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Thread: Just a thought, could some Judges don't even know how government works?

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  1. #8
    I just wanted to continue a wee bit about associations, for some peculiar reason the thought has not left my mind. It occurs to me that by the use of the Birth Certificate you are joining an association, a much larger association; a world wide association.

    Now, think about this:

    One day you wake up, and you fully comprehend you are a man created in God's own image.

    You look around, and you see all these associations/relationships and how they affect you and those around you and even those far away from you on the other side of the world.

    Then you see that your ancestors bound themselves unwittingly by their actions to many associations that now are demanding you comply to their demands.

    Even worse, those running those associations begin issuing misleading, convoluted, disparaging, derogatory, etc., guides. e.g.,

    What is a man to do?

    After giving it some thought, it is quite simple really... Look what the Founding Fathers did:

    They took one voice and declare what they believed, and served notice to all the World.

    And BOOM! A new experiment in world politics was born. But how does a nation of men with free will govern itself in a just and equitable manner? Answer, by individual consent.

    So, what happens when ignorance begins to reign again because of the natural course of life and those that had suffered the experience of injustice and despotism died and were no longer able to assert their liberty?

    What happens when shrewd men join together to subjugate and exploit their peers? And the less able do not comprehend what has happened?

    Tyranny, despotism, and eventual autocracy.

    It seems to always come down to one's associations.

    So with whom are you associating?

    If you associate with the Lord, you certainly won't go wrong.
    Last edited by Gavilan; 06-21-16 at 01:24 PM.

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