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Thread: EU Holds Emergency Meeting to Discuss Donald Trump

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I think TRUMP is a capitalist, if any extreme label applies. Truth is though, I stopped watching him when he was firing people on reality TV.
    Honestly, I never watched the show--except for a portion of an episode where I was 'trapped' at someone's home for a moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    All billionaires have to be a capitalist in some form.
    Trumps tv show was no doubt unwatchable for me.
    I don't understand why billionaires work instead of enjoying life work free.
    Its not the money it must be the power.
    The idea that people having lots of money is about sitting at home and doing nothing but drugs and hookers is a myth. Having lots of money means doing something with it, managing it, managing people. Very few wealth people I know just sit around doing nothing: they do charity, plan residential developments, run a store/shop/paint company, design kit cars, teach, etc. (there is a book -> The Millionaire Next Door)

    The Liberal Whiney idea of people with money all being evil is a myth. Marxist Communism is about social market barrier on doing ANYTHING but manual labor except for a small few.

    I insist that that the communism vs capitalism is a distraction empty argument for whether public corporations hoard everything for the state or whether private corporations hoard everything for the state. The choice is Evil A or Evil B. The concealed option: natural and inherent right of freedom of exchange and trade throughout a society where equity is promoted by the state as a neutral party (i.e. where being super wealthy doesn't you can't hoard everything and oppress everyone else; having the only source of sugar in 500 miles doesn't give you a license to extort and gouge others and prostitute their daughters and where speculative trading is either highly regulated or is against the law--imagine such a society where the role of the government is restricted to promoting law and equity and conserving the peace without active involvement in trade).

    I must make it clear, I have been afforded the opportunity to see first hand that people handling billions of dollars --the sane ones--are mainly funding things like roads, bridges, charities, healthcare port upgrades--you don't necessarily know they exist but if they didn't exist you would likely know it. Not all of them are into the NWO or Dark Side Occult. People forget, that the most high has the upper hand rather than any psychopath the TV screen makes seem larger than life.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-18-16 at 09:36 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    The State of Soleterra
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

    The idea that people having lots of money is about sitting at home and doing nothing but drugs and hookers is a myth. Having lots of money means doing something with it, managing it, managing people. Very few wealth people I know just sit around doing nothing: they do charity, plan residential developments, run a store/shop/paint company, design kit cars, teach, etc. (there is a book -> The Millionaire Next Door)

    That is a generalizing statement.

    I know some children of some off the richest people in Canada that are close to 50 years old that can't do a damn thing beside washing dish's. They prefer sitting at home doing drugs remembering the days of fly to NY from Paris to have lunch on the concord and then fly back to Paris to party for the night just because they can.

    They had children them selves just to access the trust accounts because mommy and daddy were cutting them off. This person stopped paying the rent to the condo she was renting from another friend of hers because she knew the own who moved to the USA wouldn't be able to make the mortgage payments with out the rent money and then waited it out till the bank took possession and then got it on a bank sale instead of buying it from her friend in the first place. Real piece of work. Her grandma would have tea every Sunday with the prime minister.

    Then there is another friend who just refused an offer to sell his business for 80 million because he said it wasn't enough and in the same breath saying its not about the money. Then what is it about?

    While another friend who just turned 50 said I am done working. Sold the show and has 8 million in the bank and said freedom 50 here I come.

    In general what I have found out is that many super rich peoples children have some of the biggest mental health issues. Lots of them hate their mom and I think why is because mom let a nanny raise their children for them.

    Just like anything their are all sorts under that rainbow.
    Making money like the billionaires do I believe is an addiction.
    Its the only thing they know how to do.
    They don't know how to stop and smell the roses.
    They don't see the beauty of a leaf blowing in the air.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

    So thank God between SOROS and me I am the one with the God Complex!!
    Thank God indeed. Had a good laugh at that one david.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    That is a generalizing statement.
    There are SOME that are like that but not ALL.

    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    I know some children of some off the richest people in Canada that are close to 50 years old that can't do a damn thing beside washing dish's. They prefer sitting at home doing drugs remembering the days of fly to NY from Paris to have lunch on the concord and then fly back to Paris to party for the night just because they can.

    They had children them selves just to access the trust accounts because mommy and daddy were cutting them off. This person stopped paying the rent to the condo she was renting from another friend of hers because she knew the own who moved to the USA wouldn't be able to make the mortgage payments with out the rent money and then waited it out till the bank took possession and then got it on a bank sale instead of buying it from her friend in the first place. Real piece of work. Her grandma would have tea every Sunday with the prime minister.

    Then there is another friend who just refused an offer to sell his business for 80 million because he said it wasn't enough and in the same breath saying its not about the money. Then what is it about?

    While another friend who just turned 50 said I am done working. Sold the show and has 8 million in the bank and said freedom 50 here I come.

    In general what I have found out is that many super rich peoples children have some of the biggest mental health issues. Lots of them hate their mom and I think why is because mom let a nanny raise their children for them.

    Just like anything their are all sorts under that rainbow.
    Making money like the billionaires do I believe is an addiction.
    Its the only thing they know how to do.
    They don't know how to stop and smell the roses.
    They don't see the beauty of a leaf blowing in the air.
    If the parents could be described as 'thieving, immoral scum', what to expect of their children? I know of 'poor people' who exhibit just as lazy and rotten in behavior if not moreso. They lie about how much money they have and use their children (who they mistreat) to get free things, and beg of their neighbors to feed their children after spending $10,000 at a casino the night before. The issue is morality rather than money or economic class.

    There are those in 'wealthy neighborhoods' who do drugs, snort coke, are into hookers and...there are those who are abhor such things.

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    Who do you think would prefer Marxist-Communism: the good, noble, moral wealthy or the immoral, lazy, drug addicted, mentally disturbed? The good, noble and moral wealthy know the law of reaping and sowing and teach their children to be PRODUCTIVE so even if they don't have money they can still be useful to themselves and others. The lazy, immoral and drug addicted, it see,s would more likely need a very captive audience to support their "lifestyles" and they would also be motivated to steal what their noble and moral neighbors have.

    Name:  millionaire-next-door-book-review.jpg
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    I know someone who attended a very expensive, private school, he related how he found himself utterly disgusted by how dirty and messy some kids were, he would actually help the maids or custodians clean up while many others just left messes. After that, he refused to live on campus anymore. The students from poor families were messy and lazy too. Just depended on how they were raised.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-20-16 at 04:50 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #15
    The password in ones life is MORALITY not a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society.

    "a bourgeois morality" In terms of a bourgeois morality there is nothing wrong with having a mining mogul who is
    fingered as having had a word in influencing the fatal shooting of mine workers
    by the police in a cabinet society but in that same society it is considered a big crime for poor people to
    reconnect water and electricity when government switch off their taps and electricity because they are unable to pay society's BILLS . capitalism is barbarism . There,s a certain type of brain that,s easily disabled if shown a interesting problem it involuntarily drops everything else to work on it. Fixation on the difference between “moral” and “ethical” is more pronounced in their negative forms: “immoral” and “unethical.”

    As applied to a person, “immoral” conveys possible meanings (like impure, dissolute, licentious) that aren’t found in “unethical.”
    “not in accordance with the principles of ethics; conforming to the ethics of a profession, ethical” may suggest “the involvement of more difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity (‘committed to the highest ethical principles’).” Who do you think would prefer Marxist-Communism: the good, noble, moral wealthy or the immoral, lazy, drug addicted, mentally disturbed?We have roughly the same impression about these nouns and their adjectives, “moral” and “ethical are interchangeably,morals come from outside—they’re determined by the surrounding community—while ethics come from within and are determined by one’s character.War on Drugs or Marxist-Communism

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    The password in ones life is MORALITY not a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society.

    "a bourgeois morality" In terms of a bourgeois morality there is nothing wrong with having a mining mogul who is
    fingered as having had a word in influencing the fatal shooting of mine workers
    by the police in a cabinet society but in that same society it is considered a big crime for poor people to
    reconnect water and electricity when government switch off their taps and electricity because they are unable to pay society's BILLS . capitalism is barbarism . There,s a certain type of brain that,s easily disabled if shown a interesting problem it involuntarily drops everything else to work on it. Fixation on the difference between “moral” and “ethical” is more pronounced in their negative forms: “immoral” and “unethical.”

    As applied to a person, “immoral” conveys possible meanings (like impure, dissolute, licentious) that aren’t found in “unethical.”
    “not in accordance with the principles of ethics; conforming to the ethics of a profession, ethical” may suggest “the involvement of more difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity (‘committed to the highest ethical principles’).” Who do you think would prefer Marxist-Communism: the good, noble, moral wealthy or the immoral, lazy, drug addicted, mentally disturbed?We have roughly the same impression about these nouns and their adjectives, “moral” and “ethical are interchangeably,morals come from outside—they’re determined by the surrounding community—while ethics come from within and are determined by one’s character.War on Drugs or Marxist-Communism
    Notable Marxist-Communists themselves have said that 'state capitalism' is 'communism'. An important question is why should resources of a land be hoarded or controlled by any one group? Consider this model: Capitalism = resources hoarded by a few private concerns and Communism = resources hoarded by public concerns. What's wrong with small to medium sized farms and small to medium sized business operations? A society's right to free trade and exchange would necessarily require access to resources, equipment and the like. If someone says "well I dont want to do anything to benefit your society unless I can make ridiculously large profits off of it". If they aren't interested in reasonable profit and the greater good, who needs them?

    What is wrong with resources being distributed among small-to-medium sized business rather than hoarded by conglomerates? There is a major distinction between capitalism and organic free trade and exchange among members of a society. One is a resource control paradigm, the other is speaks of natural necessity and order.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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