Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
Consider the book Megabrain by Michael Hutchinson--"inferentially" tells the truth about why and how they are aiming to dumb down younger generations and why they are taking away playtime, outdoor activities and time outside: because they are intentionally thwarting brain development. By removing movement and stimulus they are aiming to prevent development of the brain. It has gotten around that Zika virus isn't causing birth defects: its those vaccines grown on dead fetal tissue which are administered to mothers while pregnant.

The topic of "neuroplasticity" was actually very well known and studied prior to the 1930s but doctrines stemming out of German concepts of "racial superiority"-meets-Darwin entered in and so they had to paint this idea of the brain being fixed in development at birth--total lie. If the brain was fixed, why have schools around the country been so quick to put lead in the water of Black and inner-city students? Because since the brain is constantly developing and being enhanced, constant fluoride-and-lead baths would be necessary for any agenda geared toward thwarting a living, active system that keeps cleaning itself. Gotta love those regressive "Progressives", right?

No doubt lead in the water would 'conveniently' prop the diabolical fiction of intelligence and IQ differences being based merely on color of skin. Remove the lead from the tap water and The Bell Curve falls flat on its face and goes straight through the floor.

I am new here, and I don't know too much about the site. But I have yet to see YouTube videos, Wiki leaks, Investigative Reports, TV expositions, shipping manifests from lead suppliers, or School Whistle Blowers outing the poisoning of THEMSELVES (you really think only students drink the water?). So, respectfully, that portion of what you wrote, will have to rest in the round file, as malarky, for me at least. Cheers for the courage to write the untenable, however!