Do not ask to-day for any abstract ways to the Christ; ask for these concrete ways. Seek to understand the way through your personal thinking, which consists in becoming inwardly tolerant towards the opinions of mankind at large, and developing social interest for the thoughts of other men. to act out of the spirit. When our actions spring from this achieved idealism we are acting in accordance with the intentions of the Christ.Minus all priestcraft that wishes only for our spirit stiffed indoctrination and compliance to o nly a earthly body and soul [destroy this temple and its spirit will rise] Christ did not descend from worlds above the earth in order to achieve merely earthly ends,He was offered the same priest craft and refused. He came down to the earth from higher realms in order to fulfill a divine earthly purpose. We shall grow towards Him only if we cultivate idealism in ourselves, so that Christ, Who represents the earthly divine within the realm of earth, can work through us. Spirit can be realized with intentions, are we no different than Paul in saying about Christ: “Not I, but Christ in me.” I see how one needs a principle of justice. To-day we have reached a stage when principles of justice can be derived only from the spiritual world. And again and again it must be pointed out that nowadays it is not enough to keep on and on declaring Christ People must recover belief in the spirit. and be redeemed from the material misconduct. Mention Christ in the principle of justice the earthly justice he labored for is not some spiritual jurisdiction he needs help with the Christ is “wind,” “breath,” Mind or “spirit.” and God put wind, breath, mind, spirit. In his living creature. All this gives us further warning not to think merely of belief in the spirit, but to try above all to make such an encounter with the spirit that it gives us strength to see through the reality of the material, our external worlds Bullshit . That proof is by the way one looks at things, seeing them in the light of the spirit. is just getting agreement with all adversaries Materially Physically Spiritually .