My true Name is on the R4C whats on the DL A PERFORMANCE BOND IS THERE'S NAMED AS full disclosure chose to be accommodation party and surety for XPARTE DOE? its better to file a bond for discharging liability incurred by the VESSEL how come the Crown never bonds the case his case .Case MANAGEMENT or risk management I keep pointing at the simple remedy, so few pay attention go to A clerk and see who pays attention the true name is in need of a bond now u got my attention now float all the vessels you want but dont point out whats obvious the r4c needs to be licensed before its bonded lodi your logistical loopholes are way to clever for me this surety and the bond and all the trustee fiduciary fukery is my point R4C is a pissin match i gotta keep drinking gallons of legal scenarios why because THE R4C HAS NO TEETH now without a Bond or if this endorsement fails Hey this is a fair notice that commercial corruption is hardly r4c away So its at a leveling point i cant tell one member here what can save his ass and my integrity has nothing mentioned.