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Thread: Tased in the Chest for 23 Seconds, Dead for 8 Minutes - AKA Price Of Non-Compliance

  1. #1

    Exclamation Tased in the Chest for 23 Seconds, Dead for 8 Minutes - AKA Price Of Non-Compliance

    Tased in the Chest for 23 Seconds, Dead for 8 Minutes, Now Facing a Lifetime of Recovery

    Name:  bryce-masters-before1.jpg
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    The sentencing hearing began with a surprise. Timothy Runnels, a 32-year-old former Independence, Missouri, police officer, sat at a large, rectangular defense table inside Courtroom 8B at the Charles Evans Whittaker Federal Courthouse in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, late last month. He was waiting to learn his fate after pleading guilty to a federal crime he committed almost two years ago, on September 14, 2014. Judge Dean Whipple had not yet watched the government’s key piece of evidence — a dashboard video — because he wanted to do so with attorneys present to make arguments. Today the video, which had never been played in any public setting, would be played in open court. Even the victim, 18-year-old Bryce Masters, had seen it only once.

    As the video opens we see a gray Pontiac enter the frame, and Bryce’s dad, Matt, put his hand on his son’s knee. His mom, Stacy, folded her arms, clutching a tissue. Tears began to form in both his parents’ eyes, anticipating what everyone else in the room was about to see. Unfazed, Bryce leaned his 6-foot-1-inch frame forward, his eyes focused on the makeshift projector. He knew this piece of evidence absolved him of any wrongdoing.

    In the video, Runnels pulls Bryce over and approaches the car. He tells Bryce to get out but doesn’t give a reason. Bryce repeatedly asks if he is under arrest. Runnels says, “You’re under arrest. Get your ass out of the car,” and attempts to pull him out by force. He then tases Bryce for 23 seconds, handcuffs him, drags the boy’s body behind the car, and deliberately drops him face first onto the asphalt road. Runnels may not have known it at the time, but Bryce was going into cardiac arrest. When the loud thud of the drop boomed throughout the courtroom, gasps echoed out. One woman looked down and covered her eyes with her hand. A man said, “Oh, my god.” A police officer with the Kansas City Police Department quickly brought his fist to his mouth, turned to the man next to him, and whispered, “Jesus.” Even those sitting behind the defendant — a few friends, his wife, his family — gasped, as if the recording revealed a truth about Runnels they had never considered.
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Views: 362
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    IMO unless you're being told to do something illegal, you shouldn't give the LEO's grief, do your best to comply with their requests & not be an idiot & you won't get tazed. Seems like this kid was some sort of a Leftist fool aching for a confrontation, he got what he was looking for. I've never had to deal with stuff like that because I know enough to be polite & not try to be cute with the LEO's either.

    These kids need to be taught if you think you're going to bicker with the LEO's or attempt to fight them, you're always going to come out on the losing end. Besides that's what court is for, the side of the road is never a good place to debate the LEO's IMO, Take it to court if you don't like it, that's the proper venue IMO to hash things out. More people are just going to wind up hurt if they give the LEO's a disrespectful snarky attitude. I doubt even the founders would've supported the Masters kids actions...

  2. #2
    He tells Bryce to get out but doesn’t give a reason. Bryce repeatedly asks if he is under arrest. Runnels says, “You’re under arrest. Get your ass out of the car,” and attempts to pull him out by force.
    The problem is that the police already know that being forced to get out of your house or car by a stranger without any logical reason is going to alarm or raise flags with most anyone. There isn't an excuse for murdering someone because you feel like you should be simply obeyed for exercise of arbitrary power. If the behavior of one employed as a police officer is questionable then his or her motives and lawfulness may also be just as questionable.

    In that particular case, the one employed as a police officer allegedly smelled 'weed' and the MASTERS failed to get out of his car or to roll down the window after being told to get out of the car. The smell of weed apparently was a key factor, the failure of MASTERS to comply with the officer is another.

    Officer's Report (PDF)

    P.S. In St. Louis City, Missouri, a civilian board for police oversight was established despite opposition from police.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-14-16 at 05:29 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    While giving actors and artists awards for their performances is not a bad idea, when artists effectively award themselves it always seemed rather masturbatory to me. Likewise: crooks overseeing crooks and patting each other on the back.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-14-16 at 05:37 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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