Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
Interesting about CAMERON and his films; his affinity for the "class struggle" doctrine as presented by the works of Karl MARX is subtle but present.

It goes without saying that Hollywood is rife with Leftist, Secularist, Humanist, etc. types who use the platform to propagandize while entertaining mostly unsuspecting crowds. It's no wonder those who adhere to such ideals would participate in falsely branding Jesus The Christ with the ridiculous accusations depicted in BLOODLINE and DAVINCI CODE.


The medium is the perfect tool for the infiltration of these evil ideologies into a society so as to break down the traditional values, faiths and beliefs which sustain a people who prefer to get their moral compass and clarity from a Greater Source.

Marxist Overtones in Three Films by James Cameron

Decent article.
I was in your camp for a few decades of my life. Now it seems rediculous to accuse God of anything, like he is not where you are at, the accuser - much less of necromancy and reanimation. It seems so unnatural to conjure up such extraordinary one-time events.