Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
It is not ONLY women that destroy Nations, the premise of the OP is to show the how and the why behind women's motives as opposed to men's.

To say that nations are in general, in pretty good shape seems to be a statement based in "carnality" as others on this forum like to state. The superficiality of "security" and "abundance" in this world is a ruse and can evaporate pretty quickly unless you have secured your own source of food, water, shelter and energy off-the-grid.

Without a doubt, the type of money used by a nation is an indicator of the morals of a nation. Debt is like sin; the more you accumulate without redemption, the more immoral you are.

So, the more "money" you claim and store (absent redemption) in a debt-based money system, the more in debt you are and the more immoral you are.

In order to provide evidence of one's intent to seek out and demand redemption as relates to this nation's currency, when one finds it necessary to "transact" in the commercial realm, one must use his or her "person" as the transmitting/transacting entity. If one uses the "person" to blindly endorse more debt, the debt accumulates and the "person" is treated as an enemy of the state; what else would it be if the "person" continues to burden the nation with more and more debt with each transaction?

When used this way, the "person" is a "false profit" (yes, I intended to spell it that way) and one's debt/sin accumulates exponentially over time.

When one uses the "person" to make demand for redemption (lawful money), the debt/sin should extinguish if the one's entrusted to redeem actually fulfill that obligation.

Sound familiar? That is the world's corrupt use of the Real and True Redemption that exists when one asks, seeks and knocks on the door for our Lord and Savior the Anointed Christ, and Son of the Living God, to redeem us of our sins.

God's redemption is real and the One entrusted to fulfill, has already done so; no need to demand, just genuinely ask and you shall receive.
Thank you. That is a very soothing, comforting post.