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Thread: Why the Angels Rebelled: A Perspective

  1. #21
    HELL STORMS Finding out who didn't suffer enough in any war between nothing spiritual and the war in heaven explains the further exploitation of suffrage as not all humanity seems to be human.with the spiritual warfare its creations or giants are also begotten. AS Christ is begotten with the marys seed line from noah yet the sons of god have a seed line it appears . this taking wives as they choose then breeding races is a great place too decide what a the STEP FORDword WIVES mean in scripture Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife well if 12 wifes isnt a breeding house what is.If the garden was safe for Gods creation the knowledge of evil was beyond this safety a war was in heaven not in Eden so the identity and protection of Man was left with God not the sons of god or sons of Man or its Daugherty the investment is seeding the inheritance.If daughters are being stocked bye a lion naturally ones frozen only with fear . but if a demonic ghost or a spiritual war pig got your address then the daughters of men should know the difference between fear or a possession the biblical wife's who possess nothing but fear at Mans/Fathers Brothers hand alone incest with daughters is far from cry from the sons of god if this union was not a flesh one then are we back to begotten already.Spooky as it gets the breeding of giants isnt mentioned what giant men have no mates then the flood Noah umbrellas the seed but the sons of god are now just men of old and renown like Goliath Alexander TITUS and the Marvel crew.If its a monster does it got a Mom and the DAD is just child support.HELLSTORM The Vatican punished Germany the Hebrews were registered as cattle just like the bank registers all notes. The government is never held accountable for any behavior because its just accounting on bank paper Jewish folks and Germany are as old as time the politics of being a legal Jew or a legal German just all being reparations just legal internment papers. The Bombing of pearl harbor was it strategically necessary or just forming more reparations legal internment for the visible Japanese or Asian Man /woman no personal government identity all were easily rounded up then given legal injunction. but the European bankers needed a the first world war and the perfected passports too intern all its paperwork and its profit on civilian prisoners the persons all being accountable but only on paper. casualties at Dresden are estimated as 22,700–25,000 dead. ?Dresden Commission of Historians for the Ascertainment of the Number of Victims of the Air Raids on the City of Dresden on 13/14 February 1945? has provisionally estimated the likely death-toll at around 18,000 and definitely no more than 25,000. NAZISM has a place in history only for historical thought Germany isn't historically Nazi and Jews aren't anti German. Tribes of the Danube fixin allegorical Ezekiel 16 and 17, wherein the capture of that same vine by the mighty Eagle represents Israel's exile to Rome.The grapes and the seeds sewn.The War is with Hitler or The War is with Lucifer the good war has scapegoats if it didn't the war was just Evil vs EVIL that never enters the documents.

  2. #22
    Eve having twins Cain and his twin sister Eve having twins again Abel and his twin sister.Cain was too take Abel's twin for his wife and Abel Cains twin the distinctive incest being avoided? Cain being in love with himself and his own twin being more beautiful than his other sister. Adam being the first priest sent them up to the cave of treasury to offer God there gifts jealousy and a rejected offer Cain kills Abel first fight over the Woman.Eve has Seth the man of renown his sons the mighty men before the flood Adam and his Sons of God or the ones who were keeping Gods commandments and in his favor lived on the Mt. ,close to the cave the place of worship and burial. bellow the plain was Cain and his children exiled. on the death of Adam were instructions to Seth who handed it down to his sons.My speculation is that some generations took the daughters of Cain creating the further Men of renown Nation building was commenced with Adam being buried once again in the center of Earth where the redemption tree was promised Adam was told the tree in the garden holds both forbidden knowledge and redemption from it. Allegory is symbolic to trees its paperwork pulp/ seeds branches and breeding fig tree leaf masks only the conscience it hides nothing.Adam was instructed to use the oils upon his burial same as was used in Christs. questioning oneself within scripture is the knowledge of knowing the distinctive messaging afforded in it why it messages anything one might dream up is the Babylon of ones heart.The serpent or spinal profanity.

  3. #23
    Name:  553ccbb97af484f02c21cbd1aad13e91.jpg
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    The 'secret' behind WWI and WWII is that extermination and subversion of orthodox Christian/Israelite societies was the point: killing off as many as possible (mainly by pitting citizenry against citizenry because having them kill each other is regarded to e 'cheaper'). The reason the surface story can be so mind boggling is that the real agenda has been cloaked: the massacre of orthodox Christians/Israelite. Imagine 5 million vs 5 million in a fight to the death. Historians and analysts offer all kinds of explanations and mountains of books except for the important bit that describes the third, fourth or even fifth parties that put them up to it, armed them, fueled the rage and wrath using lies and deception. It is suggested that "third party warfare" is seldom written about.

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    There is substantial evidence that pro-Nazis not only were among the British Royals and 'elite' of the day and that factions (secretly?) among the British also supplied the Japanese weaponry with the goal of diminishing (eliminating) the U.S. Navy to the utmost possible. The Rat Tracks it has been suggested primary led to South Africa, New Zealand and Australia (all British Commonwealth areas).

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    This 1944 map of Hamburg was produced to show which areas of the city would burn the most easily, said Dr Chasseaud. The fire hazard maps are coded red, for areas of high flammability, pink, for areas of medium flammability and purple, showing industrial areas and docklands.

    If you get that the "Hellfire Bombings" (Hamburg, etc.) were "new style" cremations, consider for a moment if there are any organizations that have penchant for burning at the stake or cremating those they deem unfit to live. Consider that the Bolshevik strategy was also one of destroying the cream of the crop of a society as part of taking it over and maintaining control. Consider that the Germans were handed over to the Bolsheviks after WWII--the same Bolsheviks had attempted an overthrow of Germany in 1919.

    All this misappropriated hate against police and law enforcement (sure there are some bad apples) is exactly what was fomented against the Russian police around 1918 (see Emma Goldman, ala Bolshevik Revolution: she encouraged the killing of police). These are the same tactics showing up today with BLM and SJWs. If I were a police officer, I would want to know the truth: that those mislabeled extremists and sovereign citizens are hardly my enemy.

    Anyways, regarding WWII, just for example, consider the following list.

    • Armenia - 1.5 million Christians slaughtered (same tactics and methodology would be used in Germany during WWII and in orthodox Christian Russia)
    • Germany (Protestant) heavily shaken by WWI, besieged by Soviet Bolsheviks 1919, multiple air-assisted 'cremations' of civilian populations, eventually SECRETLY turned over to Bolsheviks 1945 (by certain factions among the Allied Forces after the war was over)
    • Ethiopia--orthodox Christian--attacked by Italy 1936 (Ethiopian Christians slaughtered by ISIS in Libya)

    One could also consider Poland and the populations of the UK, the USA, Canada and New Zealand during WWII and the number who died.

    I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. Daniel 7:21-22
    The Fall of the Russian Empire: A Spiritual History (1855-1925)
    Last edited by allodial; 10-06-16 at 10:52 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #24
    Nebuchadnezzar? But he cultivated the cream for seventy years, fashioned it into his image, and returned it to the Land.

  5. #25
    SS put about 2,500 Catholic priest to death because those Catholic priest
    resisted the power of the Jesuits SS/ The History of Romanism: from the Earliest Corruptions
    Pastor John Dowling quotes in the Latin the destruction of the
    right to private judgment in reading the scriptures and the liberty of the press
    is forbidden a bible belt baptist he is no Romantic
    but a Protestant used to be someone who
    protested the papal power and who believe the Bible to be the final
    authority of faith and practice these were deemed heretics by the Vatican and
    determined to be killed the term liberal includes Roman Catholics who believe
    freedom of speech and freedom of the press because there are some Catholics
    who believe that there are some priests who believe that. The last general
    counsel which is written in 1845 this decree with prohibition and penalty for freedom of press or liberal reading of the scriptures this liberalism has
    never been repealed the Pope today whenever any Pope takes the oath of
    being Pope he swears to uphold the Council of Trent decreed that the Word of God was not the Word of God Jerome's Latin
    Vulgate the Vatican Vulgarity .My disappointing views are not against Catholicism or Protestantism just the control that any Scrutiny unfolds

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Nebuchadnezzar? But he cultivated the cream for seventy years, fashioned it into his image, and returned it to the Land.
    I wonder who his heir or successor might be today....

    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    SS put about 2,500 Catholic priest to death because those Catholic priest
    resisted the power of the Jesuits SS/ The History of Romanism: from the Earliest Corruptions
    Pastor John Dowling quotes in the Latin the destruction of the
    right to private judgment in reading the scriptures and the liberty of the press
    is forbidden a bible belt baptist he is no Romantic
    but a Protestant used to be someone who
    protested the papal power and who believe the Bible to be the final
    authority of faith and practice these were deemed heretics by the Vatican and
    determined to be killed the term liberal includes Roman Catholics who believe
    freedom of speech and freedom of the press because there are some Catholics
    who believe that there are some priests who believe that. The last general
    counsel which is written in 1845 this decree with prohibition and penalty for freedom of press or liberal reading of the scriptures this liberalism has
    never been repealed the Pope today whenever any Pope takes the oath of
    being Pope he swears to uphold the Council of Trent decreed that the Word of God was not the Word of God Jerome's Latin
    Vulgate the Vatican Vulgarity .My disappointing views are not against Catholicism or Protestantism just the control that any Scrutiny unfolds
    Both the orthodox Christians and the non-Roman-Catholics were divided into two camps: as to who was going to go along with the Nazi plan (see Confessing Church (during Nazi Germany) or Confession Movementand Barmen Declaration). Relevantly, Pius XI died shortly after coming out against the Nazi regime.

    Pius XI planned an encyclical Humani generis unitas (The Unity of the Human Race) to denounce racism in the US, Europe and elsewhere, as well as antisemitism, colonialism and violent German nationalism. He died without issuing it. (source)
    P.S. If you look at the USA and UK today, the same kind of division is being attempted. Except they might skip that and just go wit the Ishmael vs Isaac--I mean Islam vs. Israelites/orthodox Christians.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-07-16 at 01:14 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    P.S. If you look at the USA and UK today, the same kind of division is being attempted. Except they might skip that and just go wit the Ishmael vs Isaac--I mean Islam vs. Israelites/orthodox Christians.
    I remember when they thought they found the Romanov family burnt in lime - the way it was verified was to get a DNA sample from Prince Phillip. Because Esau and Jacob are brothers. I say to Ishmael, I am Isaac your brother of our father Abraham.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 10-07-16 at 02:35 AM.
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  8. #28
    However, to Esau-Canaan, Israel is the enemy and hardly allegorically or theoretically. The inheritance of Ishmael isn't the same as that of Isaac. You can say it, but will that necessarily stop Ishmael or Esau/Edom from doing you great injury? I wonder if Esau/Edom-Canaan cared if the the 1.5 million Armenian Christians were their brothers (ya know, two eyes, two legs, sit down to poop, stand up to pee if you're a guy...ten fingers, ten toes...).

    Name:  ignorance_is_bliss.jpg
Views: 541
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    "For three transgressions of Edom, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because he pursued his brother with the sword and cast off all pity; his anger tore perpetually, and he kept his wrath forever."

    Hmm something tells me Edom-Esau-Canaan probably won't be moved that warm, fuzzy brotherly glow. Met a Muslim who said he was looking forward to the day he could rape, kill and enslave Christians in America (there were more like him then and there might be even more now ISIS, etc.)--that was just under ten years ago. I don't suspect he was speaking figuratively. Despite the kindness I showed him, he remained evil in his intentions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    I remember when they thought they found the Romanov family burnt in lime - the way it was verified was to get a DNA sample from Prince Phillip. Because Esau and Jacob are brothers. I say to Ishmael, I am Isaac your brother of our father Abraham.
    As if DNA matters in spiritual warfare.

    P.S. Basically the attempt has been to flip the script and replace Isaac and Israel with Ishmael and Esau/Edom respectively, moving the birthright, etc. out of Isaac's, Israel's and Joseph's reach. But, we already know how that'll turn out, don't we?
    Last edited by allodial; 10-07-16 at 03:57 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #29
    There is enough depth in scripture to be satisfied for a lifetime.?Forming scripture is both judgment and forgiveness. With canonizing Men and holding scripture hostage welcoming diversity in religious hate is the insurance against forgiveness? But, we already know how that'll turn out, don't we? Biblical helplessness isn't written its encouraged A genetic deficit is in the actions notarized in the word. That fathered figured hate or love. When should your son be told never too play with matches when your lighting a cigarette or when jr lights the house a fire trying to be like dad.Phoning 911 on the homeless isn't a emergency but killing scripture belief is conditioned or bread into us.Eye for Eye is everyone goes blind in the end.The promised land has too be earned and shared. Not conquered with scripture .

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    However, to Esau-Canaan, Israel is the enemy and hardly allegorically or theoretically. The inheritance of Ishmael isn't the same as that of Isaac. You can say it, but will that necessarily stop Ishmael or Esau/Edom from doing you great injury? I wonder if Esau/Edom-Canaan cared if the the 1.5 million Armenian Christians were their brothers (ya know, two eyes, two legs, sit down to poop, stand up to pee if you're a guy...ten fingers, ten toes...).

    "For three transgressions of Edom, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because he pursued his brother with the sword and cast off all pity; his anger tore perpetually, and he kept his wrath forever."

    Hmm something tells me Edom-Esau-Canaan probably won't be moved that warm, fuzzy brotherly glow. Met a Muslim who said he was looking forward to the day he could rape, kill and enslave Christians in America (there were more like him then and there might be even more now ISIS, etc.)--that was just under ten years ago. I don't suspect he was speaking figuratively. Despite the kindness I showed him, he remained evil in his intentions.

    As if DNA matters in spiritual warfare.

    P.S. Basically the attempt has been to flip the script and replace Isaac and Israel with Ishmael and Esau/Edom respectively, moving the birthright, etc. out of Isaac's, Israel's and Joseph's reach. But, we already know how that'll turn out, don't we?
    Couldn't have summed that up that notion any better...

    Therein lies the danger of treating ALL of scripture as merely allegorical (though even the allegorical spin doesn't apply in this case). If you knowingly rebel against the God of the Bible and Creation, intentionally make war with God's set-apart nation of people (true Israel) and reject Jesus the Christ as LORD and Savior, there can be no brother or sister in that camp.

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