The search for info on land ownership and allodial title is what first led me to SJC.
Once there, my attention was quickly captured by the heated lawful money discussions, R4C, LoR, etc, but I'm still on the quest to figure out land ownership.
Michael Joseph has been very helpful in this area, as he has hipped me to the trust structures that exist around every commercial transaction.

I have been wanting to start a discussion about deeds, titles, surveys and county recording of such, and to use my own documents and land transaction as a point of departure.
I have not had time to sanitize the docs yet.

When I bought, using lawful money, what I thought was land, and then utilized the services of an attorney to help me get my claim recorded, because I was told by family that's what I should do, some unexpected things happened.
I still don't know exactly what it was that I bought.
I'm sitting on the land that I thought I bought right now, but I'm finding that I have to pay a yearly rent or have my surveyed claim sold at auction by a third party if I fail to pay rent.

It's all very puzzling to me, but I intend to get to the bottom of it.
