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Thread: Abide vs Reside.

  1. #11
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Biocosmetric sonoluminescence is nearly instantaneous when driven by fear. I propose it lasts no more than three milliseconds but I will measure it, next time I have my lab set up. The adrenaline seems only good for breaking boards and glass... The training is conditioned dread.

    Much better the Girl Scout way; s'mores are the training tool of choice.

    Your approach may completely miss Jesus, as MJ points out, commanding we fish from the Female, Right Side of the brain.

    Since love drives all engines, biocosmetric sonoluminescence is sustainable when the foundation emotion for it is love. So imagine the healer holding a spherical flask in his right hand with a small star glowing in it; with his left hand adjusting a patient's EMF (chi/astral body) for health to follow naturally.

    What would Jesus do?

    Jesus already has.

    Do you suppose Jesus spent any time judging witchcraft? I suppose, He might have had is off days...

    P.S. My emphasis on the quintessence of intelligence/counterintelligence on possibly hundreds of selected genetic signatures filtered especially to ship to David Merrill should not diminish the precept "wife of my youth". A wife/mother mastering the conditioned responses of the man/protector/hunter-provider is a precision beauty.
    One who knows himself will be able to spot the manipulation techniques used by others - hopefully. Jesus loves you! If you don't love Jesus you will burn in hell. Square that one if you can! Talk about MK Ultra. How is a young child to square such diametrically opposing statements? Especially when the child contemplates Forever.

    Talk about an offer you can't refuse! Well one day I realized that Jesus said the "Kingdom of God is at hand". And I understand that to be NOW - Right Now! There is no need at all to wait as the business plan would have most believe. In fact, what a business indeed. One pays into the plan at ten percent per week to receive something - get this - AFTER ONE DIES. Yippee. Sounds great! Where do I buy some of that good ole salvation?

    Geez, if a widget salesman was selling such a ridiculous offer he would not be in business long! Funny how the Alter built in a young child's mind keeps the child coming back to patronize the business plan. Must pay ten percent - Must pay ten percent - if I don't Jesus will burn me forever in fire. Must pay ten percent.

    And folks don't call THAT witchcraft? How freakin blind are people? I scare you to your core and you pay me for the rest of your life so that you can receive something - that NOONE knows about - when you die! Man what a deal! I think I will follow the words of Jesus who said the Kingdom of God is at hand! And I think I will leave the witches [preachers] to their craft! They certainly have most under a spell. For again what is the young child to do once the Alter is formed in their precious little minds? All the witch has to do is just utter that certain series of words - "if you don't then you might go to hell". Yep that should do it. Now get your ARSE back in line - pay up!

    Take a gander at the "Apocalypse of Peter" to see what Jesus said about these witches that profess themselves Bishops or Deacons under their own authority.

    Apocalypse of Peter.pdf

    How long will it be before it is recognized that there were THREE items in the Ark of the Covenant? Man that Alter is hard to fight against - it is so well formed in the minds of so many. Why just a few days back a woman informed me that her pastor told her that the King James Bible was the only true word of God. When asked did she know what the term "version" meant she got so obstinate that there was no need to offer "new wine." In love to her, we move on. Maybe one day that Alter in her mind will be torn down and destroyed.

    Most are so hopelessly attached to the Alter that they cling to the Word and deny the relationship. The Way of Being is not important to these who are so mind controlled as they may be able to orate the word most effectively but when asked to explain even one verse of the Song of Solomon they go silent with some such crap as "some things are just not meant to be understood". Now you talk about a load of horse manure.

    Why would the book exist if it was not meant to be understood? And what of those poets which also tell the truth? Why does she turn her back on those poets? The answer is simple friend - because her pastor whom she trusts with her everliving soul has confirmed in her mind that those poets are heathen BECAUSE they are not blessed by those who would establish a canon.

    When those 6k demons called LEGION were cast from the boy and sent into the swine they were Re-LEGION-ed. And those swine [ignorant men and women] went headlong into the sea to their Spiritual death! One demon for each year of the 6 days.

    When the sons of God mix [commit adultery] with the daughters of the man then was born unto them giants = Religion!

    Dry canals indeed - cisterns at best. I think I will have the courage to follow what Jesus says and forget what the witch doctors tell me what Jesus said. It is a very powerful technique to show somebody something and then tell them what they saw. Just watch FOX, CNN, NBC, CBS or CSPAN - they all do this quite effectively, I might add. What are we all just a bunch of freakin idiots that we need some bean head to tell us what we just saw? Or, maybe just maybe, what we see on TV is not real but as the chilli peppers say "Space might be the final frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement."

    You figure it out. Where do you lodge your trust? A friend of mine was quite upset last night about something that happened in Turkey. He was pinned to the TV screen. I asked him why he cared. He spun on me like I just shot his dog. So I asked him what he was going to do about it. Blank stare. So I asked him why was he so angry. No answer. So I asked him again what evidence does he have that these events being portrayed actually happened. Again no answer. Then I asked - do you suspect that the TV is being used to program your mind to a certain emotional response? No answer. So I left with - again - what are you going to do about it? No answer.

    Here is the cold hard facts - he is not going to do anything about what he thinks he saw because the TV has reduced him to a 200 lb helpless mass of jelly. No backbone and no mind! Only FEAR is left - for what he was really concerned about TRUTH BE TOLD is what will I do when this comes to my door. And that's the facts Jack!

    I had the courage to call him on his bull excrement. We met this morning for breakfast and he thanked me for being bold enough to pull him from his trance. And he is spot on - he was in a fear based trance! That TV is one powerful PR machine. For everything must be sold today - didn't you know?

    This morning I had breakfast with a friend and I told him if he could not see himself making $100 / hour he will not ever make $100/hr. That's a fact. This whole Elite - Peasant movement is horse manure. Listen to the YouTube vids talking about the Elite this and the Elite that....I'm Elite - I'm Is-Ra-Elite. Why you say? Because I am actively working to achieve my goals - therefore I am a success. My happiness depends on Me. Thusly am I unconcerned with the TV - Jesus said "the poor ye shall have with you always." He who holds up the UNCLEAN thing constantly before the Mind's Eye is poor indeed.

    But ye brethren are RICH - for you know. Here is to your success and happiness - have the courage to be yourself. Imagine your happiness - see it and achieve it.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 07-16-16 at 06:37 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  2. #12
    The physical perception as karma or just forces of nature Spirits of Form . In ordinary life in the physical world we take up such a position to all that we feel to be our fate, as to feel sympathy or antipathy Real imperturbability with regard to fate is only acquired when we behave in this matter in just the same way as in the repeated concentrated surrender to thoughts or feelings for the purpose of strengthening the soul in general. A reflection only leading to intellectual understanding is not sufficient. It is necessary to live intensely with such a reflection, and to continue in it for a certain period of time while keeping away all experiences appertaining to the senses or other recollections of ordinary life. Jail relationships and mortgage Through such exercises we arrive at a certain fundamental attitude of mind towards fate. It is possible radically to do away with sympathies and antipathies in this respect and finally to consider everything that happens to us quite as unconcernedly as an observer watches water falling over a mountainside and splashing down beneath. It is not meant that in this way we ought to arrive at facing our own fate without any feelings whatever. One who becomes indifferent to anything that happens to him is surely on no profitable track. We certainly do not remain indifferent to the outer world with regard to things not touching our own soul as part of our fate. We look upon things happening before our eyes with pleasure or with pain. Indifference to life should not be sought, when we strive after supersensible knowledge, but transformation of the direct interest that the ego takes in its own fate. It is quite possible that by such transformation the vividness of the life of feeling is strengthened and not weakened. In ordinary life tears are shed over many things that happen to our own soul in the way of fate. We are, however, able to win our way to a standpoint where the unfortunate fate of others awakens in our soul the same keen interest and feeling as are induced by our own unhappy experiences. It is easier to arrive at such a standpoint with regard to misfortunes that fate brings us than, Now with regard to our own mental capacities or without been fated It is not so easy, after all, to experience as great a joy when you discover a capacity in another, as when you discover that you possess that capacity yourself. For those who seriously go through this development acquire at the same time the capacity to distinguish between realities and the pictures of their own imagination. The inner activities and experiences which are necessary during such a pilgrimage of the soul, if it is a right one, make us practise the greatest circumspection towards ourselves with regard to imagination and reality. When we systematically strive to attain the experience of ourselves in the higher ego as spiritual beings, In the astral body we feel the physical body itself as something outside our own being. On passing into the elemental body we feel something like an expansion of our own being; but in identifying our consciousness with the astral body it is as though we made a jump into another being.Time loves a Hero

  3. #13
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    being resident within a law boundary is not necessarily a bad situation. Abiding in the truth and justice with intent of mutual beneficial relationships is the hope and goal. What is the law which governs such a goal? The law of love.

    But what happens when an accident occurs? How will equity be restored? For indeed I perceive an accident was just that - accidental. What were the primary causes which impelled said accident - thusly is liability affixed upon the so called "accident". Upon whose estate shall the liability be affixed [charged]? Should you be made to pay for my accident?

    One will say no, but is that true? Not really, because in reality if we pledge towards the support of a particular society, then we all understand the liabilities within that society subject to the laws of which we agree to live under. In theory the system is beautiful, in practice, not so much. Enter ego, greed, power, prestige, etc. and that nasty lust - stage LEFT.

    Can there be a state absent a person? consider that at once when a corporation of men and women band together to form state they do so and seeing the Light they observe that they have done good and they name their organization so that others might come to rely upon the good faith or good name established by those who understand said society called state.

    Now once the state is named does it cease to exist? I think not. Those who pledge to support said state are resident and subject to the laws of said state. And that friends is a good thing!

    Pro_22:1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

    A good name huh. Enter the gainsayers stage left - reporting that a name is fiction. And guess what they are right. Michael Joseph my name is - but that name is not Me. It is a fiction derived for relationships of all sorts. Add a SURNAME and one is affixed to a particular society - legal to a certain law boundary.

    In other words, if one uses the term LEGAL, then one must at once ascribe the law boundary of which the transaction or property or estate is Legal unto. Thusly a "legal" tender within the law boundary of the United States may not be a "legal" tender within the state of China. The people of China may not choose to accept the credit in the name of the people of the United States.

    He who pledges his good faith and trust to understand a society [State] adds value to the Estate. And thusly are debts contracted upon the trust pledged. The only question is: Did you receive a benefit? He who is with the benefit is also with the obligation - this is equity and is just.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 07-16-16 at 09:37 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

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  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    being resident within a law boundary is not necessarily a bad situation. Abiding in the truth and justice with intent of mutual beneficial relationships is the hope and goal. What is the law which governs such a goal? The law of love.

    But what happens when an accident occurs? How will equity be restored? For indeed I perceive an accident was just that - accidental. What were the primary causes which impelled said accident - thusly is liability affixed upon the so called "accident". Upon whose estate shall the liability be affixed [charged]? Should you be made to pay for my accident?

    One will say no, but is that true? Not really, because in reality if we pledge towards the support of a particular society, then we all understand the liabilities within that society subject to the laws of which we agree to live under. In theory the system is beautiful, in practice, not so much. Enter ego, greed, power, prestige, etc. and that nasty lust - stage LEFT.

    Can there be a state absent a person? consider that at once when a corporation of men and women band together to form state they do so and seeing the Light they observe that they have done good and they name their organization so that others might come to rely upon the good faith or good name established by those who understand said society called state.

    Now once the state is named does it cease to exist? I think not. Those who pledge to support said state are resident and subject to the laws of said state. And that friends is a good thing!

    Pro_22:1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

    A good name huh. Enter the gainsayers stage left - reporting that a name is fiction. And guess what they are right. Michael Joseph my name is - but that name is not Me. It is a fiction derived for relationships of all sorts. Add a SURNAME and one is affixed to a particular society - legal to a certain law boundary.

    In other words, if one uses the term LEGAL, then one must at once ascribe the law boundary of which the transaction or property or estate is Legal unto. Thusly a "legal" tender within the law boundary of the United States may not be a "legal" tender within the state of China. The people of China may not choose to accept the credit in the name of the people of the United States.

    He who pledges his good faith and trust to understand a society [State] adds value to the Estate. And thusly are debts contracted upon the trust pledged. The only question is: Did you receive a benefit? He who is with the benefit is also with the obligation - this is equity and is just.

    Ergo unredeemed Federal Reserve notes are like unclaimed insurance policies, and the accident is being recorded now by the "omission" of the Trading with the Enemy Act from the Bankers' Code.

  5. #15
    P.S. The "accident" more concisely was to murder the Attorney General saying that the Trading with the Enemy Act, applied to the Great Depression as a war measure, was illegal. Put another way, the "accident" was to stand between men and women, and remedy/remembrance/redemption.

  6. #16
    Is Our fight for survival “As the rose beautifies herself, she beautifies the garden.” If we don't attempt to develop all our faculties we will have little success in helping our brothers and sisters. However, to develop our faculties requires a certain egoism, because initiative is connected to egoism. Between us who understand how to be not only followers, who understand that they are not just subject to their environment just being a resident within a law boundary,Abiding in the truth and justice with intent of mutual beneficial relationships is the hope and goal. What is the law which governs such a goal? The law of love.
    True law and love and its powers, Men/Women will develop to powerful and able people, and they will have the possibility to serve others much more than those who are constantly given to all possible influences in their surroundings the guessing guards . It is possible that this attitude, so necessary for people, could lead to a one-sidedness. It will only bear its proper fruits if it is paired with the principle of brotherly and sisterly love.EGOISM a ethical theory that treats self-interest as the foundation of morality.another term for egotism.So It is right to make oneself as strong as possible, but the question is can we really become strong without love? He who really develops to a true soul recognition must answer this question with a decisive, “No!”Everyone would of course like to know how one combines the Fight for Survival with a sisterly and brotherly love We have to learn to replace the fighting with positive work, to replace fighting and war by the search for ideals. One understands nowadays little of what that implies. One does not know what fight one talks about because one speaks in today's life about nothing else but fighting. We have the class struggles, the fight for peace, the fight for women's rights, the fight for land and so on everywhere, regardless in what direction we look, we see fighting.Try to introduce into life what in your experience and recognition is shown to be the right thing and make it effective without fighting against your opponent. the "accident" was to stand between men and women, and remedy/remembrance/redemption.If we understand that our best forces spring out of community and that community is not just understood as an abstract principle but primary at every turn of the road, at every moment of life in a spiritual manner not religious .For the one who thinks materialistically there is almost no escape from this Fight for Survival. We should, of course, do our duty on the place where karma puts us, but we do the right thing if we are clear that we could achieve much more if we would forego to look for quick success silver bullets . Maybe you stand in pain in regard being hurt or the one you hurt in the Fight for Survival but, overcome yourself, develop a loving attitude and let your thoughts stream from soul to soul. If you are a materialist you might think you didn't achieve anything, remedy/remembrance/redemption recognize that this must later on have its effect. Because nothing is lost that happens in the spirit.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Because nothing is lost that happens in the spirit.

    That is a delightful read!

    I have found the most peace since I quit judging my ego. It simply arises from consciousness. I am unaware, only when I am conscious. The ability to forgive, for me, came from accepting that this "illusion" is the highest spiritual experience possible. That is why all the memory clusters await some ignorant putz to give up his or her free will and seek fame as a "channel". That tells me all poltergeists, ghosts, disembodied spirits etc. are looking to get back here, and that confirms my theory.

    Also, what is confirmed is that the ego fears most, a clean death; the complete loss of identity. Being nothing is hell for the ego!

  8. #18
    If in i understand this rightly all this happens if one rises to pure thinking, to thinking that is irradiated by will? On the foundation of the past that has dissolved into semblance, meaning outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different. All fructification by the will which rises up from ones own egohood, rip what you sew what unfolds within us a new reality leading into the future.
    A man evolves by permeating his deeds and actions, his will-nature, with thoughts; then deeds are performed in love. Such deeds detach themselves from him. Our deeds do not remain confined to ourselves. They become world-happenings; and if they are permeated by love, then love goes with them. As far as me and the cosmos is concerned, an egotistical action is different from an action permeated by love.The etheric body has now detached itself, so that we now have the astral body, the Ego and the Spirit-Self.
    The astral body and the Ego therefore remain to us from our earthly life.
    You already know that our astral body, in the earthly form in which it was subjected to us, remains with as for a long time after death. The astral body remains with us, because it is permeated with all those things that only pertain to the earthly-human life, and because it cannot immediately expel this. We now pass through a time during which we can only cast off little by little what has become of our astral body as a result of our earthly life.That tells me all poltergeists, ghosts, disembodied spirits etc. are looking to get back here, and that confirms my theory. Being nothing is hell for the ego!
    tou·ché gringo
    used as an acknowledgment during a discussion of a good or clever point made at egohoods expense. From the courage of the fighters,
    From the blood of the battles,
    From the sufferings of the abandoned,
    From the nation's deeds of sacrifice,
    Shall grow out a spiritual fruit,
    If souls lead, in Spirit-consciousness,
    Their heart and mind into the Spirit-realm.

  9. #19
    Name:  Notice of Resident.jpg
Views: 306
Size:  111.0 KB

    The individual outside the Congregation (government). Setting yourself up.

    Just a quick post to connect back to the Topic.

    Name:  Resident definition.jpg
Views: 300
Size:  200.1 KB

    Something strikes a chord both with hair cells continuing to grow for a couple months after physical death and that precept Jesus was in touch with the Female.

    There is only one Woman in the whole world, and her name is Mary MAGDALENE. I recently heard a rumor the Pope has decreed that Mary was no whore, but a Disciple.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Since love drives all engines, biocosmetric sonoluminescence is sustainable when the foundation emotion for it is love. So imagine the healer holding a spherical flask in his right hand with a small star glowing in it; with his left hand adjusting a patient's EMF (chi/astral body) for health to follow naturally.
    Love for God and oneself promotes the preservation oneself from the consequences of sin and avoidance of sin. It is suggested out of love for one self and for God one avoids certain behaviors. Love for others promotes loving behavior toward them.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Do you suppose Jesus spent any time judging witchcraft? I suppose, He might have had is off days...
    A king is a conservator of the peace. Terrible judgement befell Jerusalem and such approximately 40 years (the 'dunging' or 'cultivating' period lapsed in ~70 AD?) after the crucifixion. "Witchcraft is as the sin of rebellion".
    Last edited by allodial; 07-17-16 at 10:20 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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