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Thread: Abide vs Reside.

  1. #1

    Abide vs Reside.

    I have struggled with the book of Job for a long time, interestingly enough the first insight into the book came as I was sitting in jail opposite the cell of an arm robber whom was well known to the authorities. In another cell there was a young man complaining that God was punishing him, the well known arm robber told him to shut up, that it wasn't God that was punishing him, that it was Satan's job to punish for the action he had committed. My ears perked up, I had avoided saying anything to anyone, but everyone knew I was in trouble because the cops kept harassing me and trying to incite me to violence.

    Then suddenly he locked eyes on me, and said, you know I am being wrongly accused, I wasn't nowhere near where they claim the robbery took place, I have a new baby at home and they are trying to lock me up. I said to him, well, why don't you tell that to the judge? When the arraignment came up, he said to the judge, "Sir, I know I have done really bad things, but this crime I have not committed, I was not anywhere near the area they are claiming I was. I have a newborn at home and I haven't seen her in days since you have me locked up in here." The judge made inquiries and they let him go.

    Well, this morning, I wasn't feeling like my normal self and was feeling lazy about my daily Bible reading, but something nudge me to open up the book and read. I came across this great revelation:

    Job 38:19-21New International Version (NIV)

    “What is the way to the abode of light?
    And where does darkness reside?
    Can you take them to their places?
    Do you know the paths to their dwellings?
    Surely you know, for you were already born!
    You have lived so many years!

    Are you a resident? Do you reside in darkness?

    Or do you abide in Light? Is the commercial aspect of residing in a district part of darkness? Think about it. Come out of her! Stop residing and abide in Light!
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    Last edited by Gavilan; 07-15-16 at 01:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post

    That's what I suspect all along, which makes the holding them to their oaths a very crucial matter!

    David's work is essential, as is anyone's that is willing to hold them to their oaths.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    I have struggled with the book of Job for a long time, interestingly enough the first insight into the book came as I was sitting in jail opposite the cell of an arm robber whom was well known to the authorities. In another cell there was a young man complaining that God was punishing him, the well known arm robber told him to shut up, that it wasn't God that was punishing him, that it was Satan's job to punish for the action he had committed. My ears perked up, I had avoided saying anything to anyone, but everyone knew I was in trouble because the cops kept harassing me and trying to incite me to violence.

    Then suddenly he locked eyes on me, and said, you know I am being wrongly accused, I wasn't nowhere near where they claim the robbery took place, I have a new baby at home and they are trying to lock me up. I said to him, well, why don't you tell that to the judge? When the arraignment came up, he said to the judge, "Sir, I know I have done really bad things, but this crime I have not committed, I was not anywhere near the area they are claiming I was. I have a newborn at home and I haven't seen her in days since you have me locked up in here." The judge made inquiries and they let him go.

    Well, this morning, I wasn't feeling like my normal self and was feeling lazy about my daily Bible reading, but something nudge me to open up the book and read. I came across this great revelation:

    Are you a resident? Do you reside in darkness?

    Or do you abide in Light? Is the commercial aspect of residing in a district part of darkness? Think about it. Come out of her! Stop residing and abide in Light!

    I was in the last cell in The Hole as we read the Book of Job. We could hear every noise in the concrete box but the cells were arranged so that we could not see each other. Being in the last cell meant that no prisoners could pass by me for me to reach out and eat their face.

    That is how frightened they were of me.

    I had done nothing wrong but carry biblical prophecy. On Daniel's Day 1360 (recalling correctly I hope) we had all fallen into a total cacophony with all twelve, mostly murderers who had killed again in prison. Some were singing hymnals, speaking in tongues, reading scripture, - the solitary isolation ward was alive. Me, I stood observing, holding the bars because I thought I would lose my balance.

    I was overtaken with all emotions.

    At once. I Groaned. I was absorbing and excreting Life fully. Since then I have known God is very real.

    Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
    Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
    I want to reiterate the soul of commercial priestcraft is to teach you that the Breath of Life that God breathed into Adam is the RUACH (emotion). It is NESHEMAH - the NESHMAT CHAIM - the Mind of God. Not His/Your emotions. To presume that God feels what you do, emotionally is anthropomorphism and about as arrogant as arrogance is.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    Or do you abide in Light? Is the commercial aspect of residing in a district part of darkness? Think about it. Come out of her! Stop residing and abide in Light!
    The difference between the dead letter of the law [literalism] and the knowledge and understanding of the symbolic meanings which are the Spirit "couched" in matter.

    Sol = Light
    Om= Light
    On = Light

    and now you know why Joseph married a priestess of On [Light].

    For Saul was greatly steeped in knowledge and understanding of the literal Scriptures but one day he was riding on his horse [which is his own knowledge and understandings derived by and thru his limited five sense sensory system] and he was knocked off his horse by a great LIGHT. No longer could he stand to hear the literal understandings - his mind had been transformed and resurrected into a higher plane of light.

    Translated into the heavenly knowing his earthly knowledge [feet] had been washed and made clean. Or in other words, the dust on his feet had been removed. The feet touch the Earth [lower mind - five sense limited mind] - Satan walks to and fro IN THE EARTH - for the Adversary against God is the Carnal Mind - Romans 8:7.

    Spiritually speaking our Lord was crucified in Sodom and Egypt. Got a handle on that one? At the place of the Skull. Try as they may, they have been opening skulls for years looking for thoughts and emotions and have not found one yet.

    Everyone is Job. Into the Light may go know TRUTH alone. For ye shall know he truth and the TRUTH shall set you free.

    One who wholly subjects one's self to his limited five sense knowing is POOR very poor. For the poor ye have with you ALWAYS. This one is NOT in the Light. Rather this one trembles and quakes before Goliath [6 fingers/6 toes], for Golliath is THIS AGE. This one runs to and fro seeking remedies to satiate his flesh - only to find the hole he is in is deeper than he thought. Arise, get ye up into the High Mountain! This awakening is without the five sense stubborn ass nature. For Abraham left his servants and asses at the base of the Mountain.

    The man with the water pitcher is pouring out the Light now - Receive Ye - and enter into the House.

    For Hercules wears the lion skin [remember Satan walking to and fro in the earth as a roaring lion?]. Hercules has defeated his lower nature and now wears the lion's skin. Hercules carries a club in his right hand [Spirit]. He has a bough of fig branches which have no fruit on it in his left hand [only leaves] - meaning he no longer eats of the fruit of his own intellect [left or Ai = Waste Heap]; rather, he eats from the fruit of his right hand [Spirit]. Remember Jesus killing the fig tree that had only leaves? Like Jesus would kill anything - it is symbolic language. He is symbolically showing that we are NOT to eat from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil - that which is of Ai. For it leads to death! It is rebellion against the kingdom of God. Indeed friends the Kingdom of God is WITHIN each and everyone of you. We rather eat from Bethel [right side].

    There are three serpents in his left hand of Hercules and these are Power, Lust [Greed] and Desire these sought to defeat him but they were duplicitous for he thought they sought to help him. But these liars are defeated by three which are greater - Faith - Hope - Love. And now Scorpio which stings the heel is conquered in Sagittarius whereof the Grand Man stands on the head of the Serpent [lower nature] conquering and the lower serpent becomes a golden candlestick [giving light]. For at once the serpent thought to take the crown of the Man Sagittarius, but the Man overcame and now stands on the lower serpents head - he has overcome death in the Light of Truth.

    He has entered finally into the Sanctuary to eat the Bread [Scripture and Experience] in the Light of the Menora [Spirit]. What now of a canon for such a man who has overcome? There is no need for this one now walks in the Light - with eyes and ears to see and hear Spirit.

    Everyone is Job. And there is no war with God. For IN HIM we live, we move and have our being. If you say not so, then you say there are multiple creators acting independent of each other. God established the creature the creature is subject to God. For the existence of the creature is subject to the existence of God. Ponder on that one for a moment and hopefully you will see the Set which is State. You choose.

    The Go Spell is written in the stars long before there was every any written Scripture and long after writing shall exist. For the circuit of the Sun [long cycle roughly 26k years] - the ecliptic - goes right thru THE HEAD of Sagittarius.

    Psa 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

    Psa 19:2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

    Psa 19:3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

    Psa 19:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,

    Psa 19:5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.

    Psa 19:6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.


    How long will you fish, Peter [lower mind], in the darkness which is Night? How long will we be content to stay on the cistern of what the church has to offer? Have you not known that Peter [the Church] is asleep and snoring? Haven't you read the report in the garden - Peter fell asleep. And furthermore, Peter has now denied Christ three times 4th, 17th and 20th centuries. John and Peter are now running for the grave - John already knows the truth - but Peter has been sleeping. Nevertheless, John will defer to Peter so that Peter too may know. For Peter's feet must be washed! That great fisherman is you friend. Is me is mankind. We are all Job for the lower must be made clean so that it might ascend and we might all receive a "new earth" and "new heavens".

    May the Sun of Righteousness arise upon you and may you enter into the Light of Day. For it was DAWN when Jesus came to the men in the boat and asked "children have ye any meat?" Cast ye now on the RIGHT SIDE.

    Seems Peter is "drunk on Milk". Oh he knows the stories and can quote the Scriptures with eloquence, but to know truth he lacks in knowledge. For the great fisherman has died and is not resurrected as yet. Peter was crucified shows us the truth. As long as we shake in fear of Goliath [this age] we are subject to death. For we eat of the wrong tree! We stay on the lower serpent and it kicks our ass. And thinking we are somewhat we are nothing! For the lower serpent walks to and fro in the earth seeking he whom he may devour!

    Rise up my dove and come away!

    Commentary on Song of Songs.pdf

    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  4. #4
    Nice to have you posting again MJ!

    By colonizing my central nervous system, mind and spirit this Light is within me. I colonize the entire universe. Thank you for the detailed explanation.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Nice to have you posting again MJ!

    By colonizing my central nervous system, mind and spirit this Light is within me. I colonize the entire universe. Thank you for the detailed explanation.
    Thank you. Man to say I have been swamped is an understatement. Continuing on the foregoing:


    Remember Hercules? - well Hercules IS Sampson! And Sampson is you! Have you not had your Spiritual eyes put out and now you are being made to undertake under the five lords of the Philistines [your five sense limited nature]? His long hair is Spiritual Knowing - the Rasta Man knows these truths thus he takes the Vow of the Nazarene - refusing to cut himself off from Spirit which is his great strength. For Spirit is of the Higher Mind and it "drops" down like hair to redeem which is lower [mind]. The men of which Sampson killed were his vain thoughts which did not serve him but rather destroy him. We all have these.

    Yah - mon. Or as Bob Marley would say - Jah.

    Delilah is one of those serpents in Hercules Left Hand. She is desire, lust, greed, power which is clearly the fruit of the left hand. And she uses her whiles to entice her strong man for she wishes to run the house! And in order to do so - she must make him weak. Thusly she must find the secret of his great strength so that she might take the Kingdom of God by force! This is akin to the "raping of Dinah" - Jacob's daughter.

    She is the Emotion of mankind! For emotion must submit to mind! But look around what do you see? Seems the cart is before the horse!
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  6. #6
    Consider the cellular memory (genome) intelligence/counterintelligence out of China, providing the world's source of copulins in #9 Bask.

    Go back to 2002-2003 when I cured the world of SARS. I put my ARIPP (Advanced Resonance Inductive Plasma Physics has evolved into biocosmetric sonoluminescence) into the Patent and Trademark Office so that when China published in China Daily it would be patenting the genome for SARS, I just showed them:

    Name:  Documents Disclosure on SARS.jpg
Views: 494
Size:  54.2 KB

    But moving on, more recently I purchased some nice silk pajamas from China. Included was a nasty Chinese spider who bit me on the ankle - nasty! This provided me the updated cocktail of flesh-eating bacteria and viruses and instead of running out for antibiotics I rode it out so that I became an antivenin cocktail ready to donate blood to CDC in case of pandemic or bacteriological warfare. The colonizing of the universe is like that - this spider is a later chapter of the SARS cure. This is all vibration from my solar plexus, which is now colonized.

    Nothing stands between perfection and the chi body (EMF field you describe with hair, like a willow tree in the Jewish Kabbalah = torroid math) forming the perfect biocosmetric sonoluminescence.

    The copulins though, they are worth thinking about. The Sultan was not just avoiding the influence of one woman by having a harem. The Sultan was imprinting a very powerful collection of female genetic signatures. This accumulation of Feminine (right-brain) is also the CHRIST OFFICE, or the Godly Mind. - A political asset.

    It was not simply to impress people how often the Sultan got laid.

    Without getting crude though, since China has been onto ARIPP since 2003 at the least. Actually I now train in Shei Soii Ching and Yi Gin Ching chi kung scientifically accumulated over thousands of years...

    My point being there might be a great deal of thought and filtering about what women get to sponge-dildo at these Chinese cunt farms. And furthermore there may be a selective process over which women get their genetic code combined with other women and where in the world, to which customers this imprinting is sent. I recall one of the testimonies for #9 Bask being a woman bought her bottle just to be accepted in the engineering pool of men. So here is a female engineer, using copulins to get her ideas promoted in the high-tech field, by exciting the male engineers into accepting her!

    This level of intelligence/counterintelligence is sublime.

    Forgive my imagination here, but it strikes a chord with your post. I just do not judge the witchcraft.

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    Last edited by David Merrill; 07-15-16 at 07:18 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

    My point being there might be a great deal of thought and filtering about what women get to sponge-dildo at these Chinese cunt farms. And furthermore there may be a selective process over which women get their genetic code combined with other women and where in the world, to which customers this imprinting is sent. I recall one of the testimonies for #9 Bask being a woman bought her bottle just to be accepted in the engineering pool of men. So here is a female engineer, using copulins to get her ideas promoted in the high-tech field, by exciting the male engineers into accepting her!
    Thoth taught his young son T.A.T. that thoughts are things. For no thing ever came to be that was not proceeded by thought. So what is more real the thing or the thought? If you are dreaming could you tell the difference? Pray tell whereof did God create, if not out of God? All things manifest out of the body of God! Thusly all things exist in the Mind of God.

    In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things were made by the Word; and without the Word was not any thing made that was made.

    Regarding the Chi-Body or as some call it the Astral-Body, do not thoughts effect this manifestation? In other words when one puts on the Iron Shield [thought armour], then one cannot be hurt physically. Many worship a name and pay no attention to the Way of Being. But I say thoughts are things and we should be very careful about what we allow to be planted in our garden.

    Tele[pathy] Vision Programming can be wonderful but it can also be a dreadful tool in the hands of a manipulator. Once a policeman has been inserted into everyone's head, then the society will police itself in its fears, mores, norms and taboos. The public is a fickle mob subject to its lustful wants and desires. Thusly those who would remain in power would give the public satiation in entertainment and toys. When the public beast mind ceases to be amused, then there will be great strife.

    In a sense, the manipulators walk a fine line for if they push too hard they will awaken the beast and if not hard enough they can't keep the beast in a state of want. Thusly is desire required of the manipulation but not desire fulfilled but rather an unfulfilled desire is required so that the public may not lay down in rest. Enter mind trauma [MK Ultra]: Where were you when JFK was killed, or where were you when the twin towers were bombed? Do you remember the fear? The confusion? Do you not think that Alter cannot be triggered at anytime?

    Physically speaking emotions may be triggered by a physical experience, but how much more by a mental thought? A phrase uttered or a memory made manifest.

    Was it not Eve which brought the "fruit to Adam"? Was it not Delilah that sweet talked her man into yielding his great strength? This is the same ole song and dance my friend:

    Jud 1:4 For ... certain men crept in unawares, who were before written to this condemnation, impious, changing the grace of our God into wantonness, and denying the only Lord ..., and our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Moses, tell us, what is His name. And Moses replied "I AM THAT I AM". Many allow others to tell them what they are. They allow public pressure to form and mold them into an image that is formed by the public beast mind [carnality]. Thus is the death of individuality in God and rather it is replaced by a Group Think of what is acceptable in the society.

    Hos_9:7 The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred.

    I am constantly searching myself for I know the Prince of this World comes and I desire there is no "toehold" left for him to gain an advantage over me. Jesus saying to Peter - If you want any part with me boy - I must wash your feet. Ole Pete must have had some stinking feet [rofl]. Not really, but his understandings are false. His understandings are as Goliath - Pete thinks himself to be as David but he is confused - Jesus must wash his feet [earthly knowledges/wisdoms/understandings] if We, I mean Peter, is to have any place with Jesus.

    The impregnating thought of Peter must be CLEAN. For we are commanded hold not up the unclean thing. For if we do we curse ourself. I AM THAT I AM. The key is in THAT. Hold up the THAT which is CLEAN. And be ye Clean!

    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  8. #8

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    ... I recall one of the testimonies for #9 Bask being a woman bought her bottle just to be accepted in the engineering pool of men. So here is a female engineer, using copulins to get her ideas promoted in the high-tech field, by exciting the male engineers into accepting her!
    Isn't that the essence of the Mainstream Media's tactics, form the semblance of "the helpless female" in the mind of a man (catastrophe, tragedy, mishaps, terrorist attacks, gun control) with the intent to trigger 'flash memory recall' of some copulin event--how a man feels about some helpless woman that he cares about to remind the man of woman HER copulins and hope that he somehow overlays HER copulin-triggers onto the sinister mirage the Mainstream Media forms. You know, how the smell of something reminds you of a specific tasty morsel of food? The goal: to get men to off to war, to rescue 'HER' (but its not HER and 'she' really isn't really someone you'd save if you knew her --she isn't even a she so that is why they need to borrow from the storehouse of your own copulin-trigger-responses). Not that they care about the terrorism more than the ability to manipulate men. Of course, their admitted appeal is to women, who have real copulins: so they might hope at the least to manipulate a real female her to stand in front of one or more men and wield her copulins to make them care. Maybe even the Communists are promote promiscuity because the woman whose bedded the entire village is expected to have some kind of influence.

    Judging the witchcraft IMHO is very appropriate much like judging the difference between a Black Widow Spider and a butterfly. Because often the apparent objective isn't the real objective (see Double Bind; Problem-Reaction-Solution; Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis).
    Last edited by allodial; 07-16-16 at 10:08 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  10. #10
    Biocosmetric sonoluminescence is nearly instantaneous when driven by fear. I propose it lasts no more than three milliseconds but I will measure it, next time I have my lab set up. The adrenaline seems only good for breaking boards and glass... The training is conditioned dread.

    Much better the Girl Scout way; s'mores are the training tool of choice.

    Your approach may completely miss Jesus, as MJ points out, commanding we fish from the Female, Right Side of the brain.

    Since love drives all engines, biocosmetric sonoluminescence is sustainable when the foundation emotion for it is love. So imagine the healer holding a spherical flask in his right hand with a small star glowing in it; with his left hand adjusting a patient's EMF (chi/astral body) for health to follow naturally.

    What would Jesus do?

    Jesus already has.

    Do you suppose Jesus spent any time judging witchcraft? I suppose, He might have had is off days...

    P.S. My emphasis on the quintessence of intelligence/counterintelligence on possibly hundreds of selected genetic signatures filtered especially to ship to David Merrill should not diminish the precept "wife of my youth". A wife/mother mastering the conditioned responses of the man/protector/hunter-provider is a precision beauty.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 07-16-16 at 04:06 PM.

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