon a nation and society whose prosperity and success was attributed to the adherence to morality from on high. The attack was upon the rightful headship of the male/husband in order for him to be weakened via debasement of the nation's currency and debasement of the male's position and standing in society and in his house.

    James Madison, the chief architect of the U.S. Constitution, said: “We have staked the whole future of the American civilization … upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves . . . according to the Ten Commandments of God” (Benjamin Hart, Faith & Freedom—The Christian Roots Of American Liberty , Lewis and Stanley, Dallas, TX, 1988, p. 18).

    Abraham Lincoln, while calling for a national day of fasting and prayer during the American Civil War, said: “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God . . . And we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own . . . It behooves us, then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness” (William J. Federer, America's God And Country Encyclopedia of Quotations , Fame Publishing, Coppell, Tex., pp. 383-384).

    That same American president mentioned in a personal letter to an elderly lady in September of 1862. “Yet we cannot but believe that he who made the world still governs it” ( The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln , Random House, New York, 1940, pp. 727-728).


  8. #28
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    The point is not to condescend. But women who are deceived like men who are deceived might do best knowing the truth. Women's behavior has to do with being hard-wired for breeding. This is why enemies attack sexuality to destroy societies. Debasement of currency is part of a strategy to make that society under attack look powerless and weak to the women of that society.
    If the society is a woman [Eve], then the many may be manipulated through her sensuous nature [the apple so called]. Notice when the twin towers dropped on 911? See how crafty they are? It is well known that when one needs help to call 911. And nowhere in America do people speak of dates such as 9-11. Rather they say "September 11, 2001". But now a "seed" has been planted in her womb [mind] whereby everytime she thinks of 911 it will instill in her the feelings of helplessness and the want and even need for security to be restored.

    Notice how quickly the THREE NAMED culprit was found? And notice too how quickly the "Patriot Acts" 1 and 2 came into being. For she would sell anything to feel secure again. Talk about trauma based mind control.

    And we all watched ON TV - for none of us were actually there - the accounts retold and repackaged so that WAR could ensue and the debts discharged so that more debt currency might come into existence. For the War Beast produces currency on the lives of men and women sacrificed to Baal and Moloch on the Alter of Fire. And of these mechanics, SHE remains willingly ignorant - as long as the status quo does not change too much!
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 06-05-16 at 07:03 PM.
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  9. #29
    The PTB know that she craves security and she will give up just about anything in order to have the "illusion of security."
    From Quiet Weapons...

    The Draft (As military service)

    Few efforts of human behavior modification are more remarkable or more effective than that of the socio-military institution known as the draft. A primary purpose of a draft or other such institution is to instill, by intimidation, in the young males of a society the uncritical conviction that the government is omnipotent. He is soon taught that a prayer is slow to reverse what a bullet can do in an instant. Thus, a man trained in a religious environment for eighteen years of his life can, by this instrument of the government, be broken down, be purged of his fantasies and delusions in a matter of mere months. Once that conviction is instilled, all else becomes easy to instill...

    Some of these categories are ordinary and can be tentatively evaluated in terms of the value of certain jobs for which a known fee exists. Some jobs are harder to value because they are unique to the demands of social subversion, for an extreme example: the value of a mother's instruction to her daughter, causing that daughter to put certain behavioral demands upon a future husband ten or fifteen years hence; thus, by suppressing his resistance to a perversion of a government, making it easier for a banking cartel to buy the State of New York in, say, twenty years.

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    After that, I think you two went way above my pay-grade. I see though, the benefit of "wife of my youth" and bonding before an honorable God. Thanks.

    I am working out the kinks to real-time cosmoholography for feedback training of neuropeptides and receptors (habit forming and breaking). This is sure a great start here. As things develop I will post any worthwhile results in another thread.

    P.S. How does holoneurology sound?
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-05-16 at 07:13 PM.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    It is no wonder or coincidence that the women's suffrage movement (pre-cursor to feminist movement) culminated in the midst of the Federal Reserve's initial 20 year charter. This was a two pronged attack upon a nation and society whose prosperity and success was attributed to the adherence to morality from on high. The attack was upon the rightful headship of the male/husband in order for him to be weakened via debasement of the nation's currency and debasement of the male's position and standing in society and in his house.

    James Madison, the chief architect of the U.S. Constitution, said: “We have staked the whole future of the American civilization … upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves . . . according to the Ten Commandments of God” (Benjamin Hart, Faith & Freedom—The Christian Roots Of American Liberty , Lewis and Stanley, Dallas, TX, 1988, p. 18).

    Abraham Lincoln, while calling for a national day of fasting and prayer during the American Civil War, said: “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God . . . And we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own . . . It behooves us, then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness” (William J. Federer, America's God And Country Encyclopedia of Quotations , Fame Publishing, Coppell, Tex., pp. 383-384).

    That same American president mentioned in a personal letter to an elderly lady in September of 1862. “Yet we cannot but believe that he who made the world still governs it” ( The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln , Random House, New York, 1940, pp. 727-728).

    twice the labor - means lower demand for workers - means lower wages - but more resourses to the family [some increase at least]. But look at the converse. Twice the workers in the house, means more money in the banking account - means more opportunity. But with more money in circulation - that means greater inflation due to fractional reserve practices and supply/demand. Thusly prices for goods and services increase and no matter how "one skins this cat" the outcome is the same.

    The two workaholics one day decide to make a baby - and the baby will have all sorts of inanimate toys - but the one thing the baby needs most is mommy and daddy's love and yet how can they love the child - they are too busy chasing material gain so that the illusion of the "good life" can be maintained. What hope of the child?

    Where are mom and dad to teach the child love, faith and the virtues? They don't teach that stuff at the local day care [public schools].
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 06-05-16 at 07:18 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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