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Thread: Presenting Driver License Card

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher-T:Farley View Post
    Regarding the Californian, I don't know allodial, i've been stopped and when they ask for its license, i ask "well, who do you wish to speak to?" lol they get mad, however, I looked into the IDP and in some states is only valid if you present its id, also look up articles by cops for other cops, discovered it by accident as i was mad clicking on things, this cop was talking about sovereigns and ways to deal with them, and dangers blah blah blah even went as deep as gathering info and gps trackers. crazy.. get that security agreement in order for real. most-likely, these lower people dont mean to sound the way it looks, are all puppets, they dont even know who is cranking this machine they have a quota and that alll that matters to them. unfortunately some people who think they know the whole process may make mistakes and get introuble or even get so mad the act tyrranical about it. as a Sovereign we stand correct and they must Govern themselves accordingly, We Must keep our composure though thats how the carry the burden at all times. not us.
    I have seen a similar type of license honored at least five times first hand. The only reason I've seen a cop get into a tizzy is because he was harassing the one presenting the ID and the cop didn't like the idea that not only was the one presenting the ID outside of his scope of authority but that the one presenting the ID was actually bona-fide superior to him. The same drove away in a car AT NIGHT taking a 45 minute or so trip along a path he described to the same officer and was not stopped: no car note, not house mortgage, doesn't live in the 'state', 'city', 'county' --lives on private land (this is why the communists hate private property they want maniacal levels of tyrannically control): those who cannot be trusted ought not be trusted and ought not hold offices of trust.

    The cops are often lied to and used as mine detectors. I have seen first hand trainee cops forced to get back into closed cars with windows up so that they could not hear discussions between a sovereign and a cop. The person that held rank of sergeant and that that showed up as a duty boss that night was particularly crooked and super short in stature and exhibited a very obvious Napoleonic Complex.

    I've ever avoided taking a hostile attitude toward cop or the IRS, etc. Its worth keeping in mind that the job of a police officer can be a tough job even the crap that cops give one another (infighting, schisms, racism, corruption, opposing cliques, etc.) can be very, very bad--even nasty bad. Not only that the training style that has infected law enforcement is a pissant "us vs them" attitude. Providing false training is a felony when it results in a conspiracy against rights.

    On the bright side, I have actually observed one situation where cops started studying and researching law because of their interactions with a sovereign and it caught on, other cops started realizing the truth. Even once, a duty boss smiled ear to ear when he saw the ID. He was glad to find someone without their head up their #ss. Another cop actually said "You're smart" when I state that I stay out of their system due to the corruption, gimmicks and snares and among other things the lies some cops are prone tell. I asserted that I have every right. He looked around as if to see if anyone was listening and said: "You know what? You're smart." Then he walked off. (Also, I was fully aware that they were playing Mutt & Jeff and he was trying to feel out information.)

    Like David Merrill, I lack a social security number. I lack residence (note: positive verbiage instead of "i don't have"). in the United States or in any of the districts, territories or states of the United States. I am neither employed, unemployed, employable nor self-employed. Not being someone's b#tch, is hardly justification for inflicting injury or detention.

    Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-19-16 at 01:34 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #32

    yes, ive looked at that site I just don't have the membership fees. also signature card? are you talking about the ss card or the Original stub portion the card is attached to? its like the same size as a frn a little bigger and says "Social Security is a package of protection- retirement, survivors, and disability insurance." (that was clear what it is used for huh?) then next sentence, It protects you and your family while you work and after you retire. (im wonder what the "while" consists of?) Social Security is a base you can build on, now and for the future, with other insurance and investments. (emphasis added)

  3. #33

    Wow, interesting. I had someone tell me once that there was a cop in a traffic stop and was dealing with someone who didnt have his head up his ass and there was a right to movement card with a number and his friend dialed it once the sovereign was "detained" and some officials showed up and took the policy officer badge and weapon and had to pick it up at the dept of state and the gentlemen was released, I've never saw it first hand. that's really interesting though

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher-T:Farley View Post
    Wow, interesting. I had someone tell me once that there was a cop in a traffic stop and was dealing with someone who didnt have his head up his ass and there was a right to movement card with a number and his friend dialed it once the sovereign was "detained" and some officials showed up and took the policy officer badge and weapon and had to pick it up at the dept of state and the gentlemen was released, I've never saw it first hand. that's really interesting though
    I have heard similar reports from others.

    For a long time, I did security jobs on the side (non-employee, private contractor). I worked along side cops for maybe over ten years on a regular basis. It was known that I lack an SSN and a U.S.-State-issued license/ID. One night, a curious co-worker asked me for my ID for a moment, I handed it to him. Some of my police friends were outside with him. About forty-five minutes later, he handed it back to me. I was in a position inside a building. After that night, a rumor went around about me maybe being part of a "witness protection program". I guess whatever came back or didn't come back made them wonder because they could not explain it. I didn't even bother asking. It may have been they ran the ID and it came back with a "do not detain" or something similarly foreboding--and that made them wonder.

    Is it a magic trick? Is it smoke and mirrors? At the least there is this thing called: right of avoidance. There are police who love looking to Romans 13 as a basis for their power. Thing about Romans 13, it is applicable to police too. The covenant they take requires them to remain intra vires. It is implicit to every oath of office that you stay intra vires at all times. They are required to obey the higher power. I am unaware of being involved in any crime ever.

    P.S. I made a 'public registration' to clarify my status as a courtesy so that government actors would avoid confusing me with someone (or something) else (that would have been in the early/mid 90s). I had rogues attempt to undermine that only to have them shut down by judges.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-19-16 at 02:14 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #35
    You know, that is interesting also, So "it" was serving a parole violation, and to sum it up "it" had wrote "void" on the warrant used to detain "it" and filed a memorandum (challenging jurisdiction), affidavit of Truth, demand for set-off, and asseveration and declaration of status sent it certified mail to the clerk of courts. which hasn't been filed yet however have the return receipt. it was released, prior to sending them documents. "it" got another charge and when the magistrate served the paperwork i voided it out and had the prison fax it back, went to court, case dismissed, got released 5 months early then sent the rest, and on a couple occasions has been stopped and nothing comes up when they run my name, however, i didnt file the paperwork correctly and i didnt at the time know about registered mail so im confused. sometimes i feel there is no need to file all these documents to treasury and all that, they already access the account why cant i? another issue is i dont have a state id for it and i dont want one and it complicates things

  6. #36
    For the most part, I am ineligible for State ID/licenses--those are for 'residents'. However, though it may be possible to obtain one as a matter of emergency, IMHO it would give rise to undesirable presumptions. So I have avoided such.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher-T:Farley View Post
    You know, that is interesting also, So "it" was serving a parole violation, and to sum it up "it" had wrote "void" on the warrant used to detain "it" and filed a memorandum (challenging jurisdiction), affidavit of Truth, demand for set-off, and asseveration and declaration of status sent it certified mail to the clerk of courts. which hasn't been filed yet however have the return receipt. it was released, prior to sending them documents. "it" got another charge and when the magistrate served the paperwork i voided it out and had the prison fax it back, went to court, case dismissed, got released 5 months early then sent the rest, and on a couple occasions has been stopped and nothing comes up when they run my name, however, i didnt file the paperwork correctly and i didnt at the time know about registered mail so im confused. sometimes i feel there is no need to file all these documents to treasury and all that, they already access the account why cant i? another issue is i dont have a state id for it and i dont want one and it complicates things
    I am for good order throughout my land. As for crimes/cases, it is important to settle those matters before attempting to 'retire' from the system. As for filing documents, if you happen to be an exempt foreign person it can be helpful to let Treasury know. The State license/ID open up a different door than the IRS tax file--those tend to have something to do with a State Attorney General or a Director of Revenue. However, Treasury now handles state-level debts too. I never did any of that birth certificate A4V paperwork--for lack of a "birth certificate" with my name on it, how can I? I do recall that may I have sent a certificate of foreign status (in connection with 1099 contract work, the company as Treasury agent sent the document to treasury--and no, it was not for Federal employment) to Treasury back in say, 1993. Never had any problems with them.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-19-16 at 02:33 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #37
    that's where im at, so i did research on ways to get it one without residency and there was a form certificate of address, so i might use that and just sign for it with a qualified endorsement. i still dont want one though i will try the affidavit notarized by an officer of the state first. what do you tell people when they ask? if you dont mind my asking, i always try to think of a good answer to where people might get it like"im not a robot, i dont need to be scanned?"

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher-T:Farley View Post
    that's where im at, so i did research on ways to get it one without residency and there was a form certificate of address, so i might use that and just sign for it with a qualified endorsement. i still dont want one though i will try the affidavit notarized by an officer of the state first. what do you tell people when they ask? if you dont mind my asking, i always try to think of a good answer to where people might get it like"im not a robot, i dont need to be scanned?"
    When they ask what? If you were to deny being a robot but show robot credentials, wherein is the problem? Robot is actually related to a Slavic word (robota) for slave or a reference to 'forced labor'. Consider the German word "arbeit".
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    Last edited by allodial; 06-19-16 at 02:40 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #39
    So you have some time invested for sure, you know, I made mistakes- drank a lot and made bad decisionss maybe alcohol hindered my ability obviously to make right decisions, I learned and made the best of it, im at well where im at now, before i retire from the state, well I was never employed by the state without coersion and deception. i wasnt of competent sound mind at the time i was being breast fed while my mother opened up the envelope with a registered birth certificate. there really is nothing but the basic essentials god provided for us. this process is to give. david spoke about pulling a 5 or 10 out and asking if a homeless guy need it, well i need it to thats the crazy part, its crazy cause in reality it dont exist yet i need debt to buy food from the grocery store i think i did an honest hard work for and think 'i got my moneys worth' the 'old bang for your buck' what is the bang? thats the question,

  10. #40
    WOW how do you find this stuff !

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