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Thread: Why Women Destroy Nations, Civilizations

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    If the society is a woman [Eve], then the many may be manipulated through her sensuous nature [the apple so called]. Notice when the twin towers dropped on 911? See how crafty they are? It is well known that when one needs help to call 911. And nowhere in America do people speak of dates such as 9-11. Rather they say "September 11, 2001". But now a "seed" has been planted in her womb [mind] whereby everytime she thinks of 911 it will instill in her the feelings of helplessness and the want and even need for security to be restored.

    Notice how quickly the THREE NAMED culprit was found? And notice too how quickly the "Patriot Acts" 1 and 2 came into being. For she would sell anything to feel secure again. Talk about trauma based mind control.

    And we all watched ON TV - for none of us were actually there - the accounts retold and repackaged so that WAR could ensue and the debts discharged so that more debt currency might come into existence. For the War Beast produces currency on the lives of men and women sacrificed to Baal and Moloch on the Alter of Fire. And of these mechanics, SHE remains willingly ignorant - as long as the status quo does not change too much!
    Sure they actually know what they are doing, so do many if not most or all of the feral women that go along with it. They just don't want men or boys to figure that out because that is end of game. The power they aimed to position themselves in is one to control money and thereby to abuse that position of power to impoverish a people and gain control over women while making a large number of men look like weak fools due to economic paralysis. It doesn't take much thinking to see where it can go from there.

    That girls tend to like horror movies and will be put off by a guy hating horror films is very telling. Its that many of them not only like to feel scared they like to feel secure too.

    The Draft (As military service)

    Few efforts of human behavior modification are more remarkable or more effective than that of the socio-military institution known as the draft. A primary purpose of a draft or other such institution is to instill, by intimidation, in the young males of a society the uncritical conviction that the government is omnipotent. He is soon taught that a prayer is slow to reverse what a bullet can do in an instant. Thus, a man trained in a religious environment for eighteen years of his life can, by this instrument of the government, be broken down, be purged of his fantasies and delusions in a matter of mere months. Once that conviction is instilled, all else becomes easy to instill...

    Some of these categories are ordinary and can be tentatively evaluated in terms of the value of certain jobs for which a known fee exists. Some jobs are harder to value because they are unique to the demands of social subversion, for an extreme example: the value of a mother's instruction to her daughter, causing that daughter to put certain behavioral demands upon a future husband ten or fifteen years hence; thus, by suppressing his resistance to a perversion of a government, making it easier for a banking cartel to buy the State of New York in, say, twenty years.
    The idea of the power to draft runs through The Hunger Games. They push schools to get teenage boys to sign up for Selective Service.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-05-16 at 09:07 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #32
    I had not thought of that level of conditioning - The Hunger Games.

  3. #33
    Also, The Hunger Games has The Truman Show and The Prisoner memes written all over it. There has been some interesting analysis done regarding The Hunger Games in that it is an 'internet free' world (i.e. censorship) except for those under the direct control of the Panem Government (i.e. Peacemakers or 'soldiers') and its 13 Districts. There's a touch of the Percy Jackson series and Maze Runner too. I couldn't help but notice the dystopian programming being sold to teens and young adults these days.

    Truman Show is in the same universe as the Hunger Games.
    Government Violence, Human Nature, and The Hunger Games
    Last edited by allodial; 06-05-16 at 09:25 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    The chemistry, some might say, tends to shadow spiritual activity to some extent. The deep psychology and technology of control of women is valuable to those who wish to control men. Few men seem to realize how utterly feral unregenerate women can be despite all pretenses and outer appearances.
    In addition to copulins, let's not forget pheromones and their role in influencing behavior.

    Sex seems to be a short cut to the reptilian and paleomammalian complexes.

    While we are at it, you might as well throw in:

    1) Hypergamy - Alpha lays, Beta pays
    2) Briffault's Law
    3) Solipsism
    4) Eggs are expensive. Sperm is cheap.

    I suspect the ancients were keenly ware of the above hence the structures that were put in place to allow civilization to develop.
    Last edited by shikamaru; 06-06-16 at 12:41 AM.

  5. #35
    Now I think it may be called holometrics.

    Holographic cosmetrics?

    Holocosmetric sonoluminescence?
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-06-16 at 01:36 PM.

  6. #36
    It is amazing how I began at five-years old. When I discovered that after twelve long years of school, I would have to go to college for another ten...

    Biocosmetric sonoluminescence.

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  7. #37
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
    In addition to copulins, let's not forget pheromones and their role in influencing behavior.

    Sex seems to be a short cut to the reptilian and paleomammalian complexes.

    While we are at it, you might as well throw in:

    1) Hypergamy - Alpha lays, Beta pays
    2) Briffault's Law
    3) Solipsism
    4) Eggs are expensive. Sperm is cheap.

    I suspect the ancients were keenly ware of the above hence the structures that were put in place to allow civilization to develop.
    Your post is quite deep. I took the time to look up each term. Remember a man continues to make haploid cells [sperm] thru his lifetime. However a woman contains her supply of eggs at birth and these will not increase in number. An egg therefore is Static but a sperm is Dynamic. I try to think of sperm as impregnating thought. The egg is the State of Desire and the child is manifestation of the State of Being. We are creators - if only we might realize our great potential.

    A man cannot bring forth a child by himself - he needs a woman. Now then a thought cannot bring forth a child absent a desire. When the two become one and lifted up into God - then one knows the Scripture - Be still and know that I AM God. For can a man enter into her womb to help the process of impregnation and creation of the child? The answer is simply no.

    So be careful where and how you sow your seed. Do not sow in a womb of fear - for the child birthed with be of desolation. Sow into the womb of Love. For remember an uncircumcised Abram could not impregnate Sarai. But when Abram became Regenerate he found Grace and Mercy and the Fifth was added unto him [h - Hey] and he put on the Royal Garments in Christ. For Abram was resurrected in Mind to Abraham.

    There are plenty of hyena's out there both male and female in form - but I speak not to the flesh but to the mind. Consider and be wise. For Onan lost his life for "spilling his seed on the ground." In other words - Take every thought captive.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  8. #38
    But when Abram became Regenerate he found Grace and Mercy and the Fifth was added unto him [h - Hey] and he put on the Royal Garments in Christ.

    These books found in the federal repository on the SE Corner of the Golden Rectangle might help understand the mathematics.

    The Alphabet of Creation.

    Enoch - A Story of Creation.

    Name:  Tutt statue.jpg
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  9. #39
    Looking through, I noticed a graphic for biocosmetric sonoluminescence.

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  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Your post is quite deep. I took the time to look up each term. Remember a man continues to make haploid cells [sperm] thru his lifetime. However a woman contains her supply of eggs at birth and these will not increase in number. An egg therefore is Static but a sperm is Dynamic. I try to think of sperm as impregnating thought. The egg is the State of Desire and the child is manifestation of the State of Being. We are creators - if only we might realize our great potential.

    A man cannot bring forth a child by himself - he needs a woman. Now then a thought cannot bring forth a child absent a desire. When the two become one and lifted up into God - then one knows the Scripture - Be still and know that I AM God. For can a man enter into her womb to help the process of impregnation and creation of the child? The answer is simply no.

    So be careful where and how you sow your seed. Do not sow in a womb of fear - for the child birthed with be of desolation. Sow into the womb of Love. For remember an uncircumcised Abram could not impregnate Sarai. But when Abram became Regenerate he found Grace and Mercy and the Fifth was added unto him [h - Hey] and he put on the Royal Garments in Christ. For Abram was resurrected in Mind to Abraham.

    There are plenty of hyena's out there both male and female in form - but I speak not to the flesh but to the mind. Consider and be wise. For Onan lost his life for "spilling his seed on the ground." In other words - Take every thought captive.
    #1 Isn't every son or daughter the planting of a man? (Female being one of two biospiritual modes of man)
    #2 What or whom do you suspect the man is planting during normal copulation?
    #3 What exactly is the pre-menopausal and ovulating female advertising other than the availability of eggs? Hint: she is expecting to attract men capable of inseminating and fertilizing the eggs.
    #4 Widely overlooked consideration: Whose DNA and bloodline is any given female advertising? Hint: rejection of the idea of procreating with a particular female is refusal to facilitate continuing a specific bloodline or DNA.
    #5 Is birth control bio-spiritually deceptive? (Hint: You bond with her as might be necessary if she was going to bring forth a child but due to birth control she is effectively infertile. You get the sense of liability and anticipation without the fruit. Proof that people aren't 'born gay' is that hysterectomies result in loss of interest in sex but this is covered up due to $$$$.)

    P.S. Onan's sin was refusing to procreate as required not in merely spilling his seed.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-06-16 at 04:55 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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