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Thread: Deviant Oath? - Not a judge!

  1. #11
    Thank you for reminding me about this thread:

    Doc 8 - Return of Service on Triumvirate.
    Doc 9 - Clarification of Cause; Warrants Issued.
    Doc 10 - Order for Dismissal.
    Doc 11 - Dismissal by Clerk of Court on Doc 10.
    Doc 12 - Notice of Lien.
    Doc 13 - Certificate of Mailing; Notice of Lien.

    There might be some differences in the heritage, destiny, legacy and charters. I would not worry about the process you abandoned unless you actually plan to continue a billing cycle.

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    Attachment 4424

    Look carefully at Doc 12 and Doc 13. In order to enforce that I own everything I have besmirched the good faith and credit of the United States to its major creditor, China. China can dismiss this all they want. On the 9th of Av it was like only a couple loose apples fell when I gave the tree a shake:

    Name:  Bitcoin Plunges around Ninth of Av.jpg
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    The actual lien is against the same delusion; that debt has substance/that cybercurrency can be hacked/stolen. To give me grief about the Notice (to China and at the City of London too) would be to admit there is more behind my lunacy than more lunacy.

    P.S. The chatter on Quatloos? - That is a genius mind bomb under current implosion. Carefully regulating the collapse of highly compressed information infrastructures - Capital Integration:

    Attachment 4427
    Last edited by David Merrill; 09-01-16 at 11:48 PM.

  2. #12
    hey my judge has deviant oath too!

    It is by far their worst loss of the year.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    hey my judge has deviant oath too!

    It is by far their worst loss of the year.

    What state?

    P.S. Major win! I actually got somebody in cyberspace to check into it for themselves. Major!!

  4. #14
    IMHO; all oaths, taken as per the U.S. Constitution, are deviant regardless of the spelling or the phrasing. Unless there is an unambiguous declaration that the Sovereign entity recognized as the Supreme Authority is specifically the God of the Bible (The God of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and and Moses), then "GOD", "GOD", GOD" or "God" can mean any number of entities.

    One might say, "but they put their hand on the bible when they take an oath". Putting your hand on a book and making clear who you serve are two different things entirely. That is why a senator and a New York Judge were permitted to swear on the Koran when taking their oaths. The book does not matter since the sovereign declared is clearly "We the People" and the "Law of the Land" is not God's Scriptural Law but the "People's" law. That is how you get the act of abortion and "same sex marriage" accepted and protected by "law".

    Prior to the "More Perfect Union", the State Constitutions, except Rhode Island, all specified the God of Scripture and/or Jesus the Christ our LORD and Savior as the Ultimate and Supreme Sovereign and Authority and any one desiring to enter into and serve in any office therefrom must be subject to a "religious test" and must specifically proclaim that they worship and obey the God of the Bible ONLY.

    Article VI of the U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits any religious test to enter into office. That means that wiccans, kabbalists, jesuits, muslims, atheists, occultists, etc are welcomed to partake in and influence the affairs of the nation. As a result, The United States of America has been on a steady decline towards destruction ever since 1789.

  5. #15

    Seems the Bible is recognized

    Public Law 97-280 (Senate Joint Resolution 165], 96 Stat. 1211) passed by Congress and approved on October 4, 1982.

    The 97th Congress of the United States publicly declared 1983 the national "Year of the Bible". The bipartisan document known as Public Law 97-280, was signed on October 4, 1982 by Speaker of the House Thomas P. O'Neill, President of the Senate - Pro Tempore Strom Thurmond, and President of the United States Ronald Reagan. It reads as follows:

    WHEREAS the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people;

    WHEREAS deeply held religious convictions springing from the Holy Scriptures led to the early settlement of our Nation;

    WHEREAS Biblical teachings inspired concepts of civil government that are contained in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States;

    WHEREAS many of our great national leaders--among them Presidents Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, and Wilson--paid tribute to the surpassing influence of the Bible in our country's development, as in the words of President Jackson that the Bible is "the Rock on which our Republic rests";

    WHEREAS the history of our Nation clearly illustrates the value of voluntarily applying the teachings of the Scriptures in the lives of individuals, families, and societies; WHEREAS this Nation now faces great challenges that will test this Nation as it has never been tested before; and

    WHEREAS that renewing our knowledge of and faith in God through Holy Scripture can strengthen us as a nation and a people: NOW, THEREFORE, be it

    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is authorized and requested to designate 1983 as a national "Year of the Bible" in recognition of both the formative influence the Bible has been for our Nation, and our national need to study and apply the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. 33

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    IMHO; all oaths, taken as per the U.S. Constitution, are deviant regardless of the spelling or the phrasing. Unless there is an unambiguous declaration that the Sovereign entity recognized as the Supreme Authority is specifically the God of the Bible (The God of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and and Moses), then "GOD", "GOD", GOD" or "God" can mean any number of entities.

    One might say, "but they put their hand on the bible when they take an oath". Putting your hand on a book and making clear who you serve are two different things entirely. That is why a senator and a New York Judge were permitted to swear on the Koran when taking their oaths. The book does not matter since the sovereign declared is clearly "We the People" and the "Law of the Land" is not God's Scriptural Law but the "People's" law. That is how you get the act of abortion and "same sex marriage" accepted and protected by "law".

    Prior to the "More Perfect Union", the State Constitutions, except Rhode Island, all specified the God of Scripture and/or Jesus the Christ our LORD and Savior as the Ultimate and Supreme Sovereign and Authority and any one desiring to enter into and serve in any office therefrom must be subject to a "religious test" and must specifically proclaim that they worship and obey the God of the Bible ONLY.

    Article VI of the U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits any religious test to enter into office. That means that wiccans, kabbalists, jesuits, muslims, atheists, occultists, etc are welcomed to partake in and influence the affairs of the nation. As a result, The United States of America has been on a steady decline towards destruction ever since 1789.

    Indeed. I see your point but have actually rationalized; and I mean that mathematically that when we reach the monad of monotheism, all these gods are God. It is irrational therefore to say, Since I believe in the God of the Holy Bible, all other singular godform(s) in singular, are other gods. Because God is everywhere, it is quite impossible to have any other gods, and still conform to monotheism.

    There is the CHRIST of the Fundamental Orders of 1639 for example (linked). While I am compelled to agree with you I also resort to precedence, meaning that 1639 precedes a lot of American stuff.

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    On that token the Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions Granted to Patroons is 1629 and the Patent of August 13 (371 years on the Five Cube Sum Number Locks) preceeds and is therefore the precedent. This is my "perpetual inheritance" and so we find lessons about estate and usage - property rights over on with Michael Joseph coaching me about exercising dominion. - Which of course considers the God of the (fill in the blank) in a universal light.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    that the Case was an admiralty seizure of millions, in an astounding number of seized trust accounts, only for the sake of laundering the money through the STATE OF COLORADO CAPITAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION.
    1. Cached as follows: (a) To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise, interests: in real or personal property, or any combination thereof, to construct or install improvements

    The Corporation Manual - Google Books

    IPS | Articles of Incorporation

    Cherry picked …..from Overview – Corporations

    Most States have a general corporation code that lists certain requirements, and anyone who satisfies these requirements and files the necessary papers with the government may automatically become a corporation.

    In 1950, the American Bar Association published a Model Business Corporation Act (MBCA) to assist State Legislatures in modernizing State corporation laws.

    In 1984, a revision of this Model Act was published (RMBCA). All states have adopted various versions of the MBCA or the RMBCA with only slight variations.

    One or more natural persons or corporations may act as incorporators of a corporation by signing and filing Articles of Incorporation with the designated state government official (usually the Secretary of State).

    These Articles are often filed in duplicate, and the Secretary of State, when satisfied that the Articles conform to the State’s corporation statutes, stamps filed and the date on each copy.

    The Secretary of State then retains one copy and returns the other copy, along with a filing fee receipt, to the corporation.
    However, if the Articles contain no purpose clause, the corporation will automatically have the purpose of engaging in any lawful business.

    If no reference is made to the duration of the corporation in the Articles, it will automatically have a perpetual duration
    corporate existence begins upon the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State.

    A corporation is called a domestic corporation with respect to the State under whose law it has been incorporated. Any other corporation going into that State is called a foreign corporation. For example, a corporation holding a Texas Charter is a domestic corporation in Texas, but a foreign corporation in all other States. A foreign corporation must qualify to do business in a foreign State. Etc etc etc etc (1040?)

    , ...
    Last edited by Chex; 09-18-16 at 03:20 PM.
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    IMHO; all oaths, taken as per the U.S. Constitution, are deviant regardless of the spelling or the phrasing. Unless there is an unambiguous declaration that the Sovereign entity recognized as the Supreme Authority is specifically the God of the Bible (The God of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and and Moses), then "GOD", "GOD", GOD" or "God" can mean any number of entities.

    One might say, "but they put their hand on the bible when they take an oath". Putting your hand on a book and making clear who you serve are two different things entirely. That is why a senator and a New York Judge were permitted to swear on the Koran when taking their oaths. The book does not matter since the sovereign declared is clearly "We the People" and the "Law of the Land" is not God's Scriptural Law but the "People's" law. That is how you get the act of abortion and "same sex marriage" accepted and protected by "law".

    Prior to the "More Perfect Union", the State Constitutions, except Rhode Island, all specified the God of Scripture and/or Jesus the Christ our LORD and Savior as the Ultimate and Supreme Sovereign and Authority and any one desiring to enter into and serve in any office therefrom must be subject to a "religious test" and must specifically proclaim that they worship and obey the God of the Bible ONLY.

    Article VI of the U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits any religious test to enter into office. That means that wiccans, kabbalists, jesuits, muslims, atheists, occultists, etc are welcomed to partake in and influence the affairs of the nation. As a result, The United States of America has been on a steady decline towards destruction ever since 1789.
    The saint would probably find himself at home among the people of the free and sovereign states that created The United States of America rather than in the United States. Perhaps that is the 'secret'? If someone were to suggest the United States (singular) to not be "founded as a Christian nation", I'd really find it challenging to disagree! The states which created The United States of America were in fact on the orthodox (note the small 'o') Christian side of things--and David Merrill is very on the money when he points back even further to the 1600s. Each of those several states had its own, separate Crown prior the American Revolution. Come 1775 to 1776, while those states united in a military sense, they did not utterly unite. It was commented in Congressional records from what I recall that "U" in "United" was distinct from 'united' to show a limited kind of uniting rather than one complete or total.

    The idea of The United States of America or the United States being founded in 1776 seems to be a lie. The (plural) declarations of independence were made in 1775 if not also before. The United States according to respublic vs. sweers is a revamp of the United Colonies resulting from the Articles of Association of 1774--so much for the Weishaupt and secret sauce theory of the founding America.

    If one really gets it, then obligations the British Monarchy had to anyone else ceased to have any significance in the former-colonies at the end of the America Revolution (except maybe for private businesses run by British concerns). Nonetheless, it seems the efforts between 1861 to 1870 and after was to put America under an ancient yoke.

    Rhode Island.
    Newport was a major slave hub and is said to be location of one the first prominent Masonic Lodge in America (it was most certainly not the Christian convivial club that is said to have typified lodges prior to Scottish Rite or Grant Orient being introduced into America). Note: prior to 1661, slavery was unlawful in all of the colonies.

    Name:  FreemasonsHall1.JPG
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    St. John’s Lodge of Newport, founded December 27, 1749, the first in the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
    Last edited by allodial; 09-18-16 at 05:12 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #19
    IMHO, the "god" proclaimed by Muslims is not the same God of the Bible. Mohammad came from a polytheistic background and decided, through "divine revelation" to pick 1 of the many gods worshiped by his brethren (Allah) and proclaim that this is the ONLY true god. This is why Mohammad was rejected by both Jews and Christians during his "peaceful" campaign in Mecca. He turned violent when he found a willing and able army in Medina which conveniently happened to coincide with his "new" revelation of domination and forced conversion through jihad.

    Those who continued the ways of the Pharisees ("jews" who reject Jesus the Christ as the prophetic Messiah) also worship an entity other than the God of the Bible. That is why Jesus himself told said Pharisees that they are of their father the devil. Satan is who they follow and worship - their "God".

    The rejection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ our LORD, is the ONLY test which denotes whether or not the True God is the One being evoked. Those who reject Him worship false god(s). Unitarianism, gnosticism, theosophy, hinduism, occultism, kabbalism, etc. ALL reject the truth of Jesus of Nazareth as LORD and Savior, therefore, they worship "other gods" which is a direct sin against the Pre-Existent One - The Creator of ALL things. Many of these belief sets claim that "God is everything and everything is God". This is a humanistic belief which was offered, and accepted, in the garden as the original lie. The belief that man can be equal to God is first lie where from ALL other lies derive.

    "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

    If you do not know the TRUE Lord thy God, you cannot fulfill these two essential Commandments.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Not to throw stones, but I find it interesting that so many folks rely upon Names - as if God [the True God - the Eternal One] cares about a Moniker. Michael Joseph is a fiction. It is merely a tool of which relationships may be founded. Michael Joseph is not a WAY OF BEING. The Scriptures I read tell me that the The All in All is not a respecter of persons. Finding a name [moniker] a person [tool] or a fiction subject to some set of laws, how then can a claim be made about Monikers of God?

    Isn't the truth closer to "ways of God"? Clearly we can know them by their fruits. How many have been slaughtered in the "name" of Christendom? How many more in the name of Islam? Shall we explore roots? Abraham fathered [established] both Isaac and Ishmael. A couple of weeks ago I was in a Mediterranean restaurant and I met a man who was of the Islamic faith. He asked of my faith and I told him I followed Christ. Paramount before me is Love. I then told him that in fact we are brothers of One Father Abraham. But as Jesus said before Abraham I AM. And who is Jesus? The Word. Now is Jesus some of the Word [according to Men] or all of it?

    As for my house, I reject all monikers as God. What will we call God? Jacob asked the same question. For after struggling all night [in ignorance] he asked "what is your name?" And the response "For what cause do you seek my name?" I wonder that same question when I consider the control systems of religion and the false Idol placed in the temple of God - NAME. For what end does it serve mankind to know the proper name of the Eternal? It seems to me that this is just another way to perpetuate bloodshed upon the face of the earth.

    For if man truly understood that name is Way of Being, then man would be more interested in the Way of Life and less interested in defining and confining and refining the Everliving - as if man could even do that! But nevertheless men march on to war in the Moniker of their "God" - marching to the tune of idolatry. For these men are NOT one with God. How could they be? For by their very words they profess that God is without them. Unwilling to take their thoughts and desires captive they go forth to slaughter their brothers and sisters in the moniker of their God - excuse me Idol. I wonder how long until Love replaces Hate in the Heart of man?

    Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
    Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

    How hard is it for one to accept that the Scriptures declare us to think ourselves equal with God? Who can lead save he who has humbled himself? For with much power comes much responsibility. It seems when I look around today that what I see is men [and women] seeking to get something for nothing by use of some certificate. We cannot abide laziness. Let us work to keep and guard and preserve the Common Faith while pushing on to Pentecost and Tabernacles!

    What a horrific and wonderful revelation it was to realize that I [my lower mind] was standing in the temple of God showing myself to be God. In surrender one is raised O Excellent Theopollis - or Reuel. We must be careful to rightly divide else we may fall into superhero worship. Mergeance into El Elyon - one is Friend of God.

    And now we see 1st Samuel 8. And the choice of mankind to place the created [another adam] at its head. Is this not Idolatry? What now of Church? How many sit at the feet of pastors who do nothing but destroy the pleasant vineyard of God? I see a relationship between a man and a beautiful woman. The beautiful woman is society or laity. And the man is politician or pastor. Both the same model. And He speaks softly to this woman telling her "its going to be okay baby - I will ensure your safety and change is going to be for the good." But we both know these are lies and the woman being excited in her emotions - for she wants to believe - gives him a 2nd and 3rd ..... chance to make good on his many lies. Hoping against hope that their superhero will win the day! Always looking without her windows she cries at the doorstep wondering why oh why does he treat me this way. And yet, she takes the abuse for He speaks in the NAME of her God.

    Is he not the Leader of the Cult of Personality?

    I would hope that we can move away from judging each other and come to see the truth which lies behind the different systems of names. For there is a truth. And knowing and doing that truth sets one free. For instance Jesus told the masses don't pray to me and what do the masses do? The very opposite. Jesus said "of myself I can do nothing" but what do the masses do? They worship him. But Jesus said "Ye shall do greater than I." And now I wonder how can this be as long as one prostrates himself in do nothingness under the feet [false understanding] of pastors who do nothing but keep the world in a constant state of false hope. I see these as Agents of Satan in the pulpit. They seek their Own self in Power and Prestige and Office. These are finely clothed in riches.

    This is the Rich Man of which came to Jesus in the Scripture. For knowing the Law and following it, Jesus told him go sell everything you have and come follow Me. And Jesus leads one INWARD. But this Rich Man is addicted to outward riches - fame, power and desire. How will he find Himself? And what of his Inner Child? Can this Rich Man be as Jacob and go "all in" going headlong into Egypt?

    For just as Islam has its 72 Virgins so to does a Hebrew Israelite [One who has crossed over]! Are we ready for Shin-Mem or Shin-Mem-Yod-Mem. Sweet the rains new fall - Sun Lit from Heaven..... let the latter rain fall.

    Psa 110:3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.

    Finding the only one I can try to change is Me, I shall have no other gods before Me. Rightly dividing the Word, is it no wonder that Carnality cannot understand for it seeks only its Own? Is it now time to "leave it all behind and face the truth?"

    Two Suns in the Sunset - Let us all Finish the Race! Can we have the courage to Co-create our Will or will we continue to live under and within the Dream and Vision of men who died 1000 years ago? Can we have the courage to bind the little foxes that spoil the vine to overcome OUR SELF? With eyes on Christ, Peter walked on Water.

    Quoting Zimmy: "Though the rules of the road have been lodged, its only peoples games you have to dodge"....
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 09-18-16 at 11:22 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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