It's about time folks understand the lesson plan is a $500.00 leap of faith it's essentially A donation that puts a Court Case on notice . The refusal for cause works both ways as it never gets filed on the record it establish the record my record .The appeals court is no court of record you can file the as appeal after found guilty you can r4c till u get out of jail. The clerks refuse 4 cause everyday legally blind? My frustration is like everyone's including David Merrills sending a time stamped r4c and forming a record are synonymous with jail and being found guilty one needs to understand that this is fundamental as what's between your ears .But what's between the justice systems ears is everything this site can bring the accounting for patterned behaviour in court reactions to R4C and appeals that's it .one decides how important truth is when shit hits the fan .So don't be confused with what is real and what is acceptable the generic r4c is a 500 dollar lesson plan know future magic exists David can suggest becoming a suitor and that's where the magic can begin or end when it's truth your paying with .I am a suitor and I approve this message and I enjoy the site I don't enjoy the game so it's simple if your hoping for redemption u will need too employ the criminal authority is a pity but it runs every court. In every city. If David could help He would be in jail but he can't hurt and eventually the record u formed speaks from u and for u. For all the truth is a record of authority .