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Thread: Article: Default is Default

  1. #1

  2. #2

    This article says the limit is $14.25 trillion.

    The debt clock above shows over that... last time I checked it was $14.284 trillion...

    So, yep, officially, the United States is now broke!

    Haven't seen this on the news yet though... wonder why?
    Last edited by doug555; 04-10-11 at 03:51 PM.

  3. #3
    It's like Japan; they put milky dye in the cooling water and since they found no milky dye dumping into the ocean by streams a rivulets, they concluded that the radioactive water must be well... Not flowing to the sea?

    Thanks for linking to the article. Maybe Congress raised the Debt Ceiling but is playing it down?
    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-11-11 at 10:53 PM.

  4. #4
    P.S. No. The Default is still on the 150-Year Schedule, like I suspected. Maybe what went down this weekend was Shock Testing - to see what might be breaking next week under the real strain.

    Note: April 15th! Not April 1st!

  5. #5
    There is nothing stopping the people from solving the national debt problem RIGHT NOW, IN ONE DAY!

    It is only an accounting problem. The funds are in our birth estates. All it takes is our signature indorsing a bill for our share of the national debt. This right of setoff is the res of the June 5, 1933 trust Congress setup for the American people in response to McFadden's May 23, 1933 charges of theft and treason that occurred by executive order on May 1, 1933 when gold was taken from the people.

    Imagine if only 10% of Americans did this... say 30 million of us.

    Use the debt clock website for these sample figures.

    If the average debt per person, US(178) + personal(52) = $230,000, then if 30 million people each indorsed a bill for $230K that was honored as a right of setoff, then $6.9 trilliion would come off the national debt overnight!

    Then if those same 30 million sent a demand letter to their banks demanding lawful money only for all of their accounts, that would stop all future indebtedness from fractional lending.

    Perhaps we need to enlighten someone who can get this lawful 12 USC 411 remedy on national TV as a viable and legitimate solution to the national debt crisis. Perhaps someone can get this to US Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin, the Chairman of the Budget Committee, as the real solution to our national debt. Of course, the bankers would object, but then they would also lose if America defaults!

    Once this transaction is honored, then the precedent is set for all bills to be indorsed and setoff by Congress as our Trustees.

    The timing is ripe right now for a grassroots publicity campaign about this... using email blasts, news call-in comment lines, blogs, twitters, Congress phone-in lines, etc. We need to get it on FOX and CNN. We need a website to enable people to get demand letter templates and instructions and even competency tests so they know that they know WHY and HOW this can be done! We need to claim our "birthright" and finally and truly PAY our debts and STOP endorsing fractional lending by demanding lawful money on all of our accounts.

    Does any personally know Jesse Ventura? He was on the View recently, and now realizes and stated on national TV that the country is being run by the Federal Reserve! He was also endorsing Ron Paul, who should also be educated on this remedy ASAP.

    Get the "Trump" involved too! This should get him as much publicity as the birther issue!

    Perhaps start filing cases in courts of equity claiming Breach of Trust for not honoring our indorsed bills as setoff payments!

    I will soon upload examples of "Conditionally Accepted Upon Verification" statements to use when a bank does not honor our demand letters.

    Like David displayed above in the Congressional Record, showing how this "government" really started merely by executive proclamation on April 15, 1861, maybe we ought to make a "counter-proclamation" to re-establish what Lincoln also said in his famous Gettysburg Address... and proclaim by word and deed a return to the Union of republics, and a government of the people, by the people and for the people... that shall not perish from the earth.

    To be continued...

    Last edited by doug555; 04-11-11 at 12:15 AM.

  6. #6
    Wonderfully put!!

    That post offers some extraordinary insight.

    I believe that the time is getting ripe. I have been watching to see what goes down with my publication in China Daily but this all interleaves nicely with my proposition to tender this bill of exchange on its tenth birthday to the Bank of International Settlements. It is an inverse of debt currency - like you explain about 1933.

  7. #7
    Below are some supporting documents for the Right of Setoff:

    The Bill is NOT a BILL

    Setoff Accounting

    McFadden's Charges May 23, 1933

    Last edited by doug555; 04-11-11 at 02:10 AM.

  8. #8

    Set off question

    Can you explain these docs a little more and how you are planning to use them. Is this something others can do using these docs? I am new to this thread and find this very interesting....

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Wonderfully put!!

    That post offers some extraordinary insight.

    I believe that the time is getting ripe. I have been watching to see what goes down with my publication in China Daily but this all interleaves nicely with my proposition to tender this bill of exchange on its tenth birthday to the Bank of International Settlements. It is an inverse of debt currency - like you explain about 1933.

  9. #9
    Thank you Doug555;

    Those docs look both helpful and fascinating. I found a new biblical aspect to explore around Philip, one of Jesus' disciples and may not get around to other reading for a week or two. But sharing them here is a bump in the IQ meter for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by marjacks View Post
    Can you explain these docs a little more and how you are planning to use them. Is this something others can do using these docs? I am new to this thread and find this very interesting....
    That is a matter evolving according to my obedience to the Holy Spirit. Notice that the process is done in the name Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Over Easter Sunday I was marveling how there are two ultimate Puns in the simple sarcastic sign the Romans put over Jesus as he was on the Cross. The Hebrew word natzar is a term for BRANCH. But I mean that quite literally in upper case letters too - a Title - The BRANCH - Jesus of Nazareth, since he was not actually from Nazareth (he was born in the City of David - Bethlehem - and buried in Talpiot, Jerusalem which would have been north side Bethlehem) means he was King of Israel, as that was David's Coronation Name or Title - natzar. The king of Israel was honored to be surnamed after the Branch - which was Aaron's that budded even after it was obviously dead wood.

    Yehoshuah - God Saves
    H'Natzrith - The BRANCH of Aaron/King David
    V'Molech - The King
    H'Hadiim - Of the Jews (people)

    Jehovah, the Name of God is derived from the Hebrew spelling YHVH - yod, heh, vaw, heh.

    This can be decrypted from the King James Bible of 1611 and it helps to understand it through the Epistle Dedicatory - page 1, page 2. See that? How the author speaks not of Israel as some far away place - Outreamer, they called it - but as "Our Sion"? The entire thing is encrypted. The old covenant remains intact but why type the word Branch, BRANCH? That has a special encoded meaning. Why did "one Mnason" lie for Paul in the Book of Acts? His name was not Mnason; or he would have lied to the Sanhedrin for "one Paul". He was a Mason or its contemporary equivalent - the Order of Archelaus, the same order of John and Jesus. In other words it nobody questions what was with this fellow, a social outcast living on bugs, dressed in leather and fur over on the Jordan dunking people. People have that conditioned in them in Sunday School - not to bother thinking that it was an initiation; or maybe the fellow was a pervert.

    I heard about the Acts of Philip on the video - The Lost Tomb of Jesus. I got mixed up and bought The Gospel of Philip the Deacon - 1932 after finding an original hardbound copy in the Mason Library. Both are fascinating reading though, even from the first paragraphs. Jesus is both Sacred Master, and Initiate; married to Mariamne - Mary Magdalene, the legend being that the Crusaders recovered her skull and femurs which became the Skull and Bones symbol found on the Masonic Apron I photographed here in the Mason Museum:

    I am abridging the whole deal immensely to say this. By reading other posts here you may discern my take on the human history, with a caring and intervening God involved is that the wealth of the wicked is retained by them as they are custodians and trustees, benefitting only from that wealth/energy for a term until the arising of the heirs apparent, the Bride if you will to come forward after Judgment in righteousness to collect that claim in faith.

    That may shed some light. I have shown you the large image of me publishing the BoE in conjunction with offering my $20M lien to the Chinese for $50M. That makes no sense without a proper explanation and the explanation lies in process that I do not want to affect by publishing here on StSC until it is processed past the point where it can be affected. Which is by the by, any day I am thinking. The suitors are involved as my brain trust and they get it first, then it goes out here next.

    Understand though, that this journey is an amazing one! Abe LINCOLN traveled as a circuit judge prior to becoming President - and nobody is aware of the National Treasures that may be scattered about America in the custody of these curators. Imagine weather permitting people would set up a table in the Town Square and be honored by a visit for Abe to hear their case, Abe setting there in the sunshine at a wooden table with a gavel such as this one:

    I manage the confidence and security building measures on the highly compressed information infrastructure people call money. It is a carefully regulated pressure release system to manage so that the currency will not implode.


    David Merrill.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 07-05-12 at 01:00 AM.

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