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Thread: Private Sidewalk Saves Bike Trail

  1. #11

    Thank you for not responding yet. Those of you listening to me might be trying to digest the leap I just made, over to my research in the Masonic Library and Museum:

    The Bill of Exchange attached is revealing so I will quote:

    Zionism cancellation algorithm #099184702 12/8/99,
    What is interesting about identity is how this all falls into place, even after all these years, without my even realizing why I was doing these things at the time. By comprehending a hybrid between e=mc2 and the time dilation of Relativity knowledge of light and matter surpass the limitations of time.

    Zionism Cancellation Algorithm.pdf

    The next religious piece might put it all together for you. But you must take a moment to understand the quasi-public nature of the Castle as entertaining structural art. When attorneys for the "county court judge" who had no published oath of office were addressing the Castle instead of Jim's Pueblo home it was obvious that the seize engine (by paper) was still thought viable...

    Jim is a procrastinator about some categories. I told him to remove the mailbox when he told me about process arriving up at the Castle. A week later I showed the Castle to an artist friend and Jim arrived. I shouted high from up on the Tower and he promptly got into his Cat and ripped the mailbox out. That lump on the dirt is the angle iron stump. Another item to piece this together for the reader here, is the Donation Box itself - NOTICE:

    Jim had already prepared redemption for the true church property long before we went through an additional formality in early 2015 of my paying and buying, what is acknowledged above to be, my own property. Parallel processing on the "right side of the boat" aside for now, Jim has obviously always been a Man of Vision. So Jim and I together worked in conjunction setting up events that led to the simple truth that if you create it, you own it. - But only when you can keep coherent knowledge of the Creation Process.

    Attachment 4650

    I have shown you all before how George WASHINGTON appears to be standing over the VAN PELT MILESTONE protectively, like a guardian. The legend that WASHINGTON defended Van Pelt Manor from American Manorial Law is supported in the chronicles of the Five Boroughs:

    Washington rode over the old highway in 1790, and was greeted in
    New Utrecht by the village people. There was great excitement when
    word came that the general was shortly to arrive. From the little
    school-house near Van Pelt Manor the school-children were hustled
    home for fresh linen and face-washings and hair-combings; and they
    were as quickly marched back, dressed in new clothes and company
    manners, for the great George Washington would pass their way.
    At last, after many anxious scannings of the road, they saw him riding
    toward the little school-house, and the children lined up and waited
    until he approached. Little Peter Van Pelt was on the end of the
    line, and he was the last boy to whom George Washington spoke;
    and to little Peter he looked very tall, as he came near to him and laid
    his hand on Peter's head.

    "Be a good boy, my son," said Washington, "and you will be a
    good man."

    Little Peter Van Pelt probably remembered this admonition, but
    how far it shaped his life's course is not known. Me did grow up to
    be a good and a great man, entering the ministry and achieving fame
    throughout the county. When Washington died, Peter Van Pelt
    delivered a sermon wherein he extolled the great general and Presi-
    dent; and this sermon was printed in something like a twelve-page
    leaflet. Only a short time ago a single copy of the discourse was
    sold for five hundred dollars.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-31-16 at 07:52 PM.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

    #1 Money held in trust if it is lawful money can give rise to lawful money transaction because the holder of the money is an agent of the beneficiary for the purpose of receiving or making payment. Not sure how anyone who sufficiently comprehends banking or trust law could arrive at your conclusion. The trust aspect of banking is distinct and different from the payment and transactional system. The the authorizations riding along with the trust agreement (in the bank account agreement) authorizes the bank to receive or make payments ON BEHALF OF or FOR the accountholder (owner): that is an agency-principal relationship riding on top of or next to a grantor-trustee-beneficiary relationship.

    #2 I suspect you're only seeing a portion of the bigger picture: the political status of the owner affects the level of title the owner can claim. Your perspective on title to property fails to take in how political status affects or limits the level of title a person can hold.

    #3 Allodial doesn't mean 'superior'. In most any context the one who holds property in allodium is not a 'user' and it is not a 'use' on his or her part. Divided title pertains to a use as in to borrow my lawnmower or renting a tool from ABC Hardware you are 'use-ing' (divided title ) but its not yours. You are rather injuriously muddying the waters between situations of divided title and situations of property held in allodium. There is no "use" with allodial title.

    #4 A fee simple simple estate is hardly an estate in held in allodium. I'm not sure how anyone who knows trust law or property law could arrive at your conclusion. A fee simple estate is held with the county or state as a landlord, rent has to be paid in the form of property tax. Your statements are highly misleading.

    #5 MJ if you're a fief or subject of a European or Roman Monarch then that limits your title right there--your entire life would be held in divided title potentially from cradle to grave. Not saying that to be a bad thing, but simply on the topic of divided title vs allodial title, the political status would be specific to your situation though hardly universal and would limit your ability to assert allodial title. The contraindications or benefits associated with being of a particular status seems to be at the heart of wars: this thing called envy. Someone admitted to me that European nobility didn't despise Americans, they were envious because they were under restrictive fiefdoms and feudal obligations with tiny portions of land to boot. While Americans had access to property in allodium.

    then he might have to live up to the terms of that fief or alienation.
    Divided title vs Allodial title.

    “The federal citizens has a right to hold property, but due to his status and his use of legal tender [Federal Reserve Notes] it appears he cannot hold the absolute title to or estate in the land as can white citizens and free inhabitants can (if they pay for the property rights with a lawful tender of gold or silver coin I would suspect.)”

    Paying with gold or silver is not necessarily a perfect solution because you can’t buy what another man does not own. That there was a slap.

    What if I had previously purchased the property with Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs)? I would apparently have equitable title to the property, but I would probably not have legal title to the property. Legal title would probably be held by the federal government and/or the Federal Reserve.

    As a result of using FRNs, the land would fall into a trust relationship wherein I was the beneficiary and the federal government and/or Federal Reserve was the fiduciary. I could “use” my land, but they would control it.

    Legal title moves by descent from one generation to another by means of wills. If some ancestor bought the land prior to 1968, maybe 1964 when we stopped using silver in our money and perhaps even prior to 1933 when we stopped using gold that ancestor bought both legal and equitable titles to the property.
    Those titles would “descend” to his heirs by means of his last will and testament The heirs who never purchased the land with FRNs would retain both legal and equitable title and could therefore sell both titles to a buyer who bought with gold or silver rather than FRNs.

    How do we redeem legal title from the government and/or Federal Reserve?

    I’m not sure you’d even have to pay property taxes on land if you owned legal title to that land or that you could pay property taxes in the medium of FRNs on land if you owned both legal and equitable titles.

    Property taxes paid for with FRNs only apply to property held by equitable title.

    Might be true that property taxes on a property which the owner held legal title could be paid only with gold or silver. Article 1.10.1 of the federal Constitution: “No State shall . . . make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

    Those who pay for property with FRNs only receive equitable title, and the legal title goes to the federal government and/or the Federal Reserve. You and I as purported “property owners” would actually own only equitable title to our land and properties.

    The county tax assessor comes to determine how much tax you owed on your property that assessment if paid with FRNs would seemingly apply only to the equitable title to the property.

    What about property taxes on the legal title to the property?

    What if they discovered that legal title was, in fact, held by the Federal Reserve?

    What if they assessed a property tax on the legal titles to all of the land held within their country?

    What if they assessed a property tax in the form of gold on whoever holds legal title to the properties within their county?

    Does the law read that whoever holds legal title is not obligated to pay any property tax on that property?

    Would that infuriate the public when they discovered that
    1) they don’t really “own” their property; and
    2) they are obligated to pay property taxes while the real “owner” is not.

    At least discover who owns legal title to properties within the county.

    Do you see the apparent danger in FRNs? Once any property is paid for in FRNs, in theory, the legal title to that property may be lost to the “black hole” of government and/or Federal Reserve.

    How do we redeem legal title from the government and/or Federal Reserve?”

    I’m curious what would be with his use of lawful money vs. legal tender and converting fed property to private property.

    Would buying the land with lawful money instead of FRN regardless who had use of it prior to the lawful money purchase, take full legal and equitable title?

    Every contract to purchase states “for ten dollars and other considerations in hand”?

    Twenty dollars is the minimum to guarantee a jury trial of right.

    How is anything “paid for” with fiat promise to pay debt notes?

    Or could it of been lawful, legal and debt free back then?
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  3. #13

    Masonic Legend of WASHINGTON


    This is where we might find things looking hinky, so look at it and if you simply accept that some of the Masons believe this is so, I have made my point.

    Attachment 4651

    Now look at Adam WEISHAUPT (meaning The First Wise Man):

    Attachment 4652

    It did not take long to find this encrypted into George's biography, the one written by his personal physician. But I had already heard about George as "bulletproof" and a Visionary of Bible Prophecy too. The legend developed quite poetically by George LIPPARD for Rosicrucian in the 1840's too.

    Please keep in mind my impression that the Masons are custodians, like Levi holding treasures awaiting the arrival of the Elect MELCHIZEDEK.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Chex View Post
    Divided title vs Allodial title.

    “The federal citizens has a right to hold property, but due to his status and his use of legal tender [Federal Reserve Notes] it appears he cannot hold the absolute title to or estate in the land as can white citizens and free inhabitants can (if they pay for the property rights with a lawful tender of gold or silver coin I would suspect.)”

    Paying with gold or silver is not necessarily a perfect solution because you can’t buy what another man does not own. That there was a slap.

    What if I had previously purchased the property with Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs)? I would apparently have equitable title to the property, but I would probably not have legal title to the property. Legal title would probably be held by the federal government and/or the Federal Reserve.

    As a result of using FRNs, the land would fall into a trust relationship wherein I was the beneficiary and the federal government and/or Federal Reserve was the fiduciary. I could “use” my land, but they would control it.

    Legal title moves by descent from one generation to another by means of wills. If some ancestor bought the land prior to 1968, maybe 1964 when we stopped using silver in our money and perhaps even prior to 1933 when we stopped using gold that ancestor bought both legal and equitable titles to the property.
    Those titles would “descend” to his heirs by means of his last will and testament The heirs who never purchased the land with FRNs would retain both legal and equitable title and could therefore sell both titles to a buyer who bought with gold or silver rather than FRNs.

    How do we redeem legal title from the government and/or Federal Reserve?

    I’m not sure you’d even have to pay property taxes on land if you owned legal title to that land or that you could pay property taxes in the medium of FRNs on land if you owned both legal and equitable titles.

    Property taxes paid for with FRNs only apply to property held by equitable title.

    Might be true that property taxes on a property which the owner held legal title could be paid only with gold or silver. Article 1.10.1 of the federal Constitution: “No State shall . . . make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

    Those who pay for property with FRNs only receive equitable title, and the legal title goes to the federal government and/or the Federal Reserve. You and I as purported “property owners” would actually own only equitable title to our land and properties.

    The county tax assessor comes to determine how much tax you owed on your property that assessment if paid with FRNs would seemingly apply only to the equitable title to the property.

    What about property taxes on the legal title to the property?

    What if they discovered that legal title was, in fact, held by the Federal Reserve?

    What if they assessed a property tax on the legal titles to all of the land held within their country?

    What if they assessed a property tax in the form of gold on whoever holds legal title to the properties within their county?

    Does the law read that whoever holds legal title is not obligated to pay any property tax on that property?

    Would that infuriate the public when they discovered that
    1) they don’t really “own” their property; and
    2) they are obligated to pay property taxes while the real “owner” is not.

    At least discover who owns legal title to properties within the county.

    Do you see the apparent danger in FRNs? Once any property is paid for in FRNs, in theory, the legal title to that property may be lost to the “black hole” of government and/or Federal Reserve.

    How do we redeem legal title from the government and/or Federal Reserve?”

    I’m curious what would be with his use of lawful money vs. legal tender and converting fed property to private property.

    Would buying the land with lawful money instead of FRN regardless who had use of it prior to the lawful money purchase, take full legal and equitable title?

    Every contract to purchase states “for ten dollars and other considerations in hand”?

    Twenty dollars is the minimum to guarantee a jury trial of right.

    How is anything “paid for” with fiat promise to pay debt notes?

    Or could it of been lawful, legal and debt free back then?

    Factor in the theft of the Territory of Colorado. And then put that in context of shock testing fractional lending through Canada, with Crown Dominion Notes while the Union here formed in the fire (annealed).

    Name:  pentagram of jurisdiction process.JPG
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    This is where and when it happened:

    Name:  Territory Act 2.jpg
Views: 827
Size:  142.0 KB

    February 28, 1861 (not a leap year).

    Name:  adjourn_sine_die.jpg
Views: 440
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    March 28, 1861 - only 29 days later, the forming body adjourned.

    July 4th, refers to the Proclamation of War on April 15th, 1861 which of course begins the War and Emergency guiding FDR's (illegal use of the) Trading with the Enemy Act (1917). You might have to find a good bouncing ball, and go around the block bouncing it in your left hand to get my point about how important it is, to note how the Trading with the Enemy Act has recently been removed from the Bankers' Code.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-31-16 at 05:02 PM.

  5. #15

    VAN PELT Family Crest

    Jim and I joindered heritage coherently for peace, by making the end of war the destiny and legacy of the wonderful quasi-public art, located on irrevocably private land.

    Attachment 4659

    Attachment 4660

    Even if the steps elude you, I at least think you might find it entertaining how to get to the conclusions in that identification acknowledgement. The Olympus Ordeal (biocosmetric sonoluminescence) finally described things accurately to China and Israel.

    I really think that to make this more interesting you should integrate that part about my Certificate of Baptism from a charismatic Foursquare senior administrator authorizing my "removal" from the zigurat on the obverse of the US dollar bill as a supporting brick.

    But more interesting yet is that Foursquare has merged into Messianic Judaism and has married charisma with rapture eschatology filtered through Christian mysticism (Book of Revelation) wrapped in Jewish tradition for entertainment purposes. My point being that all this was plagiarized off me! The classical theft of intellectual property is to make the Creator feel like an idiot so he will think it is his idea to part ways, before implementing his ideas into a very successful business plan.

    As I watch the LOSHON HARA (gossip) unfold, I cannot help but laugh out loud how this whole reality, filtered through genome over infinite eternity is so wildly entertaining. It seems the curse of Futurism that anybody would think there is a better Kingdom awaiting where the spiritual potential for enlightenment will grow any better than the right here and now.

    P.S. One of the tenets of Pragmatism, adopted for (then) Bishop Castle - (now) CASTLE CHURCH TRUST on September 28, 2014 is that Jesus was crucial in authoring the Book of Mark to prepare for the "return of the King" simply because the craven people did not rally and overthrow Babylonian Rule on the Temple Mount (Pharisees and Saducees) that very day He overturned the tables of the moneychangers. By understanding the culture and political climate around Jesus' life, one finds a much more exciting read of the Bible. - Especially when one watches a pastor ousted because the Christian Qaballah is just too bizarre for the business plan. Even a God who knocks up virgins and blinds people is getting over the top.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-31-16 at 05:28 PM.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    "There walks a lady we all know
    who shines white light and wants to show" - Led Zeppelin

    Perspective is key. I find many want to discuss trust from the ground up. But I prefer from the Top down. Thus we have different perspectives. One will say from ground up that Trust is a creature of law and to that end I would have to agree. But from top down, one must ask, where did law come and of whose grant shall it be used? With these two perspectives in mind one may see inferior [bottom up] and superior [top down] perspectives. The goal of course is that the State be secure.

    I hear you David Merrill, it is quite revealing when one looks back. One might say one Cheribim in Prospect and one in Retrospect. But both touch wings in the center. From top down allodium is only in the King - and the King grants superior Rights to be held in trust by his lords for the keeping of the kingdom. From bottom up allodial refers to titles as one has an allodial or fee simple title to property.

    Since property is merely Rights of Use of a "Certain Right" whereof said Certain Right is held in trust of the King for the Kingdom. Therefore the King is the Titular Head and all comes from his Body which is the Kingdom.

    In the King is Dominion - thus is the King-Dom in the Throne
    In the Superior Position - the perspective is Ownership
    In the Inferior Position - the perspective is Possession

    Where it can get interesting is the law does not recognize a future beneficiary holding property in trust for the benefit of an even more distant heir. But this problem may be resolved by those who form societies [secret or otherwise] who swear and pledge to each other] such that even though law fails promises prevail in secret.

    For instance lets say I hold a real estate of which I wish to place in trust for the benefit of myself and my heirs. This deed cannot contemplate my son holding the property for his great grandson. Because that great grandson may not come to exist. And furthermore, if said great grandson did come to exist of what claim would he have if my son decided to sell the estate? Nevertheless the purposes of the law are defeated by those who would create a higher law in themselves. These are a law unto themselves. As they pledge to each other to keep and preserve and protect as paladins the Estate for their societal enjoyment.

    Truly, I find such selfless acts inspiring as one foregoes personal gain for the benefit of the society. Now what I like about Jesus is that he proposes a Republic whereof all may come to the status of Christ. As St. Paul relates ...."until Christ be formed in you". But there exists a higher power in the All in All - a closed Sphere in God. For we live, move and have our being In God.

    Now then a trust may exist without dividing title. Many times a trustee will hold both legal and equitable titles and then thru contract develop a relationship with a beneficiary. Said trustee may be subject to an office which hold the power of management [direction]. And further said trustee may hire on agents [departments] to carry out certain duties - subject to oversight.

    States, by their very nature, intercourse with other states and therefore States may enter into the condition of bankruptcy. Upon such condition of bankruptcy a State and its inhabitants may find themselves subject to a fiefdom. This seems quite obvious to me. I think it was Freud's nephew who taught that a great people could be controlled thru their lusts. One would not be wasting time to watch THE CENTURY OF THE SELF - by Adam Curtis. All four parts are wonderfully enlightening into the current condition of the human psyche and mind control as propagated upon an unsuspecting population which finds itself steeped in hedonism.

    I love to play Monopoly at my house with my children. We always change the rules to allow for leases, options, contract for deeds, etc. But one aspect never is left untouched is that all the transactions are from the bank. When one buys one is buying from the bank. Thusly is the game called Monopoly. We always set a man or woman as the Bank to enforce the idea in our children that there is a force in banking subject to a particular Will. We each consent to play.

    Once my son related that if he had all the money of the bank he would allow his mother to own all the property with hotels. I told him he wouldn't make six times around the board. Upon five times he was bankrupt. A great lesson was learned by all who played.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  7. #17
    But from top down, one must ask, where did law come and of whose grant shall it be used?

    Upon SIMCHAT TORAH - Rejoice in the Law; one begins again at Genesis 1:1. I began to understand the accusation of blood on the ground, against Cain for killing Abel did not equate to a capital crime because the law had not been issued. Therefore Cain became aware that no law protected him from the same fate. God marked him with "OWTH". - The same mark on the Israelites at Exodus 13:16.

    From the top down...
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-31-16 at 06:08 PM.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    As St. Paul relates ...."until Christ be formed in you". But there exists a higher power in the All in All - a closed Sphere in God. For we live, move and have our being In God.
    Actually the literal translation is...

    ...until a mind and life in complete harmony with the mind and life of Christ shall have been formed in you.
    Name:  until_your_mind_be_in_harmony_with_the_mind_of_christ.gif
Views: 485
Size:  10.9 KB

    The process of regeneration is outlined in those scriptures. The Word of God AFAIK refers to the truth and wisdom of God rather than some mystical, unknowable construct. It seems rather antithetical to the blinding venom of a serpent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Perspective is key. I find many want to discuss trust from the ground up. But I prefer from the Top down. Thus we have different perspectives.
    If you're just making things up then perhaps we might have different perspectives. With the saints and Christ all seated together in the heavenlies as a unity you are attempting to split unity asunder. If any one of the royal priesthood in that heavenly unity are holding the property then it is not a trust relationship--at least not in the divisive, secular sense you propose.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    For instance lets say I hold a real estate of which I wish to place in trust for the benefit of myself and my heirs. This deed cannot contemplate my son holding the property for his great grandson.
    #1 In drafting the warranty deed or quitclaim deed the seller wasn't probably trying to be your household estate planner. #2 Deeds are written to convey real property to the Purchaser and his or her heirs and assigns which 'contemplates' further conveyance and perpetual inheritance. Again, you don't seem to know what you are talking about. One set on being charitable, kind and loving would avoid spreading flawed information. If one is humble and one stands corrected, one stands corrected humbly rather than persisting in yet more error.

    Now what I like about Jesus is that he proposes a Republic whereof all may come to the status of Christ. As St. Paul relates ...."until Christ be formed in you".
    Paul was desirous of them ceasing to be conformed to the world but instead to be renewed and regenerated in alignment with Jesus Christ (anointed/crowned). And those who refuse to enter the Ezekiel temple despite the Gentile bar being removed still remain without. Last I checked, holiness and regeneration aren't imposed by force and gunpoint. Even the Roman Centurion *ASKED* to have his daughter healed (a type of salvation)--no one forced it on him.

    Now then a trust may exist without dividing title. Many times a trustee will hold both legal and equitable titles and then thru contract develop a relationship with a beneficiary.
    You are making things up. A trustee can in a separate capacity as an agent exercise authority for the other part of the title but as a trustee (in trustee capacity) he only has one side of that title collection. Otherwise, apart from disability due to political status, if he has both legal and equitable title he'd be holding in allodium (grantor and trustee and beneficiary are the same?). If you are discussing your own private internal personal MJ world philo-law that is fine, but you might do well to warn the reader rather than try to pass off what is universal in your reality as being universally-universal.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-31-16 at 09:01 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Upon SIMCHAT TORAH - Rejoice in the Law; one begins again at Genesis 1:1. I began to understand the accusation of blood on the ground, against Cain for killing Abel did not equate to a capital crime because the law had not been issued. Therefore Cain became aware that no law protected him from the same fate. God marked him with "OWTH". - The same mark on the Israelites at Exodus 13:16.

    From the top down...
    Wonderful exposition. Therein is exactly the point. Adam/Eve were naked. Same concept. When I began to view the named characters in the Bible not as historical figures but as archetypes in thought/desire it was then that Aaron's Rod budded. Cain being a "tiller of the ground" scratches out his existence subject to the wisdoms and philosophies he develops by and thru his five sense limited mind. Esau being a man of the field typifies this limited consciousness and thusly it was said of God - Esau I hated. And later by Paul:

    Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
    Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
    Rom 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

    We can also see another one named Abraham who is the archetype of Faith striking an oath with one called Abimilech with seven (7) ewe lambs. This same story plays out on a Spiritual plane in the N.T. between the "rich man", Lazarus, and Abraham. Reflecting on the pillar raised as a memorial, Abraham relates there is a chasm of which I nor you can pass. Abimilech too symbolizes the lust, desire, envy, greed, gluttony, laziness of the flesh nature. Nevertheless we gain much more information later of Jacob and Esau upon their interaction. For Jacob [Higher Mind] and Esau [Lower Flesh Consciousness] make peace.

    Thus it is as you say. Returning to Genesis 1:1 one begins to see Gen 1 as the transformative process of God working in the natural man to bring the natural man into a Spiritual Estate. And then of Genesis 1:2 of the transformative process of God working in the Spiritual man to bring him into a Celestial Estate.

    The natural man is selfish - hedonistic - envious etc. And you could say that the lower serpent rules him [central nervous system] by and thru his five senses. Thus he is subject to the five lords of the Philistines.

    The Spiritual man is a man whereof Faith is dominant and any love generates from the womb of faith. Or you could say in a different analogy that Faith and Love are married and Faith is husband and Love the wife.

    The Celestial man is a man whereof Love is dominant and any faith generates from the womb of Love. Or you could say in a different analogy that Love and Faith are married and Love is husband and Faith the wife.

    In the C.M. all faith is perceived from love and thusly from Good. And thusly from God. It is not so in the Spiritual man for even here he thinks to generate love of his own and in this stage of development he has yet to send the bondmaid out of his house. He is Abram. And it is in this stage of development that he cannot bring forth the child of promise.


    If you are truthful in your contemplation of Cain, he did appear before God with a sacrifice; therefore, he was seeking to please God. Cain of course if the lower and Abel the higher aspects in man. Cain thinks to please God in the Flesh. Remember Romans 8:8? They that are in flesh [consciousness] cannot please God.

    Romans 8:8 said those in the Flesh cannot please God. So dear reader if you are a literal one GIVE IT UP - your efforts to please God are futile and will all lead eventually to the grave. So why even try? See how these want it both ways? Well they can't have it both ways. Therefore there must be different aspects in consciousness. And this is exactly the story of Abram. God said get up and move to a new country. And the term "country" is a change in conscious thought/desires.

    And now we see the natural man comes first and will be last. And we see the Spiritual / Celestial man comes second but will become first. And between the two God desires CHARITY which is to say MERCY which is the Womb of Love.

    I wonder if anyone can prove that Cain is the son of Adam? I think not. For Adam being an archetype of Church/State births a different philosophy that that of Cain. And yet both societies oppose each other somewhat. Each symbol has many different meanings when viewed from different perspectives. For they placed "fig leaves" over their groins - a symbol of thought/desire and manifestation [Husband/Wife/Son].

    The nexus is PERCEPTION and specifically of the nature of the WOMB that births the son [manifestation]. Which is to say the nature and character of the consciousness of which are manifest states of being.

    Indeed sir. Who granted the Law? Is the grantor subject to Law? Consider carefully planes of consciousness and you may come to see that law acting on the person of flesh is not the same law acting on the Spirit. Perception being key. For the law in perspective of flesh of do not do murder speaks to the flesh does it not? But St. Paul relates "we know the law is Spiritual." And it is at this nexus that Cain always seeks to kill Abel in every man. For the natural man desires his own "body" first. And in doing do, remains natural and carnal and therefore a brute beast meet for destruction. For the natural man lives solely by five senses and thusly he remains in Babylon [confusion].

    Abel does not need to experience bad to know good. Abel stays in the good. The two relate to different natures/character in conscience.

    Rom 9:1 I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit

    The Spiritual man is in Christ [ALIVE]. The natural man is in Christ [DEAD]. Thusly Abram was told "get up and move to a new country." And we see the ancient struggle in man.

    Thank you David Merrill.

    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  10. #20
    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so {that gets you into trouble}." - Mark Twain

    Quote Originally Posted by Chex View Post
    Divided title vs Allodial title.

    “The federal citizens has a right to hold property, but due to his status and his use of legal tender [Federal Reserve Notes] it appears he cannot hold the absolute title to or estate in the land as can white citizens and free inhabitants can (if they pay for the property rights with a lawful tender of gold or silver coin I would suspect.)”

    Paying with gold or silver is not necessarily a perfect solution because you can’t buy what another man does not own. That there was a slap.
    That is why they have more than one type of currency in circulation: scrip is for the plantation worker and lawful money is for 'off-base (i.e. military base) transactions'. Again just like political status can limit the title claim a person can enjoy, political status can afford one the opportunity to (using appropriate process) assert a claim based on that political status.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-31-16 at 07:34 PM.
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    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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