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Thread: Private Sidewalk Saves Bike Trail

  1. #71
    Christ natural narrative the narrowed path with neither ignorance or knowledge has God blessed ones poverty. ones biblical or religious poverty is also neither blessed bye God. So poverty is still just being masonicaly rich or poor.Godlessness

    Master Mason, just as Scripture accurately records Nimrod as the builder of many cities. His most noteworthy accomplishment was, of course, the infamous Tower of Babel. Even though Scripture does not record specifically that Nimrod was responsible for the construction of Babel, in fact, other legends do. Nimrod utilized Babel for symbolic purposes, for his idolatrous and pantheistic new religion. He constructed the tower with more than a thousand Masons already indoctrinated in the sciences, employing the project, according to Masonic legends, to teach its practical application. This founding Masonic organization at Babel became known as the ultra- secret Great White Brotherhood, which later transferred to the famous priests at Heliopolis, Egypt, and which was then inherited by the Essenes. Nimrod’s ancient White Brotherhood Organization now rests within the confines of the super- secret Illuminati, who defiantly sport the Great White Brotherhood title. I can see this title being explanation for all racism as the knowledge of white is just light. Nimrod wasnt a Oxford cracker Thats good old DANUBE Dans masonic tribe Nimrod was the First and only PIMP modernized White Brother / Hoods /Historic jesuitica with jesuitical fishhats or Kkk a diversionary enlightenment .One European Babylon Repeating this paragraph Nimrods paganism founding Masonic organization at Babel became known as the ultra- secret Great White Brotherhood, which later transferred to the famous priests at Heliopolis, Egypt, and which was then inherited by the Essenes. Nimrod’s ancient White Brotherhood Organization now rests within the confines of the super- secret Illuminati, who defiantly sport the Great White Brotherhood title. A lodge tiled floor checkers Black & White or { Red & Black before honkies.} is testimony to trampling both Black Men & White Men. I am not drawing any conciliation or conclusions in my ignorance or suggestive knowledge my poverty is much greater and a blessing in disguise. Nim organized and fused the newly founded cult with the elite of society, forming a transgenerational secret society, to which he provided a constitution complete with laws of their governing. 9 Nimrod was therefore honored in Craft legends for creating Masonry. In one quick stroke of diabolical genius, through his unprecedented state power and organization, Nimrod ruined the postdiluvian society, as well as all subsequent generations, with all the same evils that caused the demise of the earth in Noah,s flood now With Christ being the flood The embellished words KKK Crackers Honkies Pimp are masonic terms.
    Last edited by xparte; 11-08-16 at 11:34 PM.

  2. #72
    Name:  easter-holy-week-semana-s-007.jpg
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    Roman Catholics celebrating Easter (Spain?). (source)

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    Catholics celebrating the Holy Week in Spain which has been part of their festivities since the Middle Ages. Their uniform here looks very much like the costumes of the Roman Catholic Inquisitors during the Inquisitions. (source)

    Attachment 4721
    Note: Allegedly, the flag David Duke (historically associated with the U.S. Democratic Party) is holding is what is regarded to originally have been flag or emblem of the U.S. Democratic Party (which is just as pro-slavery today as it was from the beginning--except that their form of slavery today is carried out mainly through "mass incarceration" and coercion under abject poverty).

    Attachment 4722
    Robert Byrd was a long-time Democrat and U.S. senator.

    In all fairness to the late Robert Byrd:

    Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened." (Source: Wikipedia)
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    Lyndon Johnson, Democrat is said to have been a virulent bigot and a Catholic.

    Apart from his association with Scottish Rite in the United States and the work Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike is regarded to have been behind the founding of the KKK. Many deny it. However, after 1870, Jim Crow laws went into full effect. He referred to himself as "Sovereign Pontiff" remember that the Papacy was in exile during that time (since around 1798) and had lost the Papal States, so maybe he felt he was taking the Roman Pope's place? Keep in mind, an orthodox America meant the end of slavery and the economic windfalls associated with that.

    Though they deny the connection, challenge to believe their denial. Some seem to forget: the KKK itself is a secret society. Not suggesting all Roman Catholics to be racist/bigoted but ...there has been definitely something going on.

    • Catholic Slavery: A Recent Reminder (KKK Masters: Whose Slaves Were Recently Found?)
    Last edited by allodial; 11-09-16 at 04:06 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #73
    But try as the followers of Nimrod must have done, not all the people of Shinar would convert and worship the pantheon of gods. Not all of the people were gullible enough to willingly come out in open rebellion against God. Some, and more likely many, held true to God and His righteous ways, rejecting the new doctrine being introduced by Nimrod. In order for the rebellion to have fully taken hold and to ultimately succeed, more was required than the art of deceptive persuasion.This was when Nimrod usurped absolute control over all the governing bodies in the first coup d’état . Nimrod became a Gibborim, a potentate or Demigod Democrat . According to Josephus, Nimrod changed the nature of the government to tyranny under his brutal and evil dictatorship, just as an evil potentate would do, and even more importantly, just as an evil Democrat potentate would do. Through the brutal and corrupt power of his government, Nimrod imposed his will and state- sponsored religion upon the people of Shinar. Through brute force and fear “Shinar” was an (little understood) alternative name for Sumer.One begins to wonder whether or not the desire of Nimrod and his people was to only migrate away from Noah, as a first bold step in recolonizing the planet.There was an unexplained, early schism among the deluge survivors, with Nimrod and his followers exiting to recreate the outlawed antediluvian society of Sumer? Nimrod’s ancient White Brotherhood Organization now rests within the confines of the super- secret Illuminati, who defiantly sport the Great White Brotherhood title.Illicit knowledge and power stemming from the authority of the religion enabled Nimrod to usurp absolute power over the united people of Shinar. It is through this lens that we must critically examine our Terminal Generation. We must first accept from the numerous biblical prophecies that Babylon will be an end- time city John’s period of time when he penned Revelation, this future Babylon had not yet established itself as a city on the world stage. Therefore, all the other prophets had to apply allegories for the future city. John had other motivating reasons to allegorize this city as Babylon. All three allegories provide a macrocode for the end- time city of evil. Babylon will become the great end- time world government prophesied to trample the nations. The end- time Babylon will be a governmental institution. or a evil city like the folks who ran Flint Michigan. What can a racist truly sacrifice.

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    But try as the followers of Nimrod must have done, not all the people of Shinar would convert and worship the pantheon of gods. Not all of the people were gullible enough to willingly come out in open rebellion against God. Some, and more likely many, held true to God and His righteous ways, rejecting the new doctrine being introduced by Nimrod. In order for the rebellion to have fully taken hold and to ultimately succeed, more was required than the art of deceptive persuasion.This was when Nimrod usurped absolute control over all the governing bodies in the first coup d’état . Nimrod became a Gibborim, a potentate or Demigod Democrat . According to Josephus, Nimrod changed the nature of the government to tyranny under his brutal and evil dictatorship, just as an evil potentate would do, and even more importantly, just as an evil Democrat potentate would do. Through the brutal and corrupt power of his government, Nimrod imposed his will and state- sponsored religion upon the people of Shinar. Through brute force and fear “Shinar” was an (little understood) alternative name for Sumer.One begins to wonder whether or not the desire of Nimrod and his people was to only migrate away from Noah, as a first bold step in recolonizing the planet.There was an unexplained, early schism among the deluge survivors, with Nimrod and his followers exiting to recreate the outlawed antediluvian society of Sumer? Nimrod’s ancient White Brotherhood Organization now rests within the confines of the super- secret Illuminati, who defiantly sport the Great White Brotherhood title.Illicit knowledge and power stemming from the authority of the religion enabled Nimrod to usurp absolute power over the united people of Shinar. It is through this lens that we must critically examine our Terminal Generation. We must first accept from the numerous biblical prophecies that Babylon will be an end- time city John’s period of time when he penned Revelation, this future Babylon had not yet established itself as a city on the world stage. Therefore, all the other prophets had to apply allegories for the future city. John had other motivating reasons to allegorize this city as Babylon. All three allegories provide a macrocode for the end- time city of evil. Babylon will become the great end- time world government prophesied to trample the nations. The end- time Babylon will be a governmental institution. or a evil city like the folks who ran Flint Michigan. What can a racist truly sacrifice.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #75
    There was a guy back in the 90s (he made a video, before 'conspiracy theories' were mainstream), used to work high-up in U.S. Govt., one thing he said was that he found at the highest levels of the KKK, Nimrod worship (and they regard him to be "a Black man")--the irony.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #76

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    So Nimrod instead of Ham is not a slip of the tongue?
    Good question. Nimrod would have been Ham's grandson. Canaan having been cursed rather than Ham. Wouldn't be surprised if they all resembled one another in some fashion like typical great grandfather, grandfather and grandson. Not to mention the idea of a grandfather having been also 'regardable' as a 'father'. Doctrine/beliefs/character being of import. Perhaps he was saying Nimrod instead of Cain because he was 'under oath' ..a little misdirection? Overall, he seemed quite fixed on Nimrod as the target of worship. Then..there is Sargon..which many regard to be none other than Cain [Sargon being 'Shah (King) Cain' slightly corrupted].

    Nimrod was a very significant man in ancient times, the grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah. Nimrod started his kingdom at Babylon (Gen. 10:10). Babylon later reached its zenith under Nebuchadnezzar (sixth century BC). Pictured above are mudbrick ruins of Nebuchadnezzar's city along with ancient wall lines and canals in modern day Iraq. (source)
    And Cush begat Nimrod, who began to be mighty in the earth. 1 Chronicles 1:10
    Nimrod reinhabited the cites of Cain and adopted his language, his religion and his civilization. [They] built upon the ruins of a civilization that existed in Shinar before the Flood… (and) glorified their ancient cities… (source)
    Related (sorta?):
    Why Cain Built A City?
    Megapolisomancy (1978);
    Megapolisomancy (Temple of Doom; Schnoebelen; ~1:49:58 )
    Last edited by allodial; 11-11-16 at 02:21 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #78
    re: original sin
    Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. Ecclesiastes 7:29
    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen. 1:27
    "Total depravity" and the Doctrine of Original Sin contrasted with Ecclesiastes 7:29 and Genesis 1:27. Of course this is meant to be pertinent to the living in contrast with dead fictions and the right of the living with respect to the land. This is not deny the notion of mankind's need for salvation, deliverance, regeneration, tutelage or the like during his lifetime has men (or women) come into accountability.

    Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
    Last edited by allodial; 11-11-16 at 04:57 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    re: original sin

    "Total depravity" and the Doctrine of Original Sin contrasted with Ecclesiastes 7:29 and Genesis 1:27. Of course this is meant to be pertinent to the living in contrast with dead fictions and the right of the living with respect to the land. This is not deny the notion of mankind's need for salvation, deliverance, regeneration, tutelage or the like during his lifetime has men (or women) come into accountability.
    Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

    That is the blessing George WASHINGTON extended to Peter VAN PELT after the American Revolution.

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  10. #80

    I want to remind the readers of the framework.

    The property owner original plat would have included, even by presumption that the property line would extend to the middle of the railroad tracks. This is the inheritance due the property owner who installed a (prescriptive) easement. The property owner is an individual however so by designating the sidewalk "PRIVATE" the church steps in as Mandatory Exception to the revenue code, the Rustic Hills Homeowner's Association. That is to say, all the homeowners in association enjoy access to the bike path.

    P.S. Please allow me some grace to amend and correct myself... It may be untrue to presume a property line ever reaches to the center of the railroad tracks. From the video though, I am presuming that the homeowner/HOA poured the concrete between the property line and the concrete bicycle path. I think that is important to the claim, that I am saying is true.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-16-16 at 08:38 PM.

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