Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
IMHO; all oaths, taken as per the U.S. Constitution, are deviant regardless of the spelling or the phrasing. Unless there is an unambiguous declaration that the Sovereign entity recognized as the Supreme Authority is specifically the God of the Bible (The God of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and and Moses), then "GOD", "GOD", GOD" or "God" can mean any number of entities.

One might say, "but they put their hand on the bible when they take an oath". Putting your hand on a book and making clear who you serve are two different things entirely. That is why a senator and a New York Judge were permitted to swear on the Koran when taking their oaths. The book does not matter since the sovereign declared is clearly "We the People" and the "Law of the Land" is not God's Scriptural Law but the "People's" law. That is how you get the act of abortion and "same sex marriage" accepted and protected by "law".

Prior to the "More Perfect Union", the State Constitutions, except Rhode Island, all specified the God of Scripture and/or Jesus the Christ our LORD and Savior as the Ultimate and Supreme Sovereign and Authority and any one desiring to enter into and serve in any office therefrom must be subject to a "religious test" and must specifically proclaim that they worship and obey the God of the Bible ONLY.

Article VI of the U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits any religious test to enter into office. That means that wiccans, kabbalists, jesuits, muslims, atheists, occultists, etc are welcomed to partake in and influence the affairs of the nation. As a result, The United States of America has been on a steady decline towards destruction ever since 1789.

Indeed. I see your point but have actually rationalized; and I mean that mathematically that when we reach the monad of monotheism, all these gods are God. It is irrational therefore to say, Since I believe in the God of the Holy Bible, all other singular godform(s) in singular, are other gods. Because God is everywhere, it is quite impossible to have any other gods, and still conform to monotheism.

There is the CHRIST of the Fundamental Orders of 1639 for example (linked). While I am compelled to agree with you I also resort to precedence, meaning that 1639 precedes a lot of American stuff.

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On that token the Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions Granted to Patroons is 1629 and the Patent of August 13 (371 years on the Five Cube Sum Number Locks) preceeds and is therefore the precedent. This is my "perpetual inheritance" and so we find lessons about estate and usage - property rights over on www.lawfulmoneytrust.com with Michael Joseph coaching me about exercising dominion. - Which of course considers the God of the (fill in the blank) in a universal light.