Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
Once the USA joined the UN it moved into selling FRN's to the world as a valuable commodity.
In order to be of value to the rest of the worlds countries it needed to have top purchasing power while being stable. Otherwise why hold them?
Hello Walter, please view the various cites shown on my recent posts in this thread . . .

The “Federal Reserve” system is a privately held foreign corporation formed by an international banking/credit cartel based out of London, England.

"Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United States government institutions, they are not government institutions, they are private credit monopolies."

Record, June 10, 1932, p. 12595

"The Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Reserve Banks are private Corporations."
Congressional Record, Jan. 24, 1934, p. 1293

"Federal reserve banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of a Federal Tort Claims Act, but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations in light of

fact that direct supervision and control of each bank is exercised by a board of directors. Federal reserve banks, though heavily regulated, are locally controlled by their member banks,
banks are listed neither as "wholly owned" government corporations nor as "mixed ownership" corporations; federal reserve banks receive no appropriated funds from Congress and
the banks are empowered to sue and be sued in their own names." Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d. 1239 (1982)

Although their commercial-paper notes are printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing ran by the U.S. federal government, said notes are "issued" by the board of governors of the Federal Reserve banking cartel (See Title 12 USC 411).

Said notes are the direct liabilities of the various district Federal Reserve district banks issuing them and represent a first and paramount lien on the assets of such banks.

The said notes are also the indirect "obligations" of the United States (due to the federal-venue treasury notes, bonds, certificates of public indebtedness, etc. used to collateralize their issue).

The principal cartel members comprising the foreign private “FEDERAL RESERVE” system Central Banks are as follows:

Rothschild Bank of London, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York,
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Goldman, Sachs of New York, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York.

These same international cartel members are also principal members of the two international commercial arms that were established by the U.N. at the end of WWII for the collection of war debts and loans to developing member nations.

You presently recognize them as "The International Monetary Fund" (IMF) and "The International Board of Reconstruction and Development" (IBRD)... which most developing countries have grown to HATE being involved with!!!

You can see how ineffective their intangible "commercial-paper" debt-note system of credit advances made in exchange for principal and interest payments in tangible-value "Gold bullion" based currency is on a world-wide stage . . .

For a recent example - look at what is presently happening in Europe with their IMF/IBRD backed "Euro" paper currency . . . its purchasing power is gradually diminishing over time as all fiat currencies eventually do . . .

This erosion of purchasing power is one of the many reasons why the people of Great Britain recently voted in favor of beginning the process to "exit" the European Union. . . BREXIT