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Thread: Deviant Oath? - Not a judge!

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    What state?
    Massachusetts. I did online request here
    and got the oath 5 days later. For "Agency" I selected "Dept of Justice - Office of Information Policy"
    There is no fee.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    Massachusetts. I did online request here
    and got the oath 5 days later. For "Agency" I selected "Dept of Justice - Office of Information Policy"
    There is no fee.
    Please scan the oath of office and find the CODE or constitutional stipulations that are violated. If you don't want to embarrass the "judge" run it through Paint and sanitize it a little first.

    P.S. I thought of you while snorkeling yesterday...

    Attachment 4505
    Last edited by David Merrill; 09-19-16 at 02:17 PM.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Not to throw stones, but I find it interesting that so many folks rely upon Names - as if God [the True God - the Eternal One] cares about a Moniker. Michael Joseph is a fiction. It is merely a tool of which relationships may be founded. Michael Joseph is not a WAY OF BEING. The Scriptures I read tell me that the The All in All is not a respecter of persons. Finding a name [moniker] a person [tool] or a fiction subject to some set of laws, how then can a claim be made about Monikers of God?

    The name matters very much. It means so much that many have conspired to hide or conceal the name (by taking control over Sunday schools and educational literature, etc.) I'll solve part of a 'riddle' for you:

    Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:21-23
    One reason behind Matthew 7:21-23 is that they are using titles "lord, lord" rather than using the name. The name being given and refusal to apply it is regarded as a sin (see Parable of the Talents). AFAIK, the term "god" is not necessarily a name, it regarded to be a title or points to a role or office. Yehoshua has {Note that 'eyeh'/'yeh' is encoded at the front of the name and that he specifically said he comes in his Father's name...} Specificity serves to is to prevent confusion with Canaanite gods. Of course, those who want to lead the sheep to the dragon's mouth will wish to blur the distinctions. There are those who suggest "all roads lead to God". There is a guy who has a series of videos on the book of Revelations, he seems to have a lot of "I think" mixed in there but he has reached the conclusion that effectively are only two roads: one is to the Great Dragon and one is to the Tree of Life. The distinction is in the specificity. So perhaps it is true in the sense that: 99.9999% of the roads lead you to the left hand and a specific, narrow path leads you to the Tree of Life? And perhaps that is exactly the message the OT and the NT paints.

    Consider the statement, "Everyone should wear allegiance to the president." --what exactly do you mean by 'the president'. If you are not specific you might wind up as a subject of the Philippines. The same ambiguity games are played in the United States with jurisdictional names. When you say 'state of Missouri', what exactly do you mean because specificity means a lot!

    Elijah dealt with the ambiguity crowd too:

    “And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.”
    If it didn't matter, 1 Kings 18 would not have been written for our edification.

    A hungry dragon wanting to be fed will tell you lies to get you down in its gullet. Have fun with ambiguity? "Baal" means 'lord' (it is a title, as explained in the KJV "the LORD" refers to a specific name it does not mean "god" or "him" or "the awesome one" or "lord". Elijah specifically addressed the 'titles only' ambiguity crowd. The reason they do not like names is because of the power in the name. Casting out evil spirits or praying or healing "in the name of the lord" does not comply with scriptural requirements. Of course, since they want you to fail they discourage you from using the name, and hope you will simply stop believing rather than getting wise to the deception.

    For a more clear picture of who Yehoshua was and is or to see the connection between the OT and the NT:

    And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. Exodus 13:21
    And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent... Matthew 27:51
    "Thou wentest forth with the YESHA [variant of ESHUA-Jesus] of [or for] thy people; with YESHUA thy MESSIAH [thine Anointed One: i.e., with Jesus thy Anointed] thou woundest the head of the house of the wicked one..." Habakkuk 3:13 (literal translation)
    And thou shalt call his name Jesus (SALVATION = YESHUA);for he shall save [salvage] his people from their sins! Isaiah 53:1-12
    Remarkably, Jewish records show that when God’s Shekinah glory departed the Temple, it remained over the Mount of Olives for three and a half years. During those years, a voice was periodically heard coming from the region of the Mount of Olives pleading for the Jews to repent of their ways. The Jews failed to heed this warning from the voice, and the shekinah glory light left the earth and retreated back to heaven just before the final siege of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70.” (“Josephus’ History of Pentecost")
    Last edited by allodial; 09-19-16 at 04:10 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #24
    Attachment 4504
    St. John’s Lodge of Newport, founded December 27, 1749, the first in the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

    Fibonacci in the Golden Rectangle...

    Name:  WASHINGTON inauguration.jpg
Views: 656
Size:  189.8 KB

    Attachment 4507

  5. #25
    Is it realistic Gods will if one does the will of God he certainly has no free will? A particularly interesting one is the fact that we don't choose our brain.
    Well what about your little brain? Did you choose how it would govern the unconscious processes of your existence?None of what makes us up, is up to us.It seems like we are making decisions, but it is very likely that your brain is making them for you, and then you are becoming aware of them after they have already been made.You only have the free will to the extent of knowing what you are.. nothing more [IMHO].Its no news that we take things too seriously Names our Audience & Authorities . We over think to the point where we become anxious. We over analyze and overvalue things to the point of depression.God gave us conciliation as to become like him or posses that nature>who can we claim makes GOD jealous spiteful or judgmental. Start enjoying that will or his nature and its a long walk home for jealous spiteful and judgmental our three old friends or the fallen will ."determined to act" instead of "chosen to act." determinism and choice are much closer than they might appear. ACTORS then APPEARANCE ones Pride Predestines who? A greater debate is the naked truth.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Is it realistic Gods will if one does the will of God he certainly has no free will? A particularly interesting one is the fact that we don't choose our brain.
    Well what about your little brain? Did you choose how it would govern the unconscious processes of your existence?None of what makes us up, is up to us.It seems like we are making decisions, but it is very likely that your brain is making them for you, and then you are becoming aware of them after they have already been made.You only have the free will to the extent of knowing what you are.. nothing more [IMHO].Its no news that we take things too seriously Names our Audience & Authorities . We over think to the point where we become anxious. We over analyze and overvalue things to the point of depression.God gave us conciliation as to become like him or posses that nature>who can we claim makes GOD jealous spiteful or judgmental. Start enjoying that will or his nature and its a long walk home for jealous spiteful and judgmental our three old friends or the fallen will ."determined to act" instead of "chosen to act." determinism and choice are much closer than they might appear. ACTORS then APPEARANCE ones Pride Predestines who? A greater debate is the naked truth.
    E. Swedenborg relates a story of his witness between a group of spirits who were fashioning a lamp stand for Father El Elyon. Whilst fashioning said lamp stand they were so very pleased with themselves as they imagined every little detail in hopes of creating something wonderful to present to the King. As he looked on at this scene he was allowed to know that their work while thought to be of their own free will was in fact allowed of them of our Father. When an angel [messenger] was dispatched to inform these spirits of this truth, being that they were in the state of Love, they immediately saw the truth and they praised Father even more.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 09-19-16 at 08:38 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Is it realistic Gods will if one does the will of God he certainly has no free will? A particularly interesting one is the fact that we don't choose our brain.
    Well what about your little brain? Did you choose how it would govern the unconscious processes of your existence?None of what makes us up, is up to us.It seems like we are making decisions, but it is very likely that your brain is making them for you, and then you are becoming aware of them after they have already been made.You only have the free will to the extent of knowing what you are.. nothing more [IMHO].Its no news that we take things too seriously Names our Audience & Authorities . We over think to the point where we become anxious. We over analyze and overvalue things to the point of depression.God gave us conciliation as to become like him or posses that nature>who can we claim makes GOD jealous spiteful or judgmental. Start enjoying that will or his nature and its a long walk home for jealous spiteful and judgmental our three old friends or the fallen will ."determined to act" instead of "chosen to act." determinism and choice are much closer than they might appear. ACTORS then APPEARANCE ones Pride Predestines who? A greater debate is the naked truth.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    E. Swedenborg relates a story of his witness between a group of spirits who were fashioning a lamp stand for Father El Elyon. Whilst fashioning said lamp stand they were so very pleased with themselves as they imagined every little detail in hopes of creating something wonderful to present to the King. As he looked on at this scene he was allowed to know that their work while thought to be of their own free will was in fact allowed of them of our Father. When an angel [messenger] was dispatched to inform these spirits of this truth, being that they were in the state of Love, they immediately saw the truth and they praised Father even more.
    It is surprising.

    I invented a time machine when I was forty. More like I discovered time is an illusion, or at best like Allodial has pointed out; a mutually agreed-upon holographic construct. My fantasy has been to go back in time with what I know now. My invention has delivered something better. I have sixty years of experience and memories in a sixteen-year old brain!

    Neuroregenesis, I call it.

    Mostly it is curcumin, in turmeric juiced with gangala ginger (pepper increases absorption past the blood-brain barrier). I am convinced that with some other treatments I have been doing since Fukushima that I have discovered spiritual ascension is assisted biochemically.

  8. #28
    There is a common misconception that arises from the use of the phrase "free will" without proper definition. "Free" in the context of "free will" is usually used to mean "unfettered" as in "unfettered will", this clearly is a logical impossibility, since I can have the "will" to float over my couch unaided, but I cannot fulfill that will. So, "free will" in an objective, non-theological sense, does not mean the ability to do everything I wish, instead it means something closer to "I am free to desire anything". In a theological sense, especially in the Biblical context it means something importantly different.

    "Free will" in the Biblical context usually more precisely refers to the question of "Are humans free to choose to do good vs evil?" or "Is a person unhindered in choosing their eternal destination (heaven or hell)?" We can see that narrowing the question down immediately makes it easier to find an answer in the text of the Bible.The mark of one who is dead is utter inability to do, think, feel, decide, or anything other than.. well, rot and stink. A dead person has no will, and a spiritually dead person has no spiritual will. So, we can see right away that we definitely do not have an unfettered will, nor an unhindered will. We are slaves to sin, and sin has domain over our will and therefore our actions. This is why we need God to be the initiator, and why Christ says that he leaves the 99 sheep that are safe to go find and rescue the one that is lost. (Notice that it is us who are lost, not Christ, and we are not the ones who go out to look for and find Christ, it is He who finds us.) But again, Paul sheds some clarity in this, by quoting from the Old Testament.So, before being saved and redeemed, our will is only continually desiring evil, all the time. And it is only the common grace of God that restrains evil men from being as evil as they could be, and doing the evil they wish to do. This explains why we haven't wiped ourselves off the face of the earth in our evil. So again, our will is not unhindered, it is enslaved to sin. And whats a biblical sin and a modern sin both enjoy slavery .Bible documents mans sin its greatest industry what will eventually just hold a bible as just a human research account. Enterprise is the virtue of will God is sovereign over all creation, including the will of man, it does not actually mean that He controls the will of man at all times. knowing everything that will happen is not the same as causing everything to happen. Though, again, God is sovereign, and omniscient, I just wanted to clarify that these things are not the same.

    In summary, we do have a will, but it is bounded by what is possible, and the common grace of God, who does not allow us to be as evil as we could be, and as slaves to sin, we definitely do not have free will. Even after redemption, our will is a result of the new nature He gives us, the new heart (which is a Biblical metaphor for "desires", ie, the fruit of our will) so in a sense, even after being freed from sin, we still do not have a truly "free" will, it is still bounded by what is possible and by the sovereignty of God. So when God controls the believer's decisions, it is because the believer has invited God to work through them . This control is something accepted by faith. A fear of God is what we control if its measured its at free will .

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    There is a common misconception that arises from the use of the phrase "free will" without proper definition. "Free" in the context of "free will" is usually used to mean "unfettered" as in "unfettered will", this clearly is a logical impossibility, since I can have the "will" to float over my couch unaided, but I cannot fulfill that will. So, "free will" in an objective, non-theological sense, does not mean the ability to do everything I wish, instead it means something closer to "I am free to desire anything". In a theological sense, especially in the Biblical context it means something importantly different.

    "Free will" in the Biblical context usually more precisely refers to the question of "Are humans free to choose to do good vs evil?" or "Is a person unhindered in choosing their eternal destination (heaven or hell)?" We can see that narrowing the question down immediately makes it easier to find an answer in the text of the Bible.The mark of one who is dead is utter inability to do, think, feel, decide, or anything other than.. well, rot and stink. A dead person has no will, and a spiritually dead person has no spiritual will. So, we can see right away that we definitely do not have an unfettered will, nor an unhindered will. We are slaves to sin, and sin has domain over our will and therefore our actions. This is why we need God to be the initiator, and why Christ says that he leaves the 99 sheep that are safe to go find and rescue the one that is lost. (Notice that it is us who are lost, not Christ, and we are not the ones who go out to look for and find Christ, it is He who finds us.) But again, Paul sheds some clarity in this, by quoting from the Old Testament.So, before being saved and redeemed, our will is only continually desiring evil, all the time. And it is only the common grace of God that restrains evil men from being as evil as they could be, and doing the evil they wish to do. This explains why we haven't wiped ourselves off the face of the earth in our evil. So again, our will is not unhindered, it is enslaved to sin. And whats a biblical sin and a modern sin both enjoy slavery .Bible documents mans sin its greatest industry what will eventually just hold a bible as just a human research account. Enterprise is the virtue of will God is sovereign over all creation, including the will of man, it does not actually mean that He controls the will of man at all times. knowing everything that will happen is not the same as causing everything to happen. Though, again, God is sovereign, and omniscient, I just wanted to clarify that these things are not the same.

    In summary, we do have a will, but it is bounded by what is possible, and the common grace of God, who does not allow us to be as evil as we could be, and as slaves to sin, we definitely do not have free will. Even after redemption, our will is a result of the new nature He gives us, the new heart (which is a Biblical metaphor for "desires", ie, the fruit of our will) so in a sense, even after being freed from sin, we still do not have a truly "free" will, it is still bounded by what is possible and by the sovereignty of God. So when God controls the believer's decisions, it is because the believer has invited God to work through them . This control is something accepted by faith. A fear of God is what we control if its measured its at free will .

    Thank you for that post. It is good to hash this out now and again.

    This sounds hedonistic, but to me free will is the choice to feel guilty or not. Conscience is what decides what is worthy of guilt. Sin is the emotion of guilt, not the action.

    I spoke to somebody today who ascribes to ACIM. I showed the finding of fact that Bill and John were dosing Helen with LSD. My only twang of guilt was that this fellow might become scared or angry about what I presented. Then I might feel guilty about turning what is allegedly a good experience (loving) into a fearful one.

    It has always been so easy to forgive Bill and John because they were products of the Cold War and dosed people with LSD as part of their military duties. Then the perfect laboratory (Helen) came along and she trustingly sipped her morning tea with Bill.

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    Attachment 4509

    It took me a lot longer to forgive Ken, who had already made millions on erroneous interpretation of the Text. He died in 2013 but MK-ULTRA was declassified in 2001 so there was twelve years for him to expose the truth and to adjust his teachings according to the findings of fact.

    I did finally forgive Ken though. But as I sit in class I realize that he has caused fear to guard falsity in people who otherwise seek peace, joy and love. So I don't bring up LSD as a rule.

    P.S. In five years of study groups I have found only one or two people who seem to have acquired a sustainable "Holy Instant". The rest are there to gripe why they cannot, or more commonly why it has to be in their future and not now or in their past.

    I presume it is due to the "Wapnicult of Nihilism" as I call it. Ken's teaching that reality is a dream.

    Row, Row, Row your Boat...
    Last edited by David Merrill; 09-20-16 at 08:23 PM.

  10. #30
    Re: the will of God
    There are some who see God as a micromanager of their lives when it comes to "doing the will of God". I see the will of God as more of you work with the Original Plan or you work against it. You love your neighbor as you love yourself (hopefully you love yourself to start!) or you don't. Love of course in the sense of a kind that stems out of sound mind and sound morals and sound doctrine (i.e. having sex with your hog isn't the kind of love of discussion). The automaton, Divine micromanager "What sock do I put on first? What hand should I put out first to get the sock?" view, I don't see as scriptural.

    I've met people who would swear up and down they were doing the will of God when they abandoned their children, mistreated their husband, stole money from people regardless of the admonition to put duty to family before duty to the secular or to put the body of Christ before the secular.

    “Which commandment is the most important of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 And the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher.
    If you were to hate your neighbor and yourself, perhaps you'd not be doing God's will?
    Last edited by allodial; 09-20-16 at 10:25 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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