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Thread: Adolf Hitler - The untold TRUE story

  1. #1

  2. #2
    The story of Hitler and the Nazis is so entagled in multifacted, double-sided, double-agent mish mosh and deliberate obscuration and fog that those who attempt to approach it from any of the surface-scratching or one-sided angle might fail to get to the truth. In other words, what they were really trying to accomplish is obscured and hidden. It is possible that he became the victim of his own handlers. Imagine someone put in place to pull people together to bring them to their own destruction under the guise of something else.

    1. Germany was formerly a Christian country and eventually self-destructed under "leadership" (consider the notion that the same that brought Germany into moral corruption brought it into Nazism--anything BUT bible-centric Christianity--people were promoted to rally around a teddy-bear a Chia-pet, pale skin, genetics ANYTHING but the bible-centric Christianity). He was at the least (if not actively) used to encourage the Germans to engage in activities which lead to the destruction of Germany but under the GUISE of saving themselves.
    2. From evidence, Hitler was not Christian in the bible-centric (orthodox) sense and was very much into the occult. For political reasons (even this is on the record see links) he had to pose himself in just the right way so as to avoid offending the Christians and to convert them to his cause (same kind of manipulation goes on in USA and other jurisdictions). From the record, he was Roman Catholic until he died and was never excommunicated.
    3. From the record, Rome has always fought against orthodox Christians.
    4. He heavily favored Islam (which some say was created by the Vatican) and look at the refugee situation TODAY who are they invited into Europe (the Muslims regarded him as "God incarnate").
    5. Note that quite a number of Muslims favor a world government (some even favor one with with "elite Jews" on top).
    6. Borman is widely regarded to be his primary handler.
    7. Hitler was against Bible-centric Christians and anything to do with the Bible;
    8. during WWII both sides were all playing a pincers movement (Christians were being killed on both sides--why has the death of perhaps 200 million Christians been ignored?);
    9. there were Inquisition and Counter-Reformation elements behind it all (Germany had pissed off the Vatican with the Luther's Reformation);
    10. Hitler was AUSTRIAN (he was *NOT* German);
    11. The 1900s Nazi pagan oculists hated Christians for the same the Romans did: they believed the spiritual power of Christians was interfering with their "ancient pagan magic".
    12. To make sense of WWI and WWII, look at what happened to Armenia and Russia--two Christian countries were Christians were massacred (TURKEY WAS INVOLVED AND LOOK AT THE PROTECTED POSITION TURKEY ENJOYS TODAY!)--look at the Crescent moon and star hidden in the Soviet flag.

    The attempt now is to play White Supremacists and the Stormer crowd for fools on a subtle but sinister level --they want people to identify with the flesh a piece of dirt anything but identifying with the truth: Germany was pushed baited away from the Bible and destroyed from within and without. The same hand that is aims to stir up the race war is playing multiple sides against each other just like in Nazi and Weimar Germany: "Whites" are encouraged to blame Blacks but not to consider the consequence of Black Christian communities being thrust into hellish poverty and chaos and having perverse music and anti-Christian religions foisted upon them. Whites are being stirred into rage but without realizing that the curse they might bear from being instrumental in destroying Christian communities. But fancy this: Black and White Christians got along for thousands of years.

    The MSM is used as a tool today to promote anything and everything but live your life based on the bible: you can identify based on what you do with sexual organs or based on being a victim of someone but they don't want you identifying with the Word (truth) of God. Would you expect the very same people behind the slaughter 1.5 million Christians in Armenia or 50 million+ Christians in Russia would want ANYONE to live an orthodox Christian lifestyle? Look at what has happened to Greece under the EU? Greece opposed Hitler, got in the way of his attack of Russia and has been historically orthodox Christian. If you can't see the pattern, it might be blindness.

    Muslims then and **NOW** regard Adolf Hitler to be "GOD ON EARTH". But yet White Supremacists want to cling to the idea of him having been good for Christian Germany. However, when the Nazis attacked Poland approximately 3 million Christians died along with almost 3 million "Jews". Poland had political ideology (liberties) that historically put Poland at odds with the Vatican. The reason the backdrop of WWI and WWII are so heavily obscured is because its part of a long-term "mystery play" that is being acted out today.

    Why Poland?
    Count Mieczyslaw Halka Ledóchowski, uncle of Fr. Ledochowski S.J., had been Cardinal Primate of Poland from 1866 to 1886. The Polish Catholic Church has always been fiercly perochial and in 1867 Cardinal Ledóchowski finally ordered that church ceremonies were to be performed in Latin and not Polish, the forbiddance of Polish songs and that nothing be published without his authority.

    These edicts enraged the local Polish clergy who—like the Irish church centuries before—sought to place the mysteries of Christianity into a local community context. The Polish Catholic clergy rebelled against Cardinal Ledochowski and successfully lobbied the Protestant Lutheran Prussian authorities, including Lutherans Prince Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm I, to imprison him, confiscate family property and forever humilate the family name. Eventually Cardinal Ledochowski was released to Rome—a broken man in disgrace. To Count Wlodimir Ledochowski S.J., the Black Pope and most powerful Jesuit General in the history of the order since Francis Borja, Poland was a cursed place. (source)

    At the end of the war, the first thing that the Allies did under Eisenhower was pull down all the statues of Mother Mary (to whom the camps were dedicated) outside the hundreds of death camps. Many of the oven blocks—ahead of any other buildings—were quickly dismantled and destroyed in many camps. Some camps, such as the only human sacrifice camp dedicated to burning children (Lodz) was virtually wiped from history.(source)
    Note: Muslims also reverence "Mary".

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    Martin Ludwig Bormann is regarded widely to have been Hitler's handler. It is possible that Hitler got caught up in something he didn't quite suspect. It could be that he was very much aware of what he was doing.

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    Last edited by allodial; 06-15-16 at 07:53 PM.
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    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #3
    Greetings, brother allodial!

    I am still digesting the video, I was amazed at the numbers shown regarding GDP, incredible amounts of wealth created by the people in just a few years.

    BTW, I think you are right, anything but not to follow our Lord Jesus, that's their end game.

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